
Most people in the world are feeling pessimistic about the world

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It seems that most people around the world, even most people in first world countries have become the most pessimistic they have ever been. I myself am I becoming pessimistic about the future now.

The COVID pandemic is still going on even after more than 2 years, the rise of violent crime and immigration issues in many parts of the world is still a problem, Biden and the Democrats have had alarmingly low approval ratings for a long time, Democrats are in trouble with the upcoming midterm elections, Trump or someone as bad a him could win the 2024 US presidential election, the Russian-Ukraine war has been going on for almost a month now and we don't know how much longer it will last nor do we know how serious the economic consequences of this war will become, democracy is still declining in many countries around the world, inflation in numerous nations is still unusually high and is going to worse, the rich keep getting richer and the poor keeping poorer, and on and on and on......

It's getting so hard to stay positive and hopeful about the future. I don't know how some people are able to stay optimistic no matter how bad things get.

Edited by Hardkill

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5 hours ago, Hardkill said:

It seems that most people around the world, even most people in first world countries have become the most pessimistic they have ever been. I myself am I becoming pessimistic about the future now.

Don't! That's how they get you.


I see myself as doing the Lord's work by being optimistic in the world of increasing pessimism. This is my battle to have a good future. If I stop to fight, they win. They won't win.



Edit: I forgot to add that I believe strongly in manifestation. What you belive will happen to you. We create the reality. This is my weapon.

Edited by mojsterr

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War, pandemics, conflict and other adversities creates an agitated state of mind which tends to be negative rather than positive. In such circumstances it is important to be mentally equanimous and calm, and focus on the positives deliberately instead of the negatives.

This helps one to make the best of the given situation or circumstances.

War is a man-made calamity and it actually gives us data on how inadequate the world's  mechanisms are in terms of preventing conflict and fostering peace, and is in sore need of an upgrade.


Edited by Ajay0

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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Its a very tough time. Good training then to stabilize your own body, mind, life, emotions, psyche, spirit, reality in the middle of all of it. Collectively it is good training to collectively stabalize our financial systems, our countries identity, their military alliances, how we treat our neighbors.

Its definitely an opportunity to take on other's perspectives else yours will feel increasingly pressured and crushed by the weight of anger, hate and directed pressure. This also applies collectively.

Democracy is declining yes, civil rights are being challenged everywhere. We are realising what they have in common with autocratic states and what is different. I had to yesterday/today realise and accept the part of myself that is authoritarian. That tells people what the world should be,  what they should want, how they should live. I realise now when its accepted, that's in everyone, on every news network, in every speaker and every world leader. It is also the driving force of democracy, wanting our world to be how we want it. 

A difference is democracies have room to listen to other perspectives. Not all perspectives, clearly, but some. They collectively balance out societies will less brutally than an autocracy, but they are still heavily influenced by those in control.

So i've learned that. I don't know if it helps anyone, I was going to put it in the diary here but maybe it'll help you.

Edited by BlueOak

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"So what if we are all doomed?" We have so much attachment to certain outcomes and to concept of life that it is counterproductive and lowers our vibration. 

We are not that important. We are just tiny portion of creation. Remember the size of the sun. Let go, and just be happy. Your optimism will change the world for the better.  

I reccommend this material on this topic: 


In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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If you care about where humanity is heading, do what you can and disidentify yourself from the need of humanity having a good future. Your action is very limited, so don't use something outside of your control to justify pessimism. 

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16 hours ago, Hardkill said:

It seems that most people around the world, even most people in first world countries have become the most pessimistic they have ever been. I myself am I becoming pessimistic about the future now.

You are rightfully becoming more and more pessimistic. However, you shouldn't let your pessimism to chain you down completely.

We don't want to have a society where everyone is naively optimistic about every issue, because thats very damaging and it could be fatal. We don't want to a have a society either, where all the people are pessimistic, so they don't want to do anything, and don't want to make any change, lets be it inner work or outer work.

We need to understand the issues on a systematic level, and make sense of the issues, so we can start to think about the changes what we can do to at least try to solve them. Sometimes there is nothing else but the ability to try.

Even if the chances are very low to succeed, we should capitalize on it, if we don't have any other choice.

Edited by zurew

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This is where fostering and integrating some stoic attitudes can be really beneficial. It may be the case and actually true that systems in our world might be flawed or doomed, and there may be some good reasons to be pessimistic. But so what?

Reality is built to be stark. We are all going to die anyways, so why care so fucking much about things going well ALL the time? It's wasteful childishness to assume we ought to be positive about everything. We are all helplessly thrust into this human condition when we are born and have to make due with this imperfect world.

Spoiler alert; Everything is already exactly perfect the way it is, and anything less than that is because we are making selfish/biased distinctions.

All you can do, is simply do your best to shape the world while you're still here. Ground yourself IN yourself. The power and solution you seek will be found in realizing you can choose to be a beacon of light in SPITE of whatever darkness may surround you in the external world.

Here is a realization for you - It's the people that don't ground themselves that will be the ones most likely to commit atrocities and great acts of selfishness in the name of correcting what they perceive to be unjust about the world. It's only from a place of ever growing acceptance can you start to do the real work to change things for the "better", whatever that may mean.


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The world has always been relatively shit. And people attitudes and morale are like the economy, it oscillates up and down. Be aware of that and don’t fall into that trap. Because when you go along with that usually when the world is looking good you will be overly optimistic, and when it’s looking bad you’ll be overly pessimistic.

It’s better to have your own mission in life which is not dependent on what is currently trending.


RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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So, if I shouldn't always be optimistic, then how do people like Leo always stay so optimistic in a way that has worked so well for them no matter what the circumstances are?

Edited by Hardkill

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