How Can I Be At Peace When God Contains These Possibilities

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8 hours ago, SQAAD said:



How can I get some of that Peace you are talking about? That's what I want the most. I am not afraid of peace at all (I think). 

That's why deep dreamless sleep is the best thing in the entire universe from my perspective. 

I love pure nothingness. This is Nirvana I guess. And Samsara is all the sh!t we have to go through. Survival is a type of hell even if you are a billionaire.

Nothing and something are the two sides of the same coin. Wanting one and pushing away the other is insanity. It's like saying that you want only shadows without a light source.

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Maybe you have some unconscious desire to experience violence and brutality. Your shadow attracts it like a magnet, it gets off on it and at the same time, your conscious ego self tries to repress it vehemently.

If that's the case, you're gonna struggle with this until you're willing to embrace and love your desire for violence. Of course this doesn't mean you should take some actual physical action on it, it can and should be done via shadow work. Let me know if you need a book recommendation or some pointers.

And well, remember: what the unconscious wants, it gets.

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14 hours ago, Razard86 said:

My friend....you are playing word games. Death IS THE UNKNOWN. You literally just said it in your response. You said: "Essentially Why Would you fear Death? Personally, the only reason I fear death is because I don't know what's next."

Exactly and that is why you fear death. You will not understand this until your existence is TRULY in peril. Pain is just the appetizer facing your demise is the MAIN COURSE.

Why would I fear the unknown essentially? If the unknown didn't come with terrible miserable possibilities and risks I wouldn't fear it one bit. I would be kinda excited for it too. 

You don't fear the unknown because it is unknown. You fear it because you don't know what is behind it. That's my point. 

Edited by SQAAD

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6 hours ago, nistake said:

Maybe you have some unconscious desire to experience violence and brutality. Your shadow attracts it like a magnet, it gets off on it and at the same time, your conscious ego self tries to repress it vehemently.

If that's the case, you're gonna struggle with this until you're willing to embrace and love your desire for violence. Of course this doesn't mean you should take some actual physical action on it, it can and should be done via shadow work. Let me know if you need a book recommendation or some pointers.

And well, remember: what the unconscious wants, it gets.

I think you are right. I am kinda attracted to all of this in some weird mysterious way.. It's hard to explain why..

Its not like I want consciously to experience torture and etc but in some twisted way I find it fascinating because it is the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I would like on some level to endure what someone like Kiki Camarena endured. This guy was a hero because he got tortured for 2 days straight and didn't snitch. Truly remarkable.. ?

One part of me would like to endure the worst torture imaginable for some higher Consciousness purpose and ideal. And the other part wants to be in total denial. 

So what is your advice? Should I repress and avoid watching disturbing sh!t online? I really have no clue what to do. 

Btw I don't have violent tendencies. I am anti violence in general. It's not like I enjoy watching ppl suffer. I am very sensitive and compassionate. More than the average man. 

And please let me know about those books. 

Edited by SQAAD

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7 hours ago, Barna said:

Nothing and something are the two sides of the same coin. Wanting one and pushing away the other is insanity. It's like saying that you want only shadows without a light source.

Maybe it is possible to enter a permanent state of Nirvana like Buddha supposedly did. 

I think it's a pipe dream but I don't know whats possible. 

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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:


One part of me would like to endure the worst torture imaginable for some higher Consciousness purpose and ideal. And the other part wants to be in total denial. 

Yup, I think that's what's going on. You seem to be quite self-aware.

2 hours ago, SQAAD said:

So what is your advice? Should I repress and avoid watching disturbing sh!t online? I really have no clue what to do. 

Yeah, for starters maybe you should avoid watching this kind of stuff. If were you though, I wouldn't repress it. If a shadow aspect of your psyche is repressed, it only gets darker. It needs to be integrated and dealt with in a healthy manner.

Imo the best book on shadow work is Exsistential Kink by Carolyn Elliott. Relatively short, practical and easy to read.

Edited by nistake

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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:


Maybe it is possible to enter a permanent state of Nirvana like Buddha supposedly did. 

I think it's a pipe dream but I don't know whats possible. 

Nirvana is the state of non-duality where you don't differentiate between somethingness and nothingness, you love both as a unified whole.

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peace is nothing to do with the world, it is what i bring to the table

i have no say in what goes on in the world so why would i lose my peace over it

anything can happen and most likely will ... i know this ... so why would i lose my peace over it

the world does not touch me, i touch the world, i either bring peace or i bring war

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if the world does seem to touch me, my boundaries are not good enough, for example i need to stop watching so much toxic youtube

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On 30/03/2022 at 5:23 PM, nistake said:


Imo the best book on shadow work is Exsistential Kink by Carolyn Elliott. Relatively short, practical and easy to read.

Thank you!! 

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