
My Opinion On Free Will

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Ego self- 0% free will- It feels obligated to do certain things. It has an illusion of free will. 

True self-100% free will- It can surrender to life so it has lots of creative potential. It knows it creates its own reality. 

Along my earlier journey, I felt like I "had" to do things. As my awareness rises I don't feel like that anymore. I realize that I created my whole reality. 

We need money to put food on the table, but other than that, we can do whatever the fuck we want. Everything else is just a cultural construct. It's made up by people who want to protect their ego. We feel "have" to do things because we are affected by other egos. lmao 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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May be, but important factor is when one believes that they are a doer - pride guilt and shame may storm in, which are the seeds of story mode suffering.

We have to be aware of the naughty seeds free will comes with.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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I have a theory: I see our human experience as a bunch of events that pop in and out of reality that have an impact on the next event that pops up. Our awareness includes one foot in the experience of the event, and the other foot in the void which is where experience arises and falls away. so this creates little micro gaps in between events. We have the power to influence the next arising phenomenological events that arise from the void prior to it expressing itself. On the macro level, classical physics still apply, which is why we can't shift these macro physical properties with our mind, but we can shift easily our mental properties which in turn, shifts the classical physical world in time. Thus we have the deterministic world and the free will interplaying between each other. The deterministic being the expression rising and falling, and the free will being the gaps in between these expressions. Does anyone think that this explanation is similar to other more mature, better written or communicated theories out there? 

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@Deep My theory is that it ultimately doesn't exist and the question is based on false assumptions, but relatively as you said, you gain more control the more aware you become.

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6 hours ago, Kserkkj said:

the question is based on false assumptions

what do you mean by false assumptions? 

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Ego self- 0% free will- It feels obligated to do certain things.

Having no free will is not being obligated to do things, like you only did your home work because you had to.


No free will would include everything, things you love doing and hate. But the whole process of action is more like a deluded robot, who thinks they are making choices, where there was none.

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16 hours ago, Kserkkj said:

You assume there's an entity that exists to possess free will, the question is based on false assumptions.

you can't deny the reality of agency and our subjective experience. we are alive single entities and if you deny this you are denying your own existence. yes, we are interconnected by void and awareness, but we shouldn't gloss over the obvious fact that we are separated by division of conscious subjectivity and agency. 

the problem is both determinism and freewill are both riddled with issues. if it was 100% deterministic then it means all future would be written for us, and it also implies that we should accept no responsibility for our actions. So, that's why I think when you put the two together, to make a hybrid of the two, they seem to mesh nicely and they describe different parts of the same elephant. 

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