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Why am I

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Even asking questions here if I'm imagining you? Is it because I'm imagining that you know the right answer but I don't? 

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Imagining a you who I believe does know, and imagining that I'm not imagining, and so forth and so forth, hmm? Hmmm. Hmmmm. And am I imagining others and things etc out of frickin nothing here and now? Wtf. 

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And if there only is this frame that is morphing within itself, then I also must be imagining the bodies and memories and selves etc of all others also, and the minds etc of all others also. Then there only must be the void that is appearing as all that is, created by nothing, out of nothing. But then the existence must be nothingness that is being imagined by itself, hmm. Being imagined by itself, hmm. Being imagined by itself. But then what is your i, is it one with me, is it me, in a, hmm, hmmm. 

If awareness appears as a frame that is morphing within itself, then does awareness become another universe when it appears as another frame? If the frame needs no history and so forth to become itself, then, hmm, then the frame is being itself. Being itself, hmmm. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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Wow, you must be tripping very hard. What kind of spellchecker program do you use, because your typing is close to flawless! :D 

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1 hour ago, Vibroverse said:

Even asking questions here if I'm imagining you? Is it because I'm imagining that you know the right answer but I don't? 

Maybe not the right answer but a different answer that sends the experience in a new direction

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4 hours ago, Vibroverse said:

Even asking questions here if I'm imagining you? Is it because I'm imagining that you know the right answer but I don't? 

I don't think there's a right answer to that question. ?

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4 hours ago, Vibroverse said:

Even asking questions here if I'm imagining you? Is it because I'm imagining that you know the right answer but I don't? 

@Vibroverse Sometimes it is easier for us to hear something when it appears to come from "another" even though it's still coming from you.

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