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Why Girls Hate Other Girls

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So this topic was coming up in another setting and I was trying to put some ideas behind the phenomenon.. Here are some of my guesses.  Please add if you can think of any.

Possible reasons for why girls hate other girls:

-we need to keep other girls away from our man and children to maintain the family unit as separate from others so that the father stays with our kids and our kids stay with us.  we don't want another woman stealing our man to be her partner or taking our children away to mother them herself

-so that we don’t want to have a sexual relation with each other so that we are attracted to men for reproductive purposes

-because our parents or a parent had a preference for boys and so we hate and suppress our femininity because we want to be liked by our parent(s)

-because society deems boys better intellectually

-because we have self hate, insecurity, and anger we project that onto other girls and we are also jealous/envious of other girls, which we relate to more than boys

-because we are using black and white thinking and just focusing on hate but are not looking at love and other nuances

-because we lack social skills, communication, relationship skills; we haven't learned to deal with our triggers; school doesn't teach relationship skills

-because girls are either overly sensitive or overly insensitive and they can jump back from one mode to the next

-because girls are our competition for finding a mate to reproduce with or partner to be with

-because that is the story we tell ourselves

-because certain personality types and certain values clash with each other

-because girls don't like being told by other girls what to do; we want to figure it out for ourselves and live how we want to live

-because we don't like to admit when we are worse than other girls and having them be better than us is a risk to our own survival when they can outcompete us for both men, jobs, and resources for our family/children/selves

-because we think of ourselves as better than the other girls and find faults in them and would rather argue than work together

-because we don't respect other girls partly because we don't respect ourselves and partly because we don't understand our differences between each other

-because we don't have good role models for what healthy female to female relationships look like

-because we have had bad experience after bad experience with girls but have not had this many bad experiences with boys and may get along better with boys than girls (in context, boys and girls may be incentivized to learn to function better together because of reproductive benefits)

-because girls are emotional and putting them all in the room together can be a chaotic, emotional mess sometimes

-because girls may focus on drama and gossip and not take responsibility for things; take the victim mindset; because we are bad at forgiveness

-because we would rather talk than listen and care more about our own ideas than the ideas of others which is hard because relationships need both listening and speaking

-because our brains may tend to be more similarly wired and bodies more similarly built than men so it makes more sense to compare oneself with other women than other men

some of these could be inaccurate but I was just typing whatever popped into my head... also they won't necessarily apply to everyone and will depend on the situation and person/group

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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Just to add my two cents. In my view, women operate in life based on two basic emotions: Fear & Jealousy.

Fear drives women in the dating market (outside league), and jealousy drives women between each other (same league).

Both of these emotions are interconnected and they feedback into each other in a loop because there's no real separation between the two leagues. Women rank each other based on beauty and other values from the same league, but also on values from the outside league like landing a hot high value man. For men, there's a parallel model, but it's very similar (exact same structure).

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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@PepperBlossoms  Nice list. It does make sense on some level, given how more emotional females are, and an emotion like jealousy for example is much more amplified in women vs in men.

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From what I know about the Universe. Female energy is the negative energy, male is the positive one. Yin Yang.

Perhaps because of this.


That's why in any collective I have worked at, women were constantly seeking problems (usually with other women), while men just wanted peace and no drama in their lives.

But I love their drama to some extent. It makes the world go around. It shows me it is alive.

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