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Does status change how girls perceive you physically

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Tbh I've never cared how much money a girl makes , how deep our conversations are , how intelligent she is, her career, extrovertedness, social circle. Really my only criteria is beauty and being nice. I see these rappers that are so ugly but get all these girls and I always wonder how they have sex with these guys , yes they're famous but when ur in bed alone how do you make out with a dude that hideous . For example most men would never sleep with an unattractive woman just because she's famous. 

Can status literally change how women see a man physically , almost like an alcohol effect. Or do they still find the guy physically unnatractive but like the status. Like for example Charles Bukowski was a genius and great man but he was awful to look at , yet he had all these beautiful women when he was famous and before when he was unknown he had none. But if a woman were to get famous I don't think men would wanna hang out with her and sleep with her if she's ugly , the same way if a woman is broke and dumb if she's hot men will still chase her. 


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2 hours ago, patricknotstar said:

Tbh I've never cared how much money a girl makes , how deep our conversations are , how intelligent she is, her career, extrovertedness, social circle. Really my only criteria is beauty and being nice.


Man and womans reproductive survival strategies are not the same. This is what you need to understand. You only care about beauty and being nice because those qualities for 1000s of years meant the difference between your male ancestors offspring surviving or not surviving.

Man and woman are fundamentally attracted to different things. There is some overlap but at a core level their survival strategies are different, this is hardwired into man and woman through 1000s of years of sexual reproduction.

2 hours ago, patricknotstar said:

Tbh I've never cared how much money a girl makes , how deep our conversations are , how intelligent she is, her career, extrovertedness, social circle. 


Your not a woman. Woman care about these things because for 1000s of years if they could not find a man who demonstrated these qualities, it could mean the difference between her offspring surviving and having her Gene's past onto the next generation or not. 

Man and woman have for 1000s of years played out very different roles in the world which has led to very hardwired core sexual reproductive strategies being very different. 

No matter how sophisticated, modern, free thinking, independent, liberal and progressive we think the world we live in today is, attraction is still attraction.

What attracted women 10,000 years ago is still pretty much the qualities that attracts them today.

'Fame' /status gives men a lot of social proof to women that they possess qualities that they are deeply attracted too.  It doesn't have quite the same effect for men though as we are wired differently.

Edited by Spence94

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Ye there's a halo effect around attractive people. Status being something is attractive thus generates a halo effect.

The halo effect works by making everything about that person be reflected more positively in the eyes of the attracted.


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For me its about the overall qualities that will make you attracted to someone. Basically you do like an overall evaluation of all the traits where some of them will have more value than others. I am just speaking from personal experience myself and other girls I have talked to, and from what I have noticed being someone with good social and financial status is very attractive.

It literally gives you a sense of stability which the feminine values a lot. Protection as well.  In my own reasoning, has to do with your inner world (very emotional) which polarizes when there is a sense of security. Also evolutionary speaking it's literally how we evolved. Doesn't mean you as a girl cant be stable, and socially/financially successful but if you are, of course you will want your partner to be at least of your same status. It does matter. 

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It will play a big role but also don’t think because a reasonably popular rapper has good looking chicks in his music videos that he is sleeping with girls you would wanna be with. Some of those chicks are groupies and would not be the kinda women you want in your life. Try to expand your world view in general on dating, women, and what makes you attractive. 

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