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Yeah Yeah

Imagination and Denial,

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Contemplating about posts I've been reading online about being God and imagining the Universe. I watched the solipsism video, and recently binging plenty of Leo's videos. Previously depressed, suicidal even; but, the solipsist video was quite ... thinking up a word - calming. Thankfully I'm more interested in the nature of God as of recent months, instead of hiding away from the world in fear. 

The solipsisim video, I enjoyed and hope to receive further videos likewise. I can combine this information with personal psychadelic experiences (far out ones, practically closing the book in denial I am it,) and quantum mechanics, for example. Understandable, on board.

And I'm hallucinating Leo ... to which I imagine your teachings to be the most awakened teacher thus far; and in many respects has gone the furthest, to which I appreciate.

Although, I want to know, possible to awaken to this sublime realization I'm imagining reality without drugs for the time being? Or will I require the drugs to make the needed profound and radical leap? If I accept that I am God, will I die? As God here and now, can I imagine receiving a perfect job position, or will this take time and energy? In terms of imagining, like do I need to be determinitic about this invisible god-quality (imagination), or passive and one with the flow of God's will? Should I avoid awakening in case I were to die and ruin this life-movie I'm living (die)? How do I move past denial, and recognize I'm denying? 

Currently incorperating this god-realization into everyday life, and perhaps there's far more layers to the onion. Which may be fasinating rather than work.

Edited by Yeah Yeah

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