
Possible effects of chronic lsd use

68 posts in this topic

Please continue to make videos for a few more years to document the side effects of chronic psychedelic use. It’s already visible but it’s going to get way worse.  Or just stop doing drugs and get better but you are waaay past the point of being able to do that.   Looks like you are doing recreational stuff too now, nice.  

Edited by Wildcattt555
Wanted to say it better

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Yeah I’m not talking about relatively responsible lsd use like that or cannabis.

  He is markedly less articulate and charismatic now than his older videos, his energy is much different.  His content went from good to virtually unwatchable for me personally.  his appearance has rapidly deteriorated , though that could be somewhat natural  for a guy approaching his 40s .  He’s Sluggish at times, Starting to have some prolonged pauses and going blank for a few seconds where he wouldn’t before. His eyes are different. More rigid muscle movements in his face in general.    Going back to the content , the belief  that his latest solipsism video is so profoundly awakening it’s dangerous.  Grandiosity , obviously false , and Just a gimmick bc he is literally out of ideas. He can’t put his unique spin on old ideas that was kind of his trademark. I get that creativity  fades before other areas of intelligence , but Leo is pretty damn intelligent. Like, you’re going back to hookup videos and making just a generic war video, cmon.  His videos were pretty fire just a few years ago. 

  If you watch videos of him from 6 or 7 years ago you can see he isnt happy like he was, he has this arrogance and annoyance with people that is chemically based. Being around addicts and being one myself I know the irritability that comes when your brain just isn’t in sync. Pretty sure he’s messed up his serotonin  receptors .   The weight loss ( or inability to maintain a healthy weight )and delusion of blaming gus health issues on heavy metals when he is likely malnourished. a high protein diet and exercise would likely help him .   His affect is at times almost the same as my friend who was a psychedelic addict.  It’s this kind of weird way they look at people sometimes.  Hard to describe, but not if you’ve seen it before.    ( Watch Charles Manson interviews if you really want to see the end game. He’s a long ways off from that admittedly)

It’s inevitable for anyone who gets a hold of “pure” acid and doesnt realize they should not do it more than about a dozen times in their life.    I’ve never done heroin but my buddy got this pure acid one time, the cleanest stuff I’ve ever had, and yeah it was like seeing heaven , better than good coke or any experience  I’ve ever had  , being at one with the sun, having every cell of my body vibrate in ecstasy for 4 or 5 hours, seeing hieroglyphics in the air. ( weird symbolic archetypal Jung stuff)   Feeling like you are absolute pleasure / love / joy or whatever you want to call it 


a lot of people have these “ god realizations “ that wear off. It’s called being high.   It’s not a God realization because it fades. 

the idea that continued use of anything resembling that isn’t going to damage the sensitivity of your brain is just baffling.   The depression is setting in, it’s natural. My friend was trying to do kratom to fight the depression of lsd abuse, then he eventually went to ketamine and drowned in his bathtub.     I don’t like Leo bc he recklessly promotes drug use in my opinion , but obviously I wish he would just get sober because the road he’s heading down isn’t good.   

all this stuff is pretty slight if you aren’t looking for it ,  the body loses its healing capacity in its 30s so…. Time to sober up

Edited by Wildcattt555

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Thank you for saying that. He was a good guy just very troubled. ?

You sound mature in your view on drugs now , I’m trying to get off everything as well.  
you are right about natural highs. You can have a pretty good experience just meditating if you get into a groove.  And yeah if you want to get high you could do it sleep deprived and there are more calculated ways to get your dmt levels up.  Lots of people trip sober. 

I wish the brain and drugs were explained to me in a different way early on .  The brain is constantly producing “drugs,” it’s just we want unnatural levels. If you are sober and healthy and exercising you are going to feel better than being on drugs.  It’s like sacrificing the entire day to feel euphoric for a few hours.  Rather wake up and feel good, work out and feel great, have good sex with my gf, get restful rejuvenating sleep and do it again the. next day. These are all little highs that make being sober actually better.   It’s hard to grasp in the throes of addiction but we aren’t sacrificing anything by being sober. 
good luck to you and your friends. Hopefully they come around 

Edited by Wildcattt555

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42 minutes ago, Wildcattt555 said:

He is markedly less articulate and charismatic now than his older videos, his energy is much different.  His content went from good to virtually unwatchable for me personally.  his appearance has rapidly deteriorated , though that could be somewhat natural  for a guy approaching his 40s .  He’s Sluggish at times, Starting to have some prolonged pauses and going blank for a few seconds where he wouldn’t before. His eyes are different. More rigid muscle movements in his face in general.  

Why do you just assume that it’s the psychedelics that are responsible for this? Have you ever heard the phrase “Correlation does not equal causation”? 

That is some very lazy, presumptive, and biased thinking.

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You’re very kind thanks…. Oh yeah if you’ve ever seen Mormons lol.  Everything banned even coffee, the happiest most energetic people I’ve ever seen.    Yeah I think that’s a good way to put it” by doing nothing you get everything. “ then if we ever get to that level of sobriety there’s always room to grow .. emotional and higher physical sobriety ,the sins( I’m not religious ) but lust greed jeoulosy laziness  anger pride gluttony…. Those are all more subtle energy theives.   And those are pretty standard for most cultures anyway , at least in the sense that they aren’t ideal. 

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15 minutes ago, A_v_E said:

@The Lucid Dreamer maybe, but have you thoughts of the fact that addict always defend their drugs of choice with a narrative.

If that's true and being sober is just getting high on your natural supply of drugs as  Wildcattt555 put it, then isn't this thread just the defense of being addicted to being sober and seeing external drugs as problematic because they don't bring the state of mind or life you've come to prefer? People who are drug addicts find life on the drugs better, people who go sober find sober life better. Is it not that we all make up a narrative to justify why our subjective taste is the best?

Edited by Asayake

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36 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

Why do you just assume that it’s the psychedelics that are responsible for this? Have you ever heard the phrase “Correlation does not equal causation”? 

That is some very lazy, presumptive, and biased thinking.

Have you ever heard that the most likely explanation is usually correct ? And if you read my entire post I was identifying similarities in his behavior to other addicts.  And no I don’t think there is another likely cause that is going to have all these seemingly drug induced side effects. 


honestly it seems like those words hit a little to close to home for you. 

yes I think that symptoms of lsd abuse are probably caused by lsd abuse?

sorry I’m not trying to be rude but it is rare to have a good friend who was tripping like 3 times a month for  6 years straight. That gives me a unique viewpoint.   Like oh this is exactly how he started acting before he got bad and they are doing virtually the same stuff.  It’s more intuitive I know that post isn’t the strongest evidence by itself. 

Edited by Wildcattt555

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2 minutes ago, Asayake said:

If that's true and being sober is just getting high on your natural supply of drugs as  Wildcattt555 put it, then isn't this thread just the defense of being addicted to being sober and seeing external drugs as problematic because they're don't bring the state of mind or life you've come to prefer? People who are drug addicts find life on the drugs better, people who go sober find sober life better. Is it not that we all make up a narrative to justify why our subjective taste is the best?

There’s a fine line between drug user and drug addict. Very few people want to be drug addicts. 

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I read in an academic book about public health (latest edition from 2021) that LSD is neither physically damaging nor addictive, only that it might produce terrifying experiences. However, I'm not sure if that applies to 5-MeO-DMT. It has a much beefier pharmacological profile. I think these are valid concerns. Martin Ball (5-MeO master) lately worsened his pre-existing sleep problems to dangerous levels.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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What do you know about Leos personal life?
There can be many undiclosed reasons why he changes.

You don't even know him personally, but since he shares a bit of his personal life, you think to know exactly what is going '"wrong" with him.


Concerning your topic title?
Do you have direct experience of what heavy metals do to your psyche?

1 hour ago, Wildcattt555 said:

He is markedly less articulate and charismatic now than his older videos, his energy is much different. 

He’s Sluggish at times, Starting to have some prolonged pauses and going blank for a few seconds where he wouldn’t before.

His eyes are different. More rigid muscle movements in his face in general.   

If you watch videos of him from 6 or 7 years ago you can see he isnt happy like he was, he has this arrogance and annoyance with people that is chemically based.

These are prime examples of symptoms you get when you chelate heavy metals. They get slowly released from their reservoirs in the body (mostly brain) and interfere with the bodies chemistry (neurotransmitters, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, etc)

This could be one reason for the things you mentioned. But do I know exactly if it's a problem fro him? No. 

Edited by Ima Freeman

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15 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

I read in an academic book about public health (latest edition from 2021) that LSD is neither physically damaging nor addictive, only that it might produce terrifying experiences. However, I'm not sure if that applies to 5-MeO-DMT. It has a much beefier pharmacological profile. I think these are valid concerns. Martin Ball (5-MeO master) lately worsened his pre-existing sleep problems to dangerous levels.

It’s physically damaging when you do it all the time. You don’t need to be a doctor to know that.   Yeah I’ve seen the studies where they give people a tab lol.   And yes there are documented problems associated with chronic use.   You know the US government allows anti psychotic pills that cause diabetes to be prescribed as an initial treatment for sleep issues right?  Do you know what adderall is? Oxy?  They don’t give a shit if you damage your brain with illicit substances.   They profit from you damaging your body with legal ones 

Edited by Wildcattt555

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@Wildcattt555 Chronic use of EVERYTHING artificial will have a price to our body and brain it is very clear it will be that way. Our brain always will try to counter-act long term a substance we use many times. Believe me I know with the SSRI I take 12 years and today I can reduce max 3% / month because of the tolerance. I wish I knew before what I know today. But in the other hand it doesnt mean the body and brain cannot reverse the process with enough time because they can.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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2 minutes ago, Wildcattt555 said:

It’s physically damaging when you do it all the time. You don’t need to be a doctor to know that.   Yeah I’ve seen the studies where they give people a tab lol.   And yes there are documented problems associated with chronic use.

Define chronic use of psychedelics.


6 minutes ago, Wildcattt555 said:

You know the US government allows anti psychotic pills that cause diabetes to be prescribed as an initial treatment for sleep issues right?  Do you know what adderall is? Oxy?  They don’t give a shit if you damage your brain with illicit substances.   They profit from you damaging your body with legal ones 

You're conflating the accuracy of scientific literature and prescription practices. It's not a mystery that you can prescribe medicines that have side effects. You have to weigh the pros and the cons.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Wildcattt555 I recognise your concern and do agree that psychedelics can be overused. Of course they can. But every body and brain is different. And not every psychedelic trip is the same. Most people are not using them even close to properly/safely. 

I don't agree with this paragraph whatsoever. And i've been watching since 2016. In my view the opposite is true of everything you're saying here:

2 hours ago, Wildcattt555 said:

He is markedly less articulate and charismatic now than his older videos, his energy is much different.  His content went from good to virtually unwatchable for me personally.  his appearance has rapidly deteriorated , though that could be somewhat natural  for a guy approaching his 40s .  He’s Sluggish at times, Starting to have some prolonged pauses and going blank for a few seconds where he wouldn’t before. His eyes are different. More rigid muscle movements in his face in general.    Going back to the content , the belief  that his latest solipsism video is so profoundly awakening it’s dangerous.  Grandiosity , obviously false , and Just a gimmick bc he is literally out of ideas. He can’t put his unique spin on old ideas that was kind of his trademark. I get that creativity  fades before other areas of intelligence , but Leo is pretty damn intelligent. Like, you’re going back to hookup videos and making just a generic war video, cmon.  His videos were pretty fire just a few years ago. 


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1 minute ago, Carl-Richard said:

Define chronic use of psychedelics.


You're conflating the accuracy of scientific literature and prescription practices. It's not a mystery that you can prescribe medicines that have side effects. You have to weigh the pros and the cons.

 There is rampant abuse in the pharmaceutical industry  prescribing unnecessary drugs with debilitating side effects. It’s not a leap to say that if they don’t care about you dying from opiates , ruining your brain with adderall or getting diabetes because u can’t sleep , that they probably don’t care about giving you accurate information on a schedule one narcotic.  

I’ll look for the article 

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The most popular psychedelics are well researched substances.

It is a scientific fact that these substances are non-addictive, not toxic and have no negative long term consequences for the human body.

In fact, most studies show that the opposite can be true. These substances can give you a new perspective on life an reality and transform you in deep and healing ways.

I do not share your opinion that Leo is "deteriorating" and that his videos are losing their quality. From my POV Leo has matured and his videos have gotten more authentic.

Also the topic of his channel (self-actualization) has changed to Self-realization. In this way, his channel has morphed into something completely different than what it originally was and most people are not ready for that and will not approve of that because of lack of experience and lack of interest in these topics.

Truth and Reality are not all rainbows and butterflies.

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5 minutes ago, Michael Jackson said:

It is a scientific fact that these substances are non-addictive, not toxic and have no negative long term consequences for the human body.

You cannot know this as long as you cannot see the infinite complexity of the body and the brain. Nobody can give a clear cut answer.

They are less addictive than conventional drugs thats the only thing we can say in a high probability.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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5 minutes ago, A_v_E said:

@Carl-Richard scientific littérature is a pack of huge shit. Go hang with drug addicts or LSD user. The last one is yelling story of new world order and vaccine everyday on Instagram. 

People stop believing scientific littérature like facts. At best it's a possible compass within reality.

I agree. I just place it a bit higher than personal anecdotes.


12 minutes ago, Wildcattt555 said:

they probably don’t care about giving you accurate information on a schedule one narcotic.  

I’ll look for the article 


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 minute ago, Nivsch said:

You cannot know this as long as you cannot see the infinite complexity of the body and the brain. Nobody can give a clear cut answer.

They are less addictive than conventional drugs thats for sure.

Well by this logic you could also get addicted to tomatoes. It's simply a scientific fact. No need for over-complication here.

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