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Non action and Buddhism

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What did buddha do all day?

If he removes all desires, what action does he take?

He differs from Christ because his teaching is ''I can of my own self do nothing, the father within doeth the works''

''See the lillies of the field, they neither spin nor toil''


Jesus teaches surrender and channeling the holy spirit, whereas to my knowledge buddha's emphasis on mediation and dissolution of ego doesn't have a parallel to the above quotes. 

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32 minutes ago, Ya know said:

What did buddha do all day?

Blessing out on nothing  

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You just keep doing whatever you want to do. Teach, meditate, eat, sleep, shit, go for a walk, do your daily chores, hang out with friends, etc. Just normal life.

Desirelessness doesn't mean that you literally don't want anything anymore, it's just that you're not attached to the outcome of things anymore.

...which is not the same as "I don't care." Because that would still be attachement, only the mirror image. You do care, but without attachement.

In fact, you care more than you did before, because you realize that the mundane is the same as the divine.

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9 hours ago, Ya know said:

''See the lillies of the field, they neither spin nor toil''

@Ya know I am not sure this quote is the best metaphor to model. You are human not a flower or a tree.

I think what they are pointing to is aligning your ego mind with your higher mind and following what inspiration arises. When you do this you are acting in harmony with the flow of the universe. 

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On 2022-03-23 at 1:40 PM, Ya know said:

What did buddha do all day?

If he removes all desires, what action does he take?

Not all actions are based on desire. You might desire a money, a car or a girlfriend end but that's quite different than eating when you're hungry or sleeping when you're tired.

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15 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

Phone bug

Buddha (or any other enlightened being) can still enjoy material pleasure. 

Renunciation (that's not too overdone) is just meant to be a tool BEFORE awakening.

Zero attachment to material pleasure doesn't mean you can't enjoy having nice cars, sex, alcohol etc.

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1 hour ago, Michal__ said:

Buddha (or any other enlightened being) can still enjoy material pleasure. 

Renunciation (that's not too overdone) is just meant to be a tool BEFORE awakening.

Zero attachment to material pleasure doesn't mean you can't enjoy having nice cars, sex, alcohol etc.

Exactly. I'm not at all for renunciation but I understand that it might sound that way. The difference is that it's not based on lack or need of that thing contrary to desire. As a pointer I'd say that everything is complete right now, if it doesn't feel that way then let go of that feeling.

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On 23/03/2022 at 8:40 PM, Ya know said:

He differs from Christ because his teaching is ''I can of my own self do nothing, the father within doeth the works''

I don't think they differ much based on this quote. The buddha taught theres no self in control and that by realizing that 'you' paradoxically gain control but it's like psuedo control where you're kinda watching the show unfold and not being absorbed and attached to it as if you are the one in the movie. Buddha didn't refer to this seeing and knowing as the 'father' but this he pointed towards this center as the source of of creation. 

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On 23/03/2022 at 0:40 PM, Ya know said:


Jesus teaches surrender and channeling the holy spirit, whereas to my knowledge buddha's emphasis on mediation and dissolution of ego doesn't have a parallel to the above quotes. 

of myself i do nothing is the same as the buddha saying sit until you get to no self so that god can take the wheel

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