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A Fellow Lighter

Living in the Light

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So this thread won't be anything like my other journal (The Light) where I sorta just implode in my random thoughts and feelings in the most authentic way I know I can. Yeah, this won't be that kinda place for me.

Here I'll be logically laying out my experiences and lessons I'm getting from engaging consciously with spirituality. I'll be doing a lot of reflecting and revelation-writing: talking about my awakenings and the most enlightening experiences.

Also, the title of this thread is in fact inspired by the work of Shakti Gawain whose book, ‘Living in the Light - A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation’, I had quite recently stumbled upon and find myself really resonating with. It's really the most random and yet perfect-timing kind of thing for me to have come across that book, but I won't say too much.

So, basically this thread is about the shifting of my view of reality - the way I see the world to be - so maybe just reality itself, into a world of more clarity and more power and more life. I'll be recording my shifts in consciousness, permanent or temporary, and just noting down the impacts like how it's affecting me and how it's reflecting in the way I live my life.

So yeah, enjoy.

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The World is my Mind

I'm sorry, I don't know how else to phrase that title but it's literally just how perceive everything now, though it comes and goes, mostly here though when I'm calm enough. What I'm talking about is me perceiving myself typing on the keyboard on the screen of my cellphone as though the intelligence of my smart phone is in fact my own personal intelligence. Like every gadget, every tool and technology is only an extension of my intelligence, my mind. And it's not like I'm thinking about it like “Ahhuh, it's all me. Yup.” No, it's literally what I see happening, like if someone told me that this phone has its own physicality to it, it's own sub-gadgets and software that would come off as unusually off and distorted to me: it's just impossible to me that this phone is generating anything like the words on the screen or the sounds it supposedly makes or the light, like anything. 

But, taking this on a broader level, hoping the phone-example helps you understand, the whole world as I perceive it is, in fact, my mind. The various intelligence that one supposedly finds in the world is really only my intelligence. Apart from my intelligence, the world is without finitude or any form - it's infinite and inconceivable. But it's still there, somehow, existing sorta like a very vague idea - an idea without a picture, and yet very much still there and real, or yet to be made real.. I don't know. The weird thing is that I know how it's not independent of me, like anywhere I go I'm taking it with me. Huh 

It's just too unconventional to explain. But like.. it's as though.. without me - the world is without matter, it's like completely devoid of all matter: no material, no light to reflect off a material, no sound, no touch and no sign of any kind of design or intelligence. I am it's intelligence, which is weird 'cause I grew up thinking I had to be as smart as the world in order to understand it, and now it's like, all the smartness is radiating off of your body/mind: like my body is the only software of all devices, it's only a matter of taming the flame - being sentient about it. 

But, it's funny because it also makes sense for me seeing how I could like tune out everything and everyone around me as if their not there. Like I always wondered where that skill came from. Like one time, my siblings were right outside my bedroom door making noise during playtime and, because I was trying to meditate, I completely tuned them out - realising after moments when they were done playing that it was as though they'd completely vanished.. like just how it was silent. Yeah, I knew they were there, playing, but at the same time it was like just this idea in my head that my siblings are right outside my bedroom door playing whatever noisy game they were playing. So yeah, it kinda makes sense for me.

I'd always thought the light enables me, turns out I enable it.. in a loopish way, I'm sorry if this is too confusing to get. But as long as I get it I don't particularly feel sorry about it ?

So now I'm trying to incorporate this into day-to-day, moment-to-moment, life. Curious as to see how that will reflect in the way I conduct myself in the world. Lol.. the world which is technically my head. ???

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I'm an instrument of creation. Literally, I am a world maker. But the only way for me to realise my potential is for me to stay true to myself - my vibration, and what it means to be me. The importance of this I sincerely cannot express. But I can feel it, and somehow I can see it. It's as though life is literally one big test - a test of will - for everyone. The test is to stay true to yourself: live your truth. And watch what you say, everything uttered is what you speak into existence. If you say that life is evil, then you've chosen your stand with the agents of chaos. If you say life is beautiful then you've chosen your stand with the agents of light. Watch your mouth, only say what you mean, and always mean what you say. It's the only way to realise your potential as a world maker, regardless of whether that world is a heaven or hell. 

Edited by A Fellow Lighter

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I've been confusing myself for the delicate tool.

Who I am, or what I am, is definitely not the body nor is it mind nor spirit.

What I am is not the person inhabiting the world - what I am is the world.

I am the world, the light, the creation creating itself, that very duality that is also nondual. And I've been confusing myself for the instrument of creation, the mechanism, the intelligence that is my supposed body. But the whole world is my body, everything is my body, everybody is my body.

So what does this mean for me now? Well, I've always said that knowledge is only ever the knowledge of Knowledge, that is to say that the knowledge of anything is the knowledge of Knowledge. So now that I have identified myself with the world, this means that the knowledge of the world is the knowledge of one's self. No matter the condition, no matter the vibration, I Am forever.

What does it mean on a personal level? Well I am expecting some shift in behaviour as I've witnessed in my past awakenings. But one thing this does mean is that no more looking for fulfilment in the future or the past, my meal is now the present moment. It has also occurred to me that all my desires are but one desire, and that is the desire of more and more awareness. Literally all of them: nutritional; experimental; sensual; etc.

On a world-maker level, this awakening means that everything I do I can only do out of love, meaning I should expect nothing in return. This ties back to living off the present moment, I am to seek fulfilment only from myself since I am the only being as the world itself. The idea of me dissolving with the fabric of the universe also comes to mind, but I don't want to have to force it, I feel as though it should happen naturally as I raise my vibration through the behaviour change.

The instrument is most certainly delicate. I can now see how the shape of the world, or should I say myself, is linked to the organism. It's the intelligence of the world: the eyes; the ears; the limbs; and everything else - it's all intelligence. And the intelligence evolves as the soul of the world (me) grows in awareness. 

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I've been learning more about energy centres, how they're charged moment-to-moment by waves of intelligent energy, and how their function is force-field orientated.

Consciousness and the World are one thing. Consciousness is a field of intelligent energy. This field is stationed by a frequency. It is not the solidity of matter we're interacting with, but it is rather the forces of a frequency that we're doing Work with.

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The energy centres have something like a magnetic field about them, each field strengthened by the charge they receive. These fields are capable of both expansion and suspension - their field sizes are not necessarily equal. 

Expanded or suspended fields can both mean restoration or distortion of vibrational frequency. The key is balance. These energy centres work in relation to and congruence with the mind/body/spirit instrument.

The body-instrumental is a streaming device of intelligent energy, acting as a receptor to the energy-waves. The spirit-instrumental is a tuning device of the vibration that offers a certain/peculiar band of intelligent energy. And finally, the mind-instrumental is a broadcasting device, acting as a the transmitter of the energy-waves. 


The energy centres and the mind/body/spirit instrument have a correlation that is essential to one's consciousness. I'll expand on this later.

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There is an immense power about us that society has had us tune out from, but it is still there. It is the power of creation. And this power is vibration. 

You're doing it right now.. vibrating. Just pay attention to your body, to your mind, to your spirit. You are oscillating, going around and around in circles, you're doing it with your thoughts, your actions and your feelings. You're living your life in cycles, in patterns that do not necessarily bind you, but you abide to them. It's not a rational thing.. you sticking with these patterns.. it's not an intellectual decision.. it's solely spiritual.. it is the force not of mind nor body but spirit. And you'll not realise this (only conceptualise it) unless you have a spiritual awakening.

Society doesn't teach you of this power because it wants to harness for its own good. It would rather have you ignorant of it so that you feel like you don't have much choice but adhering to the system. See, everything in this world is stationed by a frequency. What do you suppose produces this frequency? Vibration. There is nothing else. Everything that you do ultimately creates a vibration. Only the sensitive are aware of this. The sensitive and the spiritually woke. The mass remains oblivious to this power. And I don't use the word “Power” superficially, I literally mean that vibration is actual power.

Vibration is the power of creation because it produces frequency. Everything has a frequency to it, a certain tone to it, and a certain energy field. These are all products of vibration. And all of this one can directly learn from paying attention to one's body and mind. The body is the intelligence of the self. 

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