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itachi uchiha

looking for the migtow community

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where can i find migtow community. reddit removed them.does anyone here know where they are located

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No, but the closest thing you'll find is -

 Be prepared though.

Edited by ZenAlex

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5 minutes ago, ZenAlex said:

No, but the closest thing you'll find is -

 Be prepared though.

Are incels highly toxic

Does an incel with  posetive atittude towards life exist

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37 minutes ago, itachi uchiha said:


What does this mean ? 

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34 minutes ago, ZenAlex said:

Jesus, I had a quick look through their main forum section. Anyone who spends any time in that community deserves everything they get in life (or rather don't get)

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I am not incel.i need ways or methods to calm down my loneliness without talking to people.which community is the best for me

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3 minutes ago, itachi uchiha said:

I am not incel.i need ways or methods to calm down my loneliness without talking to people.which community is the best for me

No forums, go out and meet people in real life… 

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1 minute ago, Pavement said:

No forums, go out and meet people in real life… 

Outside job i have limited amount of free time .so i can do only one thing. either to work on my hobbies or do socialization.i chose i do not have time to socialize.but i have this urge to talk to people.i need to calm it down

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6 minutes ago, itachi uchiha said:

I am not incel.i need ways or methods to calm down my loneliness without talking to people.which community is the best for me

And why would you go to Mgtow forums for that? You'll just become a bitter misogynist like this and hate women forever.

Learn a language practice online with normal people or something similar.

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4 minutes ago, itachi uchiha said:


Outside job i have limited amount of free time .so i can do only one thing. either to work on my hobbies or do socialization.i chose i do not have time to socialize.but i have this urge to talk to people.i need to calm it down

Which precise hobbies do you have? 

Work -> Use free time to develop skills(this part should be fun and integrate with your hobbies) -> socialize i.e. build a lifestyle with the people you want to. 

This is the current optimal life plan. Please don't go on a MGTOW forum for solidarity, these people are beyond lost. It's like being broke and socializing with the homeless people under the bridge because they kind of relate to you; it's GAME OVER bro. 


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5 minutes ago, Federico del pueblo said:

And why would you go to Mgtow forums for that? You'll just become a bitter misogynist like this and hate women forever.


I am assuming that at this point  they Might have discovered some tricks to deal with loneliness without talking to people


6 minutes ago, Federico del pueblo said:


Learn a language practice online with normal people or something similar.

So all i have to do is to find a community which practice what i like

.damn this is good advice.thankyou

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12 minutes ago, itachi uchiha said:


Outside job i have limited amount of free time .so i can do only one thing. either to work on my hobbies or do socialization.i chose i do not have time to socialize.but i have this urge to talk to people.i need to calm it down

How is your free time so limited? You must be working super long hours at your job

With a standard 40 hour work week it's very possible to have Work + Several Hobbies + Socialising going on during your week

There is no cure to loneliness other than connecting with people. You're going to have to bite the bullet and start socialsing more at some point. Start social hobbies, that's the best place to start

Edited by something_else

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Spreading and promoting MGTOW on this forum is not allowed.

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@LordFall are migtows extremely toxic like other people say it to it propoganda or is it real.i worked really hard to get out of my toxic world view .damn i do not wanna go back

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4 minutes ago, something_else said:

How is your free time so limited? You must be working super long hours at your job

No i only work 8 hours.i work super long on my hobies,???

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13 minutes ago, itachi uchiha said:

No i only work 8 hours.i work super long on my hobies

Well then spend slightly less time on your hobbies and more time socialising

Focusing purely on hobbies at the expense of building a social life is a bad idea. It will make you lonely and then you will be worse at your hobbies

Actually, the simplest solution is to take up some social hobbies. 

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MGTOWs aren't going to help you with loneliness. They're lonely and jaded people.

Incels are people who have never had relationships. In contrast, vast majority of MGTOWs are divorced dads who got screwed by the court for child support / alimony and are now super bitter at women.

Anybody who tries to jump straight to MGTOW without having had a negative experience in a long-term relationship is just a coping incel, thinking they're making a conscious choice to avoid women instead of not being able to get them.

49 minutes ago, itachi uchiha said:

I am not incel.i need ways or methods to calm down my loneliness without talking to people.which community is the best for me

I think I've heard you talk negatively about Discord in the past, but honestly, Discord. If you aren't going to go out and meet people, it's the easiest and most convenient option.

Find a positive community based around something that interests you, and talk to those people. Instead of wasting your time talking to bitter MGTOWs that will only make you more negative. There is a Discord server for pretty much anything. Most Discord servers have a general chat where you can just chat with whoever is online, and you'll have a common interest that binds you to all the people there.

You don't have to constantly catch up with it. Just log in when you get lonely and chat for a while, then get off. In even a medium-sized server, there are always at least a couple other people online to chat with. The real-time instant messaging of Discord is a lot closer to IRL socialization than talking on forums, I think. You actually get a back-and-forth conversation a couple sentences at a time, instead of responding to big walls of text.

Edited by Yarco

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what @bejapuskas said. 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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