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Hedonism and the meaningless reality

32 posts in this topic

5 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Michael Jackson i awakend to absolute solipsism. But there are many facets of awakening that I'm still missing. Like I don't know exactly what happens when you die .and I'm not exactly sure what reality is. But I'm aware that it's no different than a dream at night. It's made of the same stuff .and the buck stops here .

Absolute Solipsism is the final "step" after understanding Death & Reality - or more specifically both insights feed each other.

You ain't got it brother. 

It's Love.

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6 hours ago, Someone here said:

Since no one really knows what the fuck is going on here (what reality is ) should we only focus on hedonism and acquiring as much pleasure as possible?  I mean life is short and no one has a clue what happens when you die ..probably go to we might as well enjoy the ride while it's last. 

These are my thoughts recently. I wanna hear what you think of this ?. 

whats wrong with enjoying yourself while your here?  Why call it hedonism or see it through someone else's negatively biased lenses?

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

should we only focus on hedonism and acquiring as much pleasure as possible?

There really is no right way to be. There's an unlimited number of things we can focus on, hedonism and pleasure are only a tiny part. Or we could just not focus on anything in particular. As long as you're living all this just keeps on coming - doesn't matter what you do.

57% paranoid

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hedonism/asceticism is for a person

is there a person here

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

Since no one really knows what the fuck is going on here (what reality is ) should we only focus on hedonism and acquiring as much pleasure as possible?

That depends on what you want. If you want truth then hedonism is probably something you should avoid and focus on your feelings instead.

If you want pleasure then hedonism makes perfect sense but don't think it will give you any long term happiness.

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5 hours ago, softlyblossoming said:

Hi, @Someone here & @Michael Jackson! Do these insights/awakenings last at all or do they just sort of end and, like, that was that? My awakenings don't seem to ever really lock-in and become my new way of perceiving for the rest of my life. I hear about these permanent shifts people are having, but I don't seem to get any and it's really disparaging. Have yours ever done that, and do the ones that have still sort of flux up and down a bit depending on what you're doing or the circumstances you find yourself in? I'd love to learn all about how this stuff works, what to expect and that sort of jazz :D


@softlyblossoming Hi. What I am talking about here is a state of consciousness too radical for the human mind to fathom. It is God-Consciousness.

That means:

Once in God Consciousness, you can materialize physical objects out of thin air.

Once in God Consciousness, everything is equally beautiful and perfect, since everything is love. This would mean: My human body starving to death doesn't matter.

Once in God Consciousness, you are literally in heaven, there will be nothing left to do, to attain, to accomplish, to live for. You will just drown in extacy and love

If I had this level of consciousness in my day-to-day life, I'd long be dead. Propably from making love to a road and then getting hit by a car or something like that.

However, these insights obviously transform the belief-systems you hold as the human self. For example, I believe in God now, where as before, I was basically an atheist. Also I am much more self-accepting and loving than I was, since I saw clearly that everything I do is beautiful and good and that I am Love, Heaven, Perfection.

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6 hours ago, Mu_ said:

whats wrong with enjoying yourself while your here?  Why call it hedonism or see it through someone else's negatively biased lenses?


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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13 hours ago, Someone here said:

should we only focus on hedonism and acquiring as much pleasure as possible?  I mean life is short

life is not long or short. is now. are you happy now? stop and look at this honestly, without projecting how happy you are going to be when this or that happens. You will see that there is anxiety, almost always in everyone there is. Hold on to that anxiety .ride on it and understand what it is, why it is happening. stop avoiding yourself with stories. penetrate yourself to the root, understand why you are generating this incessant anxiety. break free. 

Hedonism is a trap, it's obvious. A naive strategy to scape from anxiety that create more anxiety. The real pleasure is clean, simple, austere

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Like other people already said. Ultimately it doesn’t matter how you live your life, it’s your life, do as you wish.

But people destroying themselves and their environment because if their pursuit of pleasure is the oldest story of the world. And people are still falling for it. And if that’s what you want to do you can totally do it. But don’t be surprised when it fucks you up, badly. 

Even if everything is ultimately meaningless, there are still consequences to your choices. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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On 26/03/2022 at 10:33 PM, Michael Jackson said:

I am much more self-accepting and loving than I was, since I saw clearly that everything I do is beautiful and good and that I am Love, Heaven, Perfection

@Michael Jackson Thank you, such a beautiful sharing :x

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