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My short Bible for life

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4 hours ago, Preety_India said:

The biggest question is how to not be a victim. 

How to not be a loser/sucker




14 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

The divine self as a measure of protection against toxicity or bad forces has only one solution to keep itself protected. 

Is psychic and divine intelligence. 

This is the ultimate answer for the deeper self and the deeper souls on this planet. 

The psychic intelligence will act as a buffer, shield and aura of protection and guide the deeper self's life and journey through the world whereas knowledge will fortify it in general. 

For the deeper self there are only 2 solutions 

Psychic intelligence 

And God's love 

True love. 

True love and psychic intelligence. 

True love will renew and empower 

Psychic intelligence will guide and protect 

And gifts 

Gifts and Acts 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Following are the chapters in my Bible 


Chapter 1




Chapter 2





Chapter 3 




Chapter 4





Chapter 5 












Chapter 8 



Chapter 9





Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Chapter 1



True love is beautiful. It's sublime. It's always there. It is what gives hope and renewing energy to life. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Chapter 2



How is psychic intelligence different from divine intelligence? 

Psychic intelligence is something that has an innate root in you. It could be a future prophecy 

An example of psychic intelligence is —

When you feel that someone in your family might meet an accident or suffer in some way.. This is psychic phenomenon. 


What is divine intelligence? 

Divine intelligence is like courage. It goes with the divine attributes. 

For example, treating everyone equally or showing compassion instead of judgment is a sign of divine intelligence or such behavior accompanies or reflects divine intelligence. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Chapter 3 


Knowledge of the earth refers to scientific knowledge of life and living 

This knowledge can consist of a wide variety of things that help us in our lives like ~

  • Philosophy 
  • Literature 
  • Medicine
  • Geometry 
  • Technology 
  • Psychology 
  • Art 

Etc. They give us important clues on human life and existence. 


Edited by Preety_India

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Chapter 4




Once you have God's love in your life everything is fulfilled. Everything is made whole. 

God's love empowers and inspires you. It rejuvenates you. 


Edited by Preety_India

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Chapter 5 


The divine self is the self that has all the divine values. It's very pure and spiritual. 

But this divine self is Ethereal, meaning it's not found on planet earth. It's found in spiritual space. It's an ideal, like a statue or art or movie character we look at to gain inspiration. 

The deeper self is a minute representation and personified version of the divine self on planet earth. Most people who have a deeper soul or depth to their emotions have the divine self embodied into them. Although a complete embodiment is not possible due to barriers of the material world, there is still at least a partial embodiment. 

This deeper self is looking for a deeper spiritual journey on planet earth. 

The ultimate destination of this journey is INFINITE LOVE OR TRUE LOVE. 


Edited by Preety_India

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Gifts are God given. God has given you many gifts at birth. Something that we usually take for granted.

God continues to give these gifts throughout our lives. 

Like gift of healing. Gift of affection. 

Gift of health 



Edited by Preety_India

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God makes necessary interventions. 

God does these interventions after we have approached God's grace via supplication. 


Edited by Preety_India

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Chapter 8 



We are agents of God and our fundamental role is to follow the principles of divinity and live by those principles. 

There is a divine world in which everything operates on divine principles and in divine ways because of which every creature is fulfilled and there is peace and perfect happiness. There is righteousness and there is perfect order. There is only joy, no pain, no suffering, no sorrow. This divine world is a perfect world. 

Our ultimate goal as agents and workers (workers of God) is to do God's work on earth (this kinda reminds me of Christianity), we have to do God's work. What is this work? This work is nation building which means build a community or world that perfectly replicates the divine world. Almost like bringing the divine world on earth (does this sound familiar to bringing heaven on earth). Once you bring the divine world you have restored healing, order and peace. 




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Chapter 9



First we need to understand 2 things here. This is the ultimate spiritual truth and this part is important. 

There are two selves on planet earth. GOD created two 

The first self is the deeper self. 

Since everything in this world follows the principle of duality (night and day, bitter and sweet, love and hate), it was natural that an opposite to the Deeper Self has had to exist. 

This opposite self or counterpart is the Outer self. The more materialistic Self. This self has different needs and psyche than the Deeper self.. 

The Deeper Self is at conflict with the world..because this world is not designed to be perfect. It is opposite to the Divine world. The divine world is the perfect world. 

The deeper self cannot find fulfillment in this world because this world is too shallow to fulfill the needs of the Deeper self. As a result, the Deeper Self will always be in a state of restlessness in this shallow world. The Deeper Self will rebel against the world. 

The Outer self however is a conformist. It conforms wonderfully with the world. It is made of Outer values. It supports outer values that are based on survival and maximization of survival and ego. These are egoic values that are highly destructive (imagine a Roman Senate where everyone is conspiring and killing each other to get a higher seat or position). 

These outer selves will easily be at peace with the world and thrive well in it. They will have all the material pleasures and the material rewards. They won't feel dissatisfied because they lack depth. They will love all the shallow things and the shallow ways. 

However these outer selves will never be truly happy and this is their hell. Their metaphorical hell. They will never meet true love or infinite love in eternal life after death. That is they have restlessness waiting for them in the afterlife. 

The Deeper selves will suffer deeply in this world.. They will struggle to fit in. They will not like anything materialistic. They will never find deeper love or connection. They will suffer betrayal and suffer immense pain and suffering. Their only way to deal with this suffering is to bring God's intervention into their lives. 

Like Infinite Waters the YouTuber says there are organic and inorganic people in this world. I have reached a similar conclusion. 

The organic ones. 



The inorganic ones. 



Now the inorganic ones are permanently restless. 

The organic ones are free spirited and Empathetic. 

Yet the organic ones will endure great suffering..because of clash of their deeper values with the world. 

However in the afterlife, the organic ones or Deeper Selves will forever bind with Infinite Love in eternity. This is their reward. 

And what will they do. 

The only way out for the struggling deeper selves is to have faith and believe that God wants the best for them. 




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The only way out for the struggling deeper selves is to have faith and believe that God wants the best for them. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I want to follow these principles in my life.. 

This is my handbook for the rest of my life 


I'm proud of it. 

This is what I always wanted. 


Now I'm kinda comfy and sleepy. 

I really wanted to create a textbook I could rely on as a framework for my spiritual life. Now it's all ready. 





Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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