
Feelings of guilt when drinking

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I feel this is kinda a pointless post, but everytime I have a drink i always have feelings of guilt/ conflict inside of me. As i identify with being a person who values health and well being, i eat mostly healthy/ clean  but other side of me/ ego justifies it as being ok, as long as it is in moderation. I see it as a guilty pleasure to relax but I dont enjoy getting drunk.

Im not a heavy drinker as i was in the past, but ill have maybe 1 or 2 drinks a week to relax, or less frequently. Im not looking for reasons to justify having the occasional drink, its more the feelings of guilt im having e.g ego backlash. Awareness is curative.

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@Inliytened1need a drink? you mean. well my higher self would say no i dont, but my lower self enjoys the pleasure, instant gratification i get from a drink. not entiely sure if i want to stop drinking all together at this moment but idealy yes in the future. im conflicted as i dont want to become neurotic  around this, as i allow myself to enjoy the moment when i drink, however at the same time knowing its not good for me.

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Do you feel anything in particular (bodily, mentally) when the drink wears off?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

Do you feel anything in particular (bodily, mentally) when the drink wears off?

not particularly for either, lower consciousness prehaps..

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21 minutes ago, cjoseph90 said:

not particularly for either, lower consciousness prehaps..

Ok. So there is not much incentive to stop other than removing guilt. I would try to become more aware of how the guilt is affecting your body and mind on the level of feeling. However, in the end, it mainly boils down to how much you value having a clear and peaceful mind.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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There's no need to feel guilty about consuming alcohol.

However, if it is negatively affecting your life, and the lives of others, then it is a question of relinquishing a destructive habit.

A lot of people are in denial about the problems that result from their drinking. It does not sound like you've reached a bottom, but do be mindful .. as alcohol is an addictive toxin that develops high tolerance for some people.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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yes thank you for your responses,

I know i shouldnt feel guilty, its just that alcohol isnt considered spiritual.

nope, i cant say its negatively affecting my life as i consume small amounts at a time  and do have willpower not to drink too much/ to excess. 

However yes being mindful that its will have negative effects on my health over the long term.

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1 hour ago, SriSriJustinBieber said:

What is the perceived benefit you must unconsciously find in feeling guilty?

maybe that if i feel guilty enough, i can persuade myself not to drink..i guess

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1 hour ago, cjoseph90 said:

@Inliytened1need a drink? you mean. well my higher self would say no i dont, but my lower self enjoys the pleasure, instant gratification i get from a drink. not entiely sure if i want to stop drinking all together at this moment but idealy yes in the future. im conflicted as i dont want to become neurotic  around this, as i allow myself to enjoy the moment when i drink, however at the same time knowing its not good for me.

Then I wouldn't worry too much about it at this point.  Eventually you will probably quit on your own when you are ready.   Until then it doesn't seem to be causing you any major issues so you shouldn't feel guilty.  I can understand you feeling guilty if you were binging and drinking large quantities at once where it was having negative effects but that doesn't seem to be the case.


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2 minutes ago, cjoseph90 said:

maybe that if i feel guilty enough, i can persuade myself not to drink..i guess

If you don't drink, then what do you get? Or what does that make you?

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أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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15 hours ago, Michael Jackson said:

@cjoseph90 Are you talking about drinking in a social context or just drinking for the fun of it?

Just drinking in general,but ive decided to not be so rigid about it, only when its done to excess becomes a problem. 

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That's so strange to me. I drink white wine for my well being and others too lol... In my book a healty human being  drinks.

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4 hours ago, Sucuk Ekmek said:

That's so strange to me. I drink white wine for my well being and others too lol... In my book a healty human being  drinks.

Intresting perspective, when you say well being? You mean to enjoy now and then? How often do you drink?

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2 hours ago, cjoseph90 said:

Intresting perspective, when you say well being? You mean to enjoy now and then? How often do you drink?

Yeah enjoying and discussing with group once in a while... I rarely drink alone, like once a year. Conversation is essential for my drinking activity. It's a spiritual experience for me.

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