
How to deal with / cure anxiety?

8 posts in this topic

I had depression a few years ago. From the teachings of Leo, Moojiji and a huge amount of other teachers I managed to reduce it to near nothing from a lot of contemplation. I was not blessed from having anxiety so I have little knowledge on how to beat it. One of my friends recently told me they had it. I would like to know how to deal/ cure it (if that’s possible) please dump all the information you know on how to deal with/ cure anxiety. Also where it comes from and all that. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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I would say...letting go technique,sedona method,finding the subconcious beliefs about things that makes you anxious(finding why),exposure theraphy,shadow work,deconstructing mind,mindfulness meditation,conciousness work(having attention in neutrality of being)...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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It is not easy since the ego is anxiety. anxiety is the distortion between what should be and what is, and the only solution is to equalize them. anxiety can be a background noise, that from listening to it so much you think it doesn't exist, until it shuts up and you realize that it was always there. the only solution, imo, is to really realize that what is is what it should be, including going blind or having your penis amputated, to take two examples, and accepting it fully and unreservedly. Not easy.

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Work on externalizing your emotions. People who favor an internalizing emotional style are more to prone to anxiety disorders.


On 5.1.2022 at 3:06 PM, Carl-Richard said:

Cognitive emotion regulation

Like monkeys, humans need adequate cognitive emotion regulation patterns, and you can roughly divide this into two main styles: externalizing and internalizing style. The externalizing style most accurately represents the evolutionary function of emotions, and generally speaking it's therefore the most vital/healthy style (the exception is when it happens at the level of pathology, for example some personality disorders, e.g. parts of Cluster B). Emotions exist to serve a purpose, and it's to direct attention and energy towards some task in the environment (in a meaningful way). Therefore, if you experience an emotion like say anger, what you're supposed to do from a natural standpoint is to act on that emotion, which could be telling somebody that what they did is not OK, or expressing some disagreement, or establishing boundaries.

When this is done correctly, the emotion subsides rather quickly and the physiological activation and associated stress and thoughts about the situation will disappear. On the other hand, if you don't do this and instead repress the emotion and pull the energy inwards (internalizing style), you will create endless cycles of mental anguish and physical unwellness, which is generally not healthy. I say "generally" because there are times where internalizing an emotion is socially appropriate. It's rather when it's done compulsively and not in a skillful way, or in a way that is not meaningful, that you will severely compromise your health. Therefore, learning to externalize emotions when that is the appropriate thing to do (and internalizing when that is appropriate) is crucial for establishing a connection to intrinsic health. I severely underestimated the importance of this in my life even many years after discovering meditation, and it held me back in so many ways that I can't even begin to tell you about. I therefore cannot stress enough how important this is.



Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Thanks for the replies! Anyone else care to add?

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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8 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Carl-Richard what do you mean by externalizing emotions?

Expressing them instead of repressing them. The explanation is in the quote.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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22 hours ago, ChrisZoZo said:

I had depression a few years ago. From the teachings of Leo, Moojiji and a huge amount of other teachers I managed to reduce it to near nothing from a lot of contemplation. I was not blessed from having anxiety so I have little knowledge on how to beat it. One of my friends recently told me they had it. I would like to know how to deal/ cure it (if that’s possible) please dump all the information you know on how to deal with/ cure anxiety. Also where it comes from and all that. 

Sometimes the most obvious least spiritual way is how to deal with it.  Just ask whats making you nervous, and if its a practical thing, then just do it, sometimes procrastination, resisting what you feel like is the important thing, or the safe thing is just going to cause anxiety.  So in those cases, just try and get shit done.

If its less obvious and hard to figure out, then maybe have them look into stocism or something similar that just doesn't sensationalize uncomfortable experience.  Lifes uncomfortable, and its not the end of the world.  When really getting this, sometimes anxiety or dull discomforts or little things that bother you, fade more into the background or not at all.

Not all discomfort is a indication that theres something in the background thats worse or a circumstance that needs therapy or solving for it to go away.  Sometimes you bleed, sometimes you anxiety, sometimes you stress, of no intention, and the reason has no reason.

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