
How do I know that solipsism doesn't just = losing touch with reality?

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To be fair living under this presumption is actually quite liberating, though it does feel like others are trying to reel me back into their dreamscape. 

 The notion that all my shitty relationships, victimhood, depression, and sadness are simply projections and I can create whatever narrative I want is hilarious amazing to me. Not having to get caught up in all that anymore. Not having to be that character with a terrible upbringing and carry with me everywhere. It's amazing. Not having to become anything either. The need for validation drops.

But how do I know that I'm not just losing touch with reality... 

To be fair, it does feel better to simply enjoy the dream for what it is... instead of getting caught up in it. Being reactive to the dream, instead of being conscious of the fact that I am the creator of the dream.

Haven't done too many psychs... just a lot of introspection, meditation, and watching a lot of Leo recently.

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I've dealt with a lot of loneliness throughout my life. A lot of insecurity. It's liberating to know I've been the only one there the entire time... instead of getting caught in this endless loop of trying to get other people to love me. 

It's good to know that I can enjoy the dream for what it is. Instead of being disappointed by it.

How could I be lonely... It's a mental projection isn't it? To be surrounded by others.


I think I had reached a similar conclusion through dependent origination and Buddhism but this idea makes things even more radical conceptually. Everything within the dream is still part of the dream. 

Edited by PenguinPablo

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3 hours ago, PenguinPablo said:

It's liberating to know I've been the only one there the entire time... instead of getting caught in this endless loop of trying to get other people to love me. 

Do you love other people as yourself?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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25 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Do you hate other people as much as yourself?

Yes! :P 

In all seriousness...

Difficult people and strained relationships have always been tough cookie. But realizing that they serve as multipliers to keep me in the dream.

Long story short... YES. but it's tougher with difficult people. Working on it. Dissolving that.

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2 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:
32 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Do you hate other people as much as yourself?

Yes! :P 

I don't think I said that.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, PenguinPablo said:

@Carl-Richard I was trying to be play be playful. But if you ignore that part, I answered everything else honestly

That's ok. It just made things a bit unclear.

I would be vary about entertaining ideas about solipsism before understanding love. It's a loaded word, which is why Leo reeled back on teaching it. The mind is easily confused. Let the experience of unconditional love be the guiding light for your awakening.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard I agree but that's not really my personality to let this type of stuff goes, even if it's too my detriment at times. High openess I think. Also my mind has always been more on the third-eye type, deconstructing reality so on and so forth. Comes pretty naturally to me so when Leo brought it up it was right down my lane. Probably was an easier coping strategy for me to detach in a sense. And I mean from the beginning with Buddhist meditation years ago

I definitely struggle more with awakening at the heart level too. I get glimpses every once in a while (it's been a damn while t00) but it's easier for me to play between the borders of the reality. Tearing reality apart

But Im sure Im missing something(s). Lot's of.

Edited by PenguinPablo

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@PenguinPablo It's about connecting deeper into what's real, the experience you're having right now. 

The average person is usually very disconnected from it and is believing everything the mind tells them.

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Well, higher consciousness feels & performs 1000x better than normal consciousness so who cares if someone calls it a delusion?

Btw it's not a delusion, but that requires a lot of contemplation - you'll know why it's not a delusion when you realize x insight.

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Straightforward answer for your guestion is that, what reality is, is this present moment right NOW. Actually, if you imagine there being something other than "reality" - this moment - then you are not touch with the reality. Reality is that which is the case even without thoughts - you need thoughts to other people povs or things that are not happening right NOW to happen right NOW, but you don't need thoughts to keep this present moment HERE and NOW. So whenever you seek what is TRUTH, the tip I can give is that, it is always that which is happening right NOW.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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I think you can only truly try to intellectualize the truth when you’ve personally seen and experienced it. If you haven’t, any intellectualization is equally false and equally true. At that point it’s still just a mindgame, a play of words. Even if you get it right in your head, if you haven’t truly experienced the concept you came up in your minds eye it’s not really true for you. 

A concept can’t ever fully capture the truth, just allude to it. And good spiritual teachers don’t try to make you do conceptual mathematics in your head. But they use concepts to guide you toward seeing what you need to see. Bad spiritual teachers tell you what you need to believe what is true. There is a distinction between these two approaches.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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On 28/3/2022 at 5:44 AM, PenguinPablo said:

I've dealt with a lot of loneliness throughout my life. A lot of insecurity. It's liberating to know I've been the only one there the entire time... instead of getting caught in this endless loop of trying to get other people to love me. 

You ve dealt with loneliness, etc ,in the ego level. that's how it is and it doesn't matter if there are others or not, and all those intellectualizations.

what happens is that the level of the ego dissolves and reveals itself as illusion if you break the limits and perceive yourself as existence, the real, the immutable. the pure light of being without limits. But don't be fooled, if the barriers dissolve for a while and you are the absolute, and tomorrow they are back, you will continue to suffer. You could relativize your suffering a little, but it will catch you anyway.

since your life in the ego only brings you suffering, the path is clear. empty the glass, leave nothing, dissolve any attachment and live without ego. much more beautiful than the trap of the ego.

but if you look closely, hardly anyone can do it. they have glimpses of the absolute, but they do not want to give up the ego. they want both. imo that's not possible

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@Breakingthewall I think that’s what happened. I broke through thanks to Leo and it felt so good but now that I regressed or fell back to ignorance, I’m grasping for that again.

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There’s this idea in Buddhism that the end of suffering is when you stop clinging. 

I believe this is very much the case.

Not clinging to anything, including god consciousness 

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This stuff actually is pretty damn easy; just go and accept present moment as it is and you will be happy. Less you "need" things the better, because you want happiness to exist without it being product of external process, because that does not last forever. I would suggest you to learn basic mindfulness, because I would say that to be the most important thing in life.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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12 hours ago, Kksd74628 said:


This stuff actually is pretty damn easy; just go and accept present moment as it is and you will be happy. Less you "need" things the better, because you want happiness to exist without it being product of external process, because that does not last forever. I would suggest you to learn basic mindfulness, because I would say that to be the most important thing in life.

Back to square one with Eckhart Tolle :P

u might be right but I’m not drawn to this right now. 


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1 hour ago, PenguinPablo said:

Back to square one with Eckhart Tolle :P

u might be right but I’m not drawn to this right now. 


You are not drawn because it's impossible. you can't do that at will. If you could, you would have already done it. but the nature of the ego is just the opposite: to seek what is missing. the only thing you can do is get out of the ego, and this is very difficult, as much as escaping from a labyrinth designed by a genius while you are drunk. since the ego catches you, you submerge yourself in it and you don't see anything else. moreover, the one who wants to escape from the ego is the ego itself, which seeks to stop suffering. and the fact of wanting to stop suffering is ego on fire. by trying to get out, you penetrate deeper into the lie. if someone tells you that this is very simple, self-help, etc... well, maybe it is for him, but even tolle left there without wanting to do it

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On 3/28/2022 at 4:37 AM, PenguinPablo said:

To be fair living under this presumption is actually quite liberating, though it does feel like others are trying to reel me back into their dreamscape. 

 The notion that all my shitty relationships, victimhood, depression, and sadness are simply projections and I can create whatever narrative I want is hilarious amazing to me. Not having to get caught up in all that anymore. Not having to be that character with a terrible upbringing and carry with me everywhere. It's amazing. Not having to become anything either. The need for validation drops.

But how do I know that I'm not just losing touch with reality... 

To be fair, it does feel better to simply enjoy the dream for what it is... instead of getting caught up in it. Being reactive to the dream, instead of being conscious of the fact that I am the creator of the dream.

Haven't done too many psychs... just a lot of introspection, meditation, and watching a lot of Leo recently.

    Without sounding like Leo or other users, I'll write like how I write in this forum.

   I can see similarities between me and you, loneliness, some of it, can be very liberating.

  About Solipsism, I interpret it like with Nihilism, except I make it like positive Nihilism. Nihilism is saying what is the point of life if life is fundamentally meaningless, like a canvas. Positive Nihilism is an added concept of that concept, basically saying that actually it's good that life is meaningless, the canvas is blank, because I can make it meaningful. Treat Solipsism like that, if the premise of Solipsism is I'm the only thing that exists, other people are not real, maybe the world isn't real too, ok, but that's great because it means I'm worthy, or I'm worth something in this world or to other people because of my unique realness, that my values I provide are grounded in my realness, that any negative people or situations are in fact imaginary and I can overcome them. Something like that interpretation, it's an empowering interpretation instead of the usual negative ones about Nihilism or Solipsism.

   Counter intuitively, and some people have my paranormal experience, some have developed this ability somehow, some think it's a ghost or a tulpa, which are beings that are non corporeal, actively hallucinated into waking reality into the senses, but my ghost girl has actually helped ground me in this reality more often than I could count. So, it's much harder to lose touch with reality than people think. Of course meditation, contemplation, mindfulness practices and so on help with grounding too.

Edited by Danioover9000

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