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Questions About Leo's Video: 3 Step Formula To Be Ruthlessly Effective At Anything

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(In this thread you can  answer questions about Leo's Video: 3 Step Formula to Be Ruthlessly Effective At Anything. Thanks in advance for anyone that participates. You are all welcome.)

So here are some questions:


  1. Let's say I stumble upon three potential techniques for my specific intention x. Presumably, I would have to try out all of them out to test which one works best for me. What would be an adequate time period to make such a decision? Can I judge the effectiveness of a technique over a day, a week or a month?
  2. What would be some simple and clear-to-evaluate criteria for judging the effectiveness of a technique?
  3. Are high-yield techniques universally effective or do they differ from person to person? (My opinion: They do differ. Yet, at the very heart of it, those principles that work underneath are ones that always worked. But also, the human psyche (and body) is complex and responds better to some "treatments" than others.)
  4. Can a technique that worked very well for you at one point stop working after you have done it for a long period of time?
  5. If you're currently in the habit of using a highly effective technique every day (and have committed yourself to doing so for 6 to 12 months) but find a better technique in the midst of it should you start using the new one (even if that destroys momentum) or should you stay and finish what you have committed yourself to do in the first place? 

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