
Ketamine Assisted Therapy - Your take?

8 posts in this topic

I know its not anywhere close to a breakthrough classic psychedelic so i'm not comparing it. However it does seem to have some proven results if taken in the right set and setting combined with therapy.

What is your take?

Any personal experience?

Any advice?

Thanks guys. 

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The data shows that it does wonders for depression, or in some cases just straight up cures it.  Possibly more effective than psilocybin. 

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I wonder if it is so helpful why isn't it more popular?? were talking about an FDA approved Psychedelic!


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2 hours ago, OneIntoOne said:

I wonder if it is so helpful why isn't it more popular?? were talking about an FDA approved Psychedelic!


Social stigma is pretty powerful. It takes time for it to fade.

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I was considering it a couple years ago when I had issues with depression. I read some feedback from people who did it and some claimed it worked far better than any other legal medical options in the U.S. for depression. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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6 hours ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

The data shows that it does wonders for depression, or in some cases just straight up cures it.  Possibly more effective than psilocybin. 

You also have to do it more frequently and continous to keep the positive effects unlike psilocybin. Just something to note.

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