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Authenticity Vs Efffectiveness?

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In a sense when I'm being authentic, most of the times I'm not being effective. I authentically want a particular result in people but the way I go about is pretty inauthentic.

It really is a dirty thing, maneuvering your way, making sure you're not hurting the other person's ego and trying to keep him interested, you're showing more reasonableness than you think is reasonable. Trying to listen to bullshit that you just want to lash against.

What should one do?

Should one pursue authenticity in life if one cares about effectiveness/impact so much?

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Your question can't be answered because you're framing it on the false assumption that one can either choose authenticity or choose to be effective. They are not at odds. 

What is your definition of authenticity exactly?

So are you telling me that who you truly are is at its root, ineffective? Do you think everyone's authentic self is ineffective, or are you telling yourself that it just so happens that YOUR authentic self uniquely has no impact?

Authenticity is by nature effective because it's free from bullshit. It is direct, honest and collaborative. It sounds like the problem here is that you are looking at certain 'ego' behaviors and labeling them as your inauthentic self; then, after stripping or suppressing those behaviors, you're looking at what's left and you're assuming that is your authentic self, when really that is just yet another layer of subtle identity. Perhaps you're mistaken in thinking that is your authentic self because you haven't examined hard enough yet. 

It also sounds like impact and effectiveness are a core value to you; does that not mean they are a part of your authentic self? Why can you not work towards cultivating those qualities without labeling that process as inauthentic?  

Edited by Arman

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