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If evil doesn't exist, why being Good then?

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I have my own answers to this question, but it would be amazing hearing your take on this topic @Leo Gura and I think it's a question that many newbies to non-duality might find interesting. It's a catchy title too.

These are some of my insights on the matter:

  1. There are no others, what you do to others you do to yourself. And at the moment of death you will become conscious that everything bad you have done to others you have actually done to yourself, which isn't an easy realization to swallow. Imagine how Hitler might have felt once he realized that everything he did, he did it to himself.
  2. Evil doesn't exist, but if you treat others poorly you are going to pay the consequences.
  3. Being evil always has a price to pay, no dictator has ever escaped paying the consequences of his actions.
  4. Being evil is just being unconscious, just like keeping your hand on a flame and hoping not to get burned.
  5. One has to be Good for its own sake, there is no other reason to be Good other than for it's own sake. Being evil is just being stupid, it doesn't make sense when you achieve a certain degree of consciousness.
  6. At low states of consciousness, it might appear that being evil is useful to achieve your own goals, when, in reality, Goodness is always more efficient and powerful. 
  7. Love is consciousness and evil is unconsciousness. God being the highest form of intelligence always chooses Love. 

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