
Not even basic shit together! Where to start?

21 posts in this topic

It seems I'm in a very similar situation: 29, haven't had a job much longer than 3 months, relationships/sex not there much, good in academics, depression/anxiety a lot, etc.. Just feeling like the basics are a struggle and to just get to a point of stability by myself (without relying/being dependent on others/family/etc., in a sense of like, not saying dependence is a bad thing necessarily, but that it could be necessary depending where you are, like if you are in a really shitty state and need to depend on others... but that at some point you/peeps need to develop out of that to independence to not be reliant on others... at least for the basics n stuff...)



Diane Musho Hamilton discussed how stability is actually a developmental milestone.  and how it's actually, for some people, the path forward.  Obviously after that comes like the part about exploring and expanding and taking chances etc... but for many I think it's a good place to aim for.  And even some, myself included, seem to feel some struggle getting there long-term. 

But ya...

Good to know others feel similar and seem to be experiencing similar difficulties.  

Just cuz it's a struggle don't mean you broke.  Just maybe an individual-environment fittedness thing. 


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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