Leo is Not Consistent

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Leo generally speaking is not consistent or at least that's my understanding and interpretation so far. 

I won't linger on the promises he makes about part 2 videos that he does not fullfill. I wasn't expecting a part 2 video about Conflict and It came true.. If you can see a pattern, you can predict the future. 

What's more important is the claims Leo made in this video below. He talks about that if you became really conscious then you could manifest anything you want bc reality is ultimately fantastical. Also he makes claims about healing. 

I haven't seen Leo demonstrating healing his health yet. And on other occasions he has said how we have no control over Reality. And that even Ramana couldn't heal himself so what chances do we have lol. 

Im really confused.^_^

When I take psychedelics I also feel that I can control reality. Maybe this holds some truth. I don't know. Its sad that we are God but we have 0 power and live as puppets.

Anyways I hope Leo was more consistent with his views. But its understandable that he is evolving and makes mistakes and outrageous claims along the way. I just wonder if he still agrees with his past claims or not. 

On one hand Leo seems to support possibilities where you can download people's abilities, heal your illnesses and manipulate reality and on the other hand, he seems dismissive of such ideas. 


Edited by SQAAD

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You guys still watch these click-bait videos?

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Truth is that you are God. As God, you are all powerful. Also, you are infinitely intelligent. You are exactly how you want to be. You never made an error. Your illness is what you currently want to experience. Your limited human identity is what you currently want to experience. If you wanted to be Michael Jordan now, you could be it in an instant. But currently you want to be SQUAAD. You LOVE being SQUAAD, that's why you're here. You LOVE being Leo, that's why you're here. If you wanted something else, nothing is stopping you.

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The experience of being limited is manifested by Consciousness.

The same way Odysseus ordered his sailors to plug their ears with beeswax and tie him to the mast, so the Sirens songs won't make them steer the ship towards their doom, Consciousness creates limitations to "enable" the game of life.

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Maybe part of the confusion comes from relying too much on Leo’s understanding to fill in for your own. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Grandiose delusions. No one has magical healing powers. Although spontaneous healings can happen in some cases and are well documented in medical literature. But no one is going to manifest any superpowers, if Leo really beliefs that he is just delusional. 

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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I've brought this up many times.  Leo ignores.  He does not admit even the possibility of fault, or validity of alternate views.

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@vizual  maybe you are right ;) but what anyone else besides our self believes or doesn't believe is none of our business.

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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@Michael Jackson

10 hours ago, Michael Jackson said:

Truth is that you are God. As God, you are all powerful. Also, you are infinitely intelligent. You are exactly how you want to be. You never made an error. Your illness is what you currently want to experience. Your limited human identity is what you currently want to experience. If you wanted to be Michael Jordan now, you could be it in an instant. But currently you want to be SQUAAD. You LOVE being SQUAAD, that's why you're here. You LOVE being Leo, that's why you're here. If you wanted something else, nothing is stopping you.

I am open to such possibilities but that is not my experience. 

My direct experience is that I have zero control over Reality. 

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5 hours ago, thisintegrated said:

I've brought this up many times.  Leo ignores.  He does not admit even the possibility of fault, or validity of alternate views.

We are blind to our own blind spots. But other people can really notice things about ourselves that we ignore lol. It's shocking how this works.

It's easier for someone else to see my bs than for me. 

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Absolute perspective:

You as the ego always have 0 control.

You as God are doing everything (100% control).


Relative perspective:

The ego has some control and some power to change reality. This can be increased, for example by increasing your psychic power or by reaching radically high states of consciousness. 

An advanved lucid dreamer has full control over the dream. This is obviously also possible here, because this is also a dream. It's just far more difficult in this dream because this dream has different dream rules. It's vibrationally denser.

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He may have issues in life which we certainly don’t know about , that may be the reasons about his videos inconsistency. 
about his healing: becoming conscious of a thing and applying that thing are two very different things ……. Leo becoming conscious of his abilities do not necessarily mean that he can use his abilities for such a purpose…..

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6 hours ago, SQAAD said:

But other people can really notice things about ourselves that we ignore lol. It's shocking how this works.

This may sound like I’m in some sort of Leo cult or whatever , but I think that Leo recognises his blind spots well , even in his videos he talks about his problems sometimes. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if he admits his mistakes , what is more important is that he knows about them and makes a path correction, and if you have seen Leo for many years , you will realise that once he know , he surely makes a path correction 

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Such is life when you're alternating in and out of a psychedelic regimen, I suppose. Not only are there things he has potentially reconsidered and run back, but there are also things that he may have made the decision to shield in fear of the danger associated with it. I think there are probably more interesting reasons related to the way his character and outlook have developed over time that would explain these inconsistencies better than just calling Leo inconsistent. 

Edited by The Rainmaker

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4 hours ago, Meliodas said:

This may sound like I’m in some sort of Leo cult or whatever , but I think that Leo recognises his blind spots well , even in his videos he talks about his problems sometimes. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if he admits his mistakes , what is more important is that he knows about them and makes a path correction, and if you have seen Leo for many years , you will realise that once he know , he surely makes a path correction 

I think you are idolizing Leo and putting him on a pedestal. That's a huge trap. 

I've fallen into this trap myself with figures such as the Buddha. Even the Buddha seems he was a bit misogynistic and who knows what others defects he had. 

Everyone is extremely limited. There are many blind spots we cannot see about ourselves. Everyone acknowledges some of their blind spots. That does not mean that much. 

He has not made a serious path correction regarding his bad attitude at times in the forum. He keeps repeating the same mistake for the last 3 years.

And his cockiness is evident at times. That is the trap when you are well developed. You begin feeling superior. I think this happens to all people who become better then average. 

Certainly he is more developed and conscious than most people you are gonna meet.

But i haven't met a perfect human being nor do I expect such a thing. It would take 2000 years of personal development and spirituality to create such a creature. 

Everyone is fearful, egotistical and petty. But not to the same degrees. Progress is better than Perfection. 


Edited by SQAAD

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24 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

I think you are idolizing Leo and putting him on a pedestal. That's a huge trap. 

Look , believe it or not like I said I am not idolising Leo.

I know very well that he is not perfect and nobody rarely is.

25 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

And his cockiness is evident at times

But you should notice you are only talking about his personality. Be it Buddha or Leo , to only look at their personalities it is a fatal mistake . Of course as they are human they would have their own unique personality, which of course will have flaws because personality itself is subject to many things.(the times we live in , our family, environment etc.). Leo seems cocky , you are right about that one , but what to do with it ? I don’t think it’s a big deal . I only watch Leo and content for his insights , which I can inculcate into my own life and I don’t give a damn about his personality. For me Leo is just like another book, just for the sake of information….

we here are not for idolising or demonising, but for collective self actualization isn’t it ? Isn’t that the  purpose of this forum ? So that we can help each other with self actualization.

Leo’s value is not in his personality but his content and insights , personally that’s what I take away from him.

when a man is showing you the moon with his finger , don’t miss all the heavenly glory for the insignificant finger  of the one who is showing .

about his healing thing : I don’t think that is a good reason to pin him down because personally I don’t think he has that kind of stability that he could pull it off right now at least.of course I am just assuming and I could be wrong . But consider my perspective.


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Perhaps the case is that you are not God.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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