
Spiritual vocabulary and understanding things

1 post in this topic

I have come to the conclusion that we can assume to some degree how much you understand from the way you write and what words you use to describe different things. If you want to talk about table you don't use word god, wooden thing or anything too fancy and weird, but you actually just say table and that's it. Many people think that using words imaginary, god, infinity, love or anything else is good word to explain reality, but the thing is that reality does not need any explanation, because it is what it is.

Yeah I understand that it is good self-expression to say same things with your own way, but in this context it really just makes things too complicated. The word that is most direct is the best and how could one say this moment is all there is, there is no separation between anything and it stays as present moment forever more directly? Always when I hear people using word god, infinity or mind which creates everything that brings me picture that people think that reality is somewhere else than HERE and NOW.

People use this forum too much to think about how reality is made rather than how to maximize happiness; when you actually focus on happiness you will eventually realize everything that is important and useful. The thing that does not increase someone's happiness is useless, because happiness is the point of life and therefore everything should be thought around that. Life is learning to accept present moment, love present moment or see perfection in every moment - you choose how you want to say the same thing, I don't mind.

Everybody wants to be spiritual kunt, but nobody wants to fully wake up - Frank Yang. That being said everyone wants to fix their low self esteem by being smarter, wiser, clever and challenging each other about who can say the same thing with the most beautiful and compact way. "Everything is imaginary", "You are god", "It is just a thought", "Language is dualistic and just go and experience it by yourself", etc. I understand that these may be great pointers, but one shouldn't use them to show their level of understanding, because there is nothing really to say.

People misunderstand spirituality to mean understanding more, more and more, but actually spirituality is meant to make you silent and happy with the moment you have right NOW. I don't know why, but I rarely see any posts now a days here talking about something which makes people happy. Constantly people just try to argue and increase their level of understanding without first understanding the reason the want to understand to begin with. Do you want to be happy at any cost? is the real question one should ask from itself and when (s)he says yes, after that the real progress starts.

Spirituality is art of living consciously, beautifully and aesthetically and therefore it would be so much better, if people would start topics about how to decorate home, how to feel fresh, how to calm mind, how to smile and laugh from pure happiness and how to be the best friend to others. "It's all love", okay fine, show it by making beautiful post here and link it to this thread. The most loving and beautiful post earns high level of glory from me and I will personally come and give my compliment about it.

I will again link this song, because I really think that it is very beautiful and how a little can sound incredible when the love is really in it <3

With love -joNi-

Who told you that "others" are real?

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