
Giga Healing

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Edit post here. Part 2.

I'm incorporating Sheyshej and Hecazanu and Untowl into my practice. 


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Edit post here. Part 3


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I woke up feeling warm and I think a cup of coffee might fix me 


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Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky

Imagine all the people
Livin' for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


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Sometimes I felt a deep sense of emptiness within me. 

It felt like the whole universe was against me. 


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Why the Bible is true? 

Well there is evidence to prove that the Bible is true. 


When was the Bible written ?



The New Testament books were written by Christians in the first century AD.

That is almost 2000 years or 20 centuries ago.

Now let's assume that a century is 1 year condensed.

By this, the Bible or new testament was written 20 years ago. That is in the year 2002. That makes it quite simple.


How will God's people look today ?




I don't want to be a standard Christian anymore. I left Christianity a month ago 

Because it's an Abrahamic religion and i reject anything Abrahamic.

Hinduism divides people into different castes making it look like high quality people belong to upper classes and low quality people belonging to lower classes or caste.

Which is ridiculous because most people at the top or elite are greedy fuckers and it's the poor people who suffer.


Revelation not information


Power of faith 


I would believe in some tribal religion.

That is better than either Hinduism or Christianity.


Categories 8

The Romans 

The Acutians 

The Samaritans 

The Emanescent 

The Galatians 

The Diluvians

The Ignobles

The Ignorants 




I have decided to name this religion Acutianity

I will have a combination of deihism and Acutianity




The name of the religion is Deihism. 

Pronounced as - dayism. With an H after y. 

Parts or branches of this religion 

Dewism soul Dewjd God conscience and humanity 

Pjerism  worship and prayer (pagan) 

Novoexcellente  excellence and leadership and beauty 

Ovirism - well being and holistic sciences and higher consciousness. 


What I don't like about Christianity is this whole bullshido about how Jesus Christ died for our sins. Oof. It just doesn't sound right. As though we are all sinners.

I want a more objective religion than this.



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3 hours ago, Preety_India said:

This modern religion is composed of 3 components.

The modern religion can be called modern Romanism because it has roots in ancient paganism.

I hate how paganism was annihilated by Abrahamic religions. Total butchering.

I'll call the last 20 centuries as the modern human history with modern religions taking over.

Whereas ancient human history existed before the last 20 centuries of modern history.

I'll call the Abrahamic religions as the modern human religions that took over the ancient ones and completely replaced them.

The ancient religions were pagan.

So before Christianity there was paganism.

I want to reinvent ancient history.

I want to practice ancient religions with a modern twist.





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I want to practice ancient religions with a modern twist.

I want to go back to ancient roots.

And i no longer wish to be associated with any Abrahamic religions.



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The modern religion can be called modern Romanism because it has roots in ancient paganism.

Ancient paganism is important to me now more than ever.


But now i need to construct the elements of modern paganism.



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So what are the elements of modern paganism?

I'll call it Modern Romanism.

It is similar to ancient paganism.

Categories 8


The Romans 


The Acutians 


The Samaritans 


The Emanescent 


The Galatians 


The Diluvians


The Ignobles


The Ignorants 



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Modern Romanism 

This will consist of many components.

One is Deihism.

And the other is Acutianity.



Acutianity is all about the 4 slabs, the 8 categories and 3 gods.

Modern Romanism also called Acutianity.

This religion will focus on human nature, God nature and human behaviour and human life.

It will also have several pagan and Christian components


3 components

  • Diehism
  • Acutianity
  • Christian and pagan elements from different cultures



I also don't like this whole Archangel Gabriel bullshit, it makes Christianity look like a cult.


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God of the Romans 




God of the Samaritans 





God of the Acutians





Symbol of Acutianity










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Festivals in this religion and rituals.

The festival is called shamone.


Rituals and traditions.

The definition of a tradition is a custom or belief that is passed down through the generations or that is done time after time or year after year. An example of a tradition is eating turkey on Thanksgiving or putting up a tree on Christmas.



Holy Oil rubbing on hand and forehead

Celebrating shamone every 3rd day.


A dog is considered a major symbol in the religion so there's a festival called the dog festival ,this day will be a day of dedication and tribute to dogs. This festival will be called the Gogo festival. 

Two festivals 





Regular worship and prayer to the God of the Romans -Untowl, God of the Samaritans- Hecazanu and God of the Acutians- Sheyshej.

Improvement of character and living a true life as the Gods would want it and persevering for an eternal life with God where your soul will live in heaven (with God) in eternity. 

Every word, thought, action,task will be dedicated to Gods.

Everything will be done in the name of God.

Asking for protection from devils and devilry.

To live in beauty and truth and absolute love.

Following the holy Bible. Or Scripture or shamanal



The religion has 4 components

  • Deihism 
  • Acutianity 
  • Giga healing (healing from the root or base, cellular healing) 
  • Christian and pagan elements 






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I need internal healing.

So yea the forum stalker lol. I was just thinking about him. He is more faithful to me than my namesake boyfriend lol. :P he immediately followed me around (maybe he suffered a bit of abandonment anxiety when I said I was going to leave the forum and immediately put his brain to task to figure out where I might be out of all the places and tracked me down in less than a day. Now that's super fast and super devoted. I wish my now non existent boyfriend would be that keen in knowing where I went. He is so devoted to me that he never misses a single update from me. Now that's called real dedication to the cause. He basically reads every thing I write on the forum, I could be anywhere on the forum and yet inescapable from his eyes. He must have hawk eyes to scan my every movement on this forum, I thought he was gone, just last week I realized he isn't gone nowhere, he is a bit racist, I can tell, but boy he wants me too bad. He just wants to scan me through and through. He keeps following me around. If he met me in real life he would be too shocked. 


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Feeling a bit tired right now but I'll write these posts a bit later. 

Woke up from a nightmare where people were trying to kill me. 

I want to make this my daily anthem 



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Posting my video on my insights.


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The divine masculine is about leadership. 

The divine feminine is about caring, understanding and gentleness. 

The divine wisdom is about understanding life and reality and dealing with it. 


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Insights this week

Spirituality has many aspects.

Some of these aspects are 

  • Morality and conscience
  • The state of bliss. I'll call this the Blissful Awakening
  • Charity or giving back to the universe
  • Serving the divine order(creating a great place)


To achieve blissful awakening there are many roads or ways


These are

  • Serious contemplation work
  • Spiritual practices of meditation
  • Worship of God or Bhakti method
  • Eternal Romance(strong romantic attraction and love)
  • Detachment and nihilism 
  • Melancholic poetic state (acceptance of sorrow)
  • Deep introversion(introverted state)
  • Psychedelics and alcohol like drugs that produce euphoria



Three major aspects guide life and the universe on a deeper level

  • Divine Masculine (part of Romans )
  • Divine Feminine (part of Samaritans )
  • Divine wisdom (part of Acutians)

There are body parts associated with these 3 aspects (or tools)

  • The Soul/conscience(divine Masculine )
  • The heart (divine feminine)
  • The wisdom center(divine wisdom)

How do we take care of these 3 parts 

Taking care of the Soul/conscience and spirit 

Align these parts to Divine Masculine and embody the divine Masculine in these parts


Taking care of the intellect(the crown chakra) and heart and the subconscious mind 

Align these parts to Divine feminine and embody the divine feminine in these parts


Taking care of the wisdom center

Align these parts to Divine wisdom and taming of the heart and intellect

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The following are the spiritual functions

  • Achieve blissful awakening
  • Charity 
  • Serving the divine order
  • Taking care of the Soul/conscience and spirit. Tilling the Soulspace by embodiment of divine Masculine/God of the Romans/Untowl 
  • Taking care of the intellect(the crown chakra) and heart and the subconscious mind. Tilling the mindspace and heartspace by embodiment of divine feminine/God of the Samaritans/Hecazanu
  • Taking care of the wisdom center by embodiment of the divine wisdom/God of the Acutians/sheyshej. Tilling the wisdom space.


I need to have a separate word for the wisdom center.



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