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My logistical situation

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Hello everyone ! So basically, I would like to start doing pick-up/chatting up girls, but my logistical situation is a bit complicated. I would really love to be able to share it here, and get some opinions... Thank's in advance !

I'm 25. I live in France, near Paris. Obviously, Paris is a great city for game. Here's the deal, I live a one hour train ride away from paris. (30 minutes if I get the fast train, but it's usually not there at the right times) (about 50 km), in a little town (20 000 people). Transportation fees are not an issue (I have a subscription anyway). The reason I live in this town and not in Paris, is simply for rent : it's a gorgeous town wich makes me happy, I have a beautiful appartement three time the size I would get in Paris, cost of living is cheaper, my parents are nearer (wich actually paradoxically allows me to be more independant, cause I never have to sleep in their house when I'm in this town). This town also has a place where I can work on my field (trying to stay vague) wich is really an asset. I don't have a 9-5 job, so I'm the master of my day (I am quasi-financially independant, I'm a artist).

So basically Paris is the city to be in. My goal is to be a parisien without really living in Paris. Biggest issue is this : trains to get back home from Paris stop at about 10 and a half pm. So If I do anything in Paris after that hour, my options are very limited (sleep at someone's house : not a very long term solution, I'm not gonna consistently invest someone's couch... Wait for the first train in the morning, at about 5 am... Kinda sucks if I want my night to end at midnight or 1 Am. Find a hotel is just not compatible with my budget, same for taxi. 

I really don't want to live in Paris, I can't afford the rent, I don't want a tiny place, I love the pure air in my city... Should I invest in day game ? Any ideas ? I really don't know if I'm fooling myself and being unrealistic or if it's perfectly doable... 

Anyway, some feedback would be great ! I hope my post makes sense.

You all have a nice day.

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It’s a tough call. You have to decide what your highest priority is.

If you’re really dedicated to improving with women, you may have to move to Paris for at least a year.

You can try day game or doing game before 10pm, but that will have obvious downsides. You won’t have great logistics and you won’t really be able to do night game.

Most people don’t move to the city for the pure air. They are there because of the opportunities that come from living in the city. Maybe one day our cities will have pure air and be as peaceful as living in the country, but they right now they usually aren’t.

So you gotta do the best you can. I live in a major city because I want the benefits of a major city, and it’s worth it to me to suffer some negative consequences from that. But also, I’ve chosen a city with great nature access so I can still catch my breath when I need. Find what works for you.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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How about getting a car?

Day game in Paris should be amazing too.

You can often pull to the girl's place.

Paying for a motel or cheap hotel if you're pulling a girl is also doable and reasonable. See if you can find a cheap hotel in Paris that will let you book rooms late at night.

If you got a car, you can also fuck in your car. Get a car that has room to fuck.

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