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Julian gabriel

Convulsions while meditating

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When I try to go deep into meditation or listening my body convulses and my head twitches as if to pull me away from doing so. 

This started after what I think may have been a kundalini awakening when my body was filled with energy and my hands had magnetic fields around them.

I have no idea why its happening or how to stop it, anybody know what's going on?


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@Julian gabriel Sounds like Kriryas or Pranic movements. "Pranic movements are intense energy movements of prana throughout the body that helps clear our physiological blocks. Involuntary bodily movements (occur more often during meditation or resting periods): jerking, tremors, shaking; feeling an inner force pushing one into postures or moving one's body in unusual ways."

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I have started shaking whenever I would speak about something sensitive to others (teeth chattering, feeling jittery) such as about my experiences/goals/desires/thoughts/suggestions.

I too had an energy where I was excited(?) but also scared of what I was saying and if it was even the right thing to say and how others would respond.

Part of me may have been like, oh maybe this isn't something I should be wanting or suggesting/doing/talking about.. and then battling with saying it anyway.

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