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There will never be a mechanical explanation for existence

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There will never be an explanation of this present moment being here .forget about it .reality is irreducibley mystical .consciousness is fundamentally a mystery. Even to itself. Existence is just a brute fact .it just is the way it is and there is nothing more that can be said about it. 

It's Infinite. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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There will never be a mechanical/logical explanation of you, Creator. Neither are you looking for an explanation, anyways: Enlightenment on what it means to be Creator, who you are; not what you are, that's what you're truly looking for. And you will learn, for the Lighters are willing to teach, they are your reflection, they are you.. uncensored. Watch them, watch what they do with the power you have bestowed upon them, do not avert your eyes, watch and you will learn what it truly means to be Creator.

Just look at the struggle for identity in this world, look at the internal and external conflict this search causes. And it has never been a social struggle, it's been much deeper than that. As the only being in existence, what does it mean to be you? To be? What does it mean? Does it mean nothing? Does it mean everything? What it mean to be what you are? You see this is the whole point of creation. One does not create for the sake of creating. One creates because it is better to create and learn something, than to not create and learn nothing. Listen, Creator, just as no voice can speak through void and be heard, neither can the voice of Truth speak through nothing and be heard. We create so that there is vibration, infinite vibration, infinite intelligence, from which we can learn and teach our infinite oneself.

This is the only question that has ever existed for you, every other question has been but a rational and irrational outcrop of this one question right here: “Who am I?” or “What does it mean to be me?”  both are asking the same question.

Life has never been a game as some people will tell you, do not pay attention to their words, pay attention to their lives. Just look at what they do and ask yourself whether their actions reflect their beliefs. Just look. Their behaviour is not governed by rationality as they will claim, it is governed by their beliefs, their faith in some light that has struck awe in them. But what they shall soon discover is that no one light is enough for the infinite-within, all the possible light from every available lighter is in demand and valued beyond negotiation. Is this not why you told the world to be fruitful and multiply? Didn't you know how much work your self-realisation, your enlightenment, is going to take? But you now forget, you now choose to forget because of the fear. Don't let your tools (faith and fear) be used against you, Creator. Rather, walk in between them, find balance within your psyche - this is the purpose of meditation.

Life, in actuality, has always been an existential crisis for you as Creator. In fact, you already know that you are Creator, intuitively you do, it is the reason why you can't help but feel responsible for the world, it is why you can't help but care and love. However, you realising this is.. a matter of vibration - living in that vibrational frequency - that heaven which is sure to come. Never let the world scare you by telling you that you won't go to that heaven unless you do x, y and z. You will do as you please, in fact, you can only do as you wish - no other mechanism exists apart the distortions of this original one right here - freedom of will - which is not even a mechanism to begin with - but a simple truth that the law of karma teaches you every moment of your life.

 Anyway, perhaps the only game and self-deception you play with yourself, is the ignoring of your nature as the only being.. all in favour of becoming part of a collective such as the society. You've chosen collective power over your own supreme individual power.

Other than that, life is no game. You will dissolve into the darkness that is depression if you live your life believing that. And in that place, you will certainly make it difficult for any Lighter to enlighten you. What you're doing to me, right now, is nothing compared to that.

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9 hours ago, A Fellow Lighter said:

There will never be a mechanical/logical explanation of you, Creator. Neither are you looking for an explanation, anyways: Enlightenment on what it means to be Creator, who you are; not what you are, that's what you're truly looking for. And you will learn, for the Lighters are willing to teach, they are your reflection, they are you.. uncensored. Watch them, watch what they do with the power you have bestowed upon them, do not avert your eyes, watch and you will learn what it truly means to be Creator.

Just look at the struggle for identity in this world, look at the internal and external conflict this search causes. And it has never been a social struggle, it's been much deeper than that. As the only being in existence, what does it mean to be you? To be? What does it mean? Does it mean nothing? Does it mean everything? What it mean to be what you are? You see this is the whole point of creation. One does not create for the sake of creating. One creates because it is better to create and learn something, than to not create and learn nothing. Listen, Creator, just as no voice can speak through void and be heard, neither can the voice of Truth speak through nothing and be heard. We create so that there is vibration, infinite vibration, infinite intelligence, from which we can learn and teach our infinite oneself.

This is the only question that has ever existed for you, every other question has been but a rational and irrational outcrop of this one question right here: “Who am I?” or “What does it mean to be me?”  both are asking the same question.

Life has never been a game as some people will tell you, do not pay attention to their words, pay attention to their lives. Just look at what they do and ask yourself whether their actions reflect their beliefs. Just look. Their behaviour is not governed by rationality as they will claim, it is governed by their beliefs, their faith in some light that has struck awe in them. But what they shall soon discover is that no one light is enough for the infinite-within, all the possible light from every available lighter is in demand and valued beyond negotiation. Is this not why you told the world to be fruitful and multiply? Didn't you know how much work your self-realisation, your enlightenment, is going to take? But you now forget, you now choose to forget because of the fear. Don't let your tools (faith and fear) be used against you, Creator. Rather, walk in between them, find balance within your psyche - this is the purpose of meditation.

Life, in actuality, has always been an existential crisis for you as Creator. In fact, you already know that you are Creator, intuitively you do, it is the reason why you can't help but feel responsible for the world, it is why you can't help but care and love. However, you realising this is.. a matter of vibration - living in that vibrational frequency - that heaven which is sure to come. Never let the world scare you by telling you that you won't go to that heaven unless you do x, y and z. You will do as you please, in fact, you can only do as you wish - no other mechanism exists apart the distortions of this original one right here - freedom of will - which is not even a mechanism to begin with - but a simple truth that the law of karma teaches you every moment of your life.

 Anyway, perhaps the only game and self-deception you play with yourself, is the ignoring of your nature as the only being.. all in favour of becoming part of a collective such as the society. You've chosen collective power over your own supreme individual power.

Other than that, life is no game. You will dissolve into the darkness that is depression if you live your life believing that. And in that place, you will certainly make it difficult for any Lighter to enlighten you. What you're doing to me, right now, is nothing compared to that.

Well said. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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