
Right vs Left

2 posts in this topic

Hey, I am just curious about everyone's opinions on republicans vs democrats. I am 20 years old, moved to USA in 2010, so I do not know if both sides were always this separated and hated each other. I just think both sides need to learn how to live together and learn to agree to disagree. Please do not judge or shit on anyone for their opinions. Just share your opinions about why you believe your side is better than the other. I'll start off.

Right now, I support the right more. I do not think Republicans are anywhere near perfect, but I do believe that they are a way better choice, at least for me. I like how the republicans favor more freedom, fewer taxes, favor the right to bear arms, put America first, and prioritize the constitution. I do not like how republicans are close-minded toward the LGBTQ community and social movements and the environment. 

I do not like how the current democrats are. They control social media, news, celebrities, etc. For example, they would not let anyone talk about Hunter Biden's laptop during election season because it was "misinformation" but censored nothing for "Russia helped Trump win". I do not like how they would censor and delete information of people questioning their covid rules. They blamed all covid deaths on Trump? "Trump lied, thousands died". That is such bullshit. They put Jan. 6 at the same level as 9/11? Jan 6 was horrible, but nothing like 9/11. They forced you to get vaccinated? I got covid twice, I am 20, eat clean food, exercise often, and was not even sick when I got covid. Why did they not promote a better diet, take the right supplements, go outside, and live an active lifestyle? Anything that promotes improving your immune system. Why did I need to take a vaccine to work or go to school or enjoy life? I know everyone is not as healthy as me, but there are millions and millions of people who are healthy like me. Maybe for profit reasons? I wonder why they are dropping all of their covid rules now... Also, why are almost all of the highest crime rate cities democrat? Chicago (where I live), NYC, Baltimore, Detroit, ATL, Oakland, I can keep going. Why do they label all Trump supporters as "homophobic, misogynistic, racist, etc" If you saw someone wearing a MAGA hat, would you think they are racist? I know a lot of people, including me at one time, do. What if my parents voted for trump because he improved life in the middle east (where we are from)? Why do they support such violent movement like BLM? I support black rights and humans right for any race. But none of their news networks reported anything on the destruction that group did. They said "oh but 90% were peaceful." WHAT? What about the other 10%? The billions of destructions and looting they did. They make black people think white supremacists are everywhere and make them think cops are hunting them down. What effects do you think that puts on a black kid growing up? They blame the cop or the white man or republicans, but why are black men (a small % of this country's population) responsible for most crimes in this country? I am not saying black men are all bad, black people are my brothers, but there is a huge problem they are ignoring. Also, why do they always put down black people who vote republican?  I just believe Democrats think they live in this imaginary, perfect world. Everyone has to be like them or they are racist or homophobic or spreading misinformation. Yes, republicans put down democrats too, but nowhere on the level democrats put down republicans. 

I believe the USA is the greatest country of all time, but not perfect, and I am so thankful to have moved here. I can not understand how people on the left keep shitting on this country and its accomplishments when everyone else from around the world would kill to live here. I also think the Democrats in power are evil geniuses. They are smart as fuck, but for evil reasons. They are way smarter than the republicans because of how much they control and their power. I have amazing friends who vote democrat, including my sister. Even though I disagree with their views, I will never put them down and label them as racist or misogynistic or homophobic, like how the democrats label republicans. 

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