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Eyes are Hurting : Should I be Worried?

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Let me first give you some brief data about myself. I have myopia and wear glasses since I was 12-13 years old.

My eye condition is relatively mild and has not significantly increased since then. I am now in my late 20s. 

I am into programming and I heavily use  a desktop computer for the last years and never had I an issue with my eyes or anything 

But few months ago, I sold my computer. Then I began heavily using my phone. Didn't have an issue for 2-3 months until few days ago.. 

2 days ago I was reading some very small text on my phone and then my eyes began hurting quite a lot..

First time they've hurt like that.. It felt like i lifted some heavy weights with my eyes.. Now 2 days later, my eyes feel better but they are still sore and itching a lil bit.... 

This has made me anxious, worried and triggered some deep loss aversion in me. I fear damaging my eyes now. 

I know very little about the eyes and I try to avoid googling for hours because i tend to obsess about these things and make myself miserable in the end. 

All I know is that it's good to lower brightness and keep some distance when using screens. 

I have been using my phone without a problem until now. I don't know why this has happened exactly. 

I assume it has something to do with the screen size too. Now I am planning to buy a new computer in the next few weeks. 

If you are more knowledgeable than me about how the eyes work, any information and advice is highly welcomed. 

I am trying to understand what is going on.

Edited by SQAAD

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Why not just book a session with an ophthalmologist? None of us here are experts and this is a very delicate topic so I wouldn't mess around with to much internet advice. Go see a specialist and have them look at your eyes and inside of the eyes, they have a pain-free ways to do that with those drops that somehow make your pupils more transparent and they can look inside really easily (I have no idea what it is called or how it works but it is totally pain-free, I had that done years ago once) 

This is by far the easiest and the most reliable way to tell what's going on. 

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Sounds like muscular eye strain to me.
However, any philoshophising about what this could be is unfruitful, do the smart thing and visit an ophthamologist asap. Takes 10-15 minutes the check the most important structures and then you know if everythins is alright. 

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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@undeather @Michael569 Yes that is great advice. 

But today my eyes are feeling good. I don't know if I should visit a doctor any more ... 

I will definitely do so if this happens again. 

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