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the ACC FB group seems pretty hostile to the provoked urine test, can anyone direct me to how I can interpret it? The lab analysis seems quite useless.

I've taken the equivalent of a round of DMSA 25 at once, sampled it over the next two days while also directly doing my first round. I've done all the research and all the symptoms are there, mostly cognitive.

Side effects during and off round were there, mostly sluggishness, intense tiredness, but also glimpses of euphoria and bliss. So i'll definitely keep doing it.

If anyone has experience it would be greatly appreciated. Seems like Aluminum (72 ug/g), Chrome (0.9ug/g), Nickel (4.54 ug/g) are high, not sure about the Mercury (1.1 ug/g).

Thanks Leo for sharing this stuff, and anyone who can help.


Edited by caveman

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You are not really going to get a whole lot of information from just doing rounds with 25mg. Really all you are going to know is if you are excreting the metals. Which if you are taking a chelation agent it shouldn't be a problem. 

You are not going to know how much metals ae in your body unless you get an autopsy. So while a provoked urine test might be the best estimator it isn't really going to be that accurate. It sounds like you are going to do it anyway, so I don't see much benefit of doing the test.

If you are curious you could take some samples if you decide to do higher doses and compare them later on similar rounds.

No offence, but your post makes it sound like you have not done much research on this. I am glad at the you are not starting out with some sort of crazy dosage. I would recommend buying Andy Cutlers book The Mercury Detoxification Manual and reading that if you have not. 

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