
Fuckboy apologized to me. Does he mean it?

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1 hour ago, Loving Radiance said:

This thread is very informational for me because I was on the other side of the end. Very much the same situation. No worries @somegirl, I'm not your ex cause I am not from Serbia :D

Leo told me not to be gulliable so I don't know :D 

1 hour ago, Loving Radiance said:

It can be the case that he hurt you because he was desperate for sexual attention. And that desperate part can be stuck at child development which can make it narcissistic. Narcissistic behavior could explain the apology.

Well, he told me he got his heart broken in his previous long-term relationship and that made him not care about commitment and relationships altogether. 

1 hour ago, Loving Radiance said:

What did help you process your feelings and heal your heart?


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8 minutes ago, somegirl said:

Leo told me not to be gulliable so I don't know :D

Gullible isn't even in dictionaries according to the opening quote of the Leo's scam video ;) (hint: the opening quote is a scam itself haha)

11 minutes ago, somegirl said:

his heart broken in his previous long-term relationship and that made him not care about commitment and relationships altogether

That's sad to hear, I can understand him.

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7 hours ago, somegirl said:

He didn't reach out to me during these 2 years because I was already in a new relationship trying to move on. And he was aware I was in a relationship so he didn't want to interfere.

It would have been just an apology not an interfere. Why would you need to wait to give your apology?

If you truly feel apologetic, then you shouldn't wait with it imo. The fact that he reached out to you now, is kind of sus.

Also with the time passing by, you will see if he is truly apologetic or not. If he tries to move on you in a few weeks, it will mean that he is just playing games with you.

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5 hours ago, somegirl said:

He actually explained why. He told me that the reason he would totally forget about me after our "dates" is because he felt pressure to say something. And when he feels pressure he just runs away from it. Like, he doesn't want to have any commitments/pressure in life cause he doesn't know how to deal with it. Which is why he doesn't want a relationship in tbe first place. He said "You're right, that part wasn't right, sorry if I seemed careless, it's because I felt pressure."

It's good that he can reflect on it but at the same time did he address how exactly he is trying to heal/ deal with this issue? if not, it's probably more of an excuse than a reason. 

And ngl, the whole iT'S toO mUCh PrEsSUre feels like a classic fuckboy line. 

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@somegirl fucking walk. This ain’t the father of your kids. Move on. Don’t waste your time. Life is too short to waste your time on this. 

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8 hours ago, somegirl said:

He said "You're right, that part wasn't right, sorry if I seemed careless, it's because I felt pressure."

Also, on a lighter note, this reminded me of something: 

Just watch the part from 3:04-3:18 lmaoooo

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Either he was horny or something like that and wanted to reach out, or he has actually grown and is sincere in his apology.

Hard to tell sometimes. 


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@soos_mite_ah lool that video...

Well only time will tell.

I told him that it shouldn't be a pressure for you but you should contact people you've been sleeping with out of human decency. Doesn't mean if we're not officially together that he has a free ticket to treat me like a doll.

I for now forgave him but will see what happens. I am in a safe zone now because I moved on anyway.

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On 2022-04-07 at 9:04 AM, somegirl said:

P.S. I do not have feelings for him. I made this thread because I was curious if people like him are truly able to feel sorry for hurting someone in the past. Or does he just want to try to sleep with me this time.

It could be both or it could only be that he wants to try and sleep with you. But, in each condition, him wanting to sleep with you is part of it. So just be conscious of that. And yes, I can imagine he must be attractive because otherwise you would have blocked him after the first mistake! 

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On 4/5/2022 at 6:01 AM, somegirl said:

Well it's kinda funny that Leo made a video just now about how not to be scammed, cheated, exploited...

Background story - this guy is a classic fuckboy and hurt me a lot when I was still in love with him. I opened up my heart to him one day and said I cannot keep seeing him because I want commitment, but he didn't. I was being honest and fair.

However he kept doing what he wanted with me and kept hurting me (I don't know if it was intentional or did he simply not care) until I finally decided I deserve more and cut him out of my life completely. Didn't even want to say hi to him on the street.

After 2 years of us not talking, last friday he sent me a message. He asked me why I cut him out. I was pretty cold and rude towards him when talking but I told him a few situations which made me feel used and not cared about and... To my surprise he said sorry and he felt bad. He said that was the last thing he wanted -to see me broken and he doesn't like hurting people just because he leads this "specific lifestyle". He said he only remembers good stuff when he sees me. 

It warmed my heart to see that he felt sorry. After all, I suffered deeply because of his lack of consideration for my feelings back then.

I said that it was okay. But in the back of my mind, I am still not sure what he wants from me. Is he truly sorry and has has good intentions. Or is he just being malicious and wants to use me again like he did when I was younger.

Hey there you wonderful woman you. :)

I don't have as much dating experience so I can't give you pragmatic dating advice. I am however a human being so I can give you intellectual advice. I advice you to utilize one of the most beautiful and underrated sources of human wisdom, Literature! :) Literature is S.H.E., Significant Human Experience. :) 

I invite you to imagine yourself as a protagonist in a well written romantic comedy. I think you'll see that this guy would feel like the asshole that you're not meant to be with. :) The guy you're meant to be with wouldn't hurt you to the extent that that asshole did. :) 

I also invite you to consider this quote: "Save your heart for someone that's worth dying for! Don't give it away!" - Mayday Parade :) 

If he's not worth dying for, and he seems like an asshole, kick him out of your life. :) 

You want commitment right? I don't think he will be able to give that to you. You are the prize okay? Don't settle. Save your heart for someone that's worth dying for! Don't give it away! :) 

If you want more thoughts from me, just say so here in this forum okay? :) 

Leo would say most of the time being higher consciousness is about being courageous and not being a doormat. :) Don't let this asshole walk all over you ever again!

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