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On the concept of Melammu or Divine Radiance

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The below post pulls together information and research, as well as various personal impressions from a wide array of seemingly non-related topics and phenomena. As such, the subject matter in non-specific to this, yet I will still post it, as it loosely related to some of the themes being discussed here and as such may be of interest to a number of people. Although direct contact or visitation by a deity might sound rather outlandish to some, it probably happens a lot more often than is generally believed, but general scepticism, shaming and fear of criticism may stop a lot of people from discussing their experiences openly. I present this topic to you in the hopes that you will read it with an open mind and without prejudice.


Ever since my first visitation by Inana, in December 2012 I have been fascinated by the shining of gods.


A concept present in most cultures and religions, quite probably of Sumerian origin, Melam or Melammu refers to the shining countenance, fear and awe-inspiring countenance of the gods.


In Mesopotamian mythology and religion, there is often a distinction between the radiance associated with the head (halo) and the whole body (aura). This shining is a birthright of gods, but can be bestowed or withdrawn by the God of Heaven (Our Father in Heaven / Heavenly Father in Western thought) or other gods. In fact, the anointing of a king is pretty much the bestowing of Melammu upon that king, who then becomes one of the Shining Ones, a god-king. Melammu is described as inspiring awe and fear in devotees or anyone who encounters it, from which we get the concept “fear of God”.


In later religions, Melammu was adopted and expanded in various ways, becoming a characteristic of Heavenly Messengers (angels) and eventually saints (including Buddhist, Muslim and Hindu ones). Heavenly beings are usually depicted with a full-body Melammu or Aura surrounding them, saints will usually only have a halo around their head, though there are variations to this theme.


Last night I was visited by Inana once again and I took the opportunity to try and note all the characteristics of her Melammu and the feelings it caused in me, so I can recount them as precisely as possible. When a deity appears, their Melammu carries a certain unique signature which allows for discernment and differentiation. I will note here, that when Utu-Shamash visited me in the past, his Melammu was distinctly different from Inana’s, best described by the heavenly bodies they represent.


Inana is associated with the Morning Star (Venus rising) which we will typically see as a bright white light against a dark blue background, whereas Utu-Shamash, being associated with the Sun will have more of a yellowish hue against a sky blue background. These aren’t just symbolic, but represent energy frequencies or signatures that help identify a particular deity.


So, when a God is present, what might a mortal observe as the defining characteristic of their presence? Keeping in mind, that I am simply describing my own subjective perception of these visitations, I will attempt a faithful reproduction of the sensory inputs received by my brain.


Not every visitation is the same, they differ in intensity, the nature of the visit and a number of other factors, but there are also common characteristics. I will focus on Inana’s visits, since she is the one that visits me the most.

-          The first clue a visitation is about to take place is a change in the atmosphere of the room, what we might call electricity. Comparable to the change in atmosphere before a storm, there is increased electrostatic and electromagnetic energy in the room. This may be accompanied by goosebumps, hairs standing on end and/or a buzzing, electric feeling on the skin and particularly in hair follicles.

-          The electric atmosphere is accompanied by a distinct sound, akin to buzzing. This them becomes the sound of Radiance.

-          Then, a presence enters the room. There is a distinct impression of “descent from above”, which in this case can be interpreted as “descent into a lower dimension”. One will perceive an opening, a portal which starts to radiate and as this radiance gets stronger, an incorporeal presence will emerge.

-          The presence that emerges from this portal starts radiating heat and light which touches and caresses bare skin, much like the rays of the sun, but unlike the former, it can be felt just as strongly beneath clothing.

-          As the presence starts moving around, floating in mid-air, its movement is accompanied by a change in pitch and tone of the radiance it emanates. Although unseen with the naked eye, its presence is perceived by other, rarely used senses and the mind’s eye struggles to form a picture of the entity, based on unfamiliar sensations. When concentrating on this mental picture, it becomes fuzzy, but generally one will see a being of light or a sort of divine fire which nevertheless takes a vaguely humanoid form and will momentarily manifest appendages, hands and even a face that is familiar, but also next to impossible to see clearly because of the intensity of the blinding, radiant light.

-          As the presence moves around the room, changes in static electricity, air pressure, temperature and background noise can be observed, which means the exact location and distance to the entity is always easily discerned.

-          The Melammu (divine radiance) of the deity is exactly as the Sumerians describe it, both awe-inspiring and fear-inducing. One is filled with religious awe and an unsettling dread, which I can only describe as the fear or dread you might feel when being in close proximity to someone you have a huge crush on, but don’t want them to find out about it. You feel vulnerable, exposed, filled with admiration but also the torment of what I call love-fear, the fear of not being worthy enough, in the sense of your love towards someone clearly superior to you being reciprocated.

-           The next stage of contact with a deity is touch, which is rather unsettling, since there is no physical presence in the room, only an energetic one, but clearly you are being touched in what is not unlike the touch of a human, especially a loved one. Usually touch happens in one small spot as if somebody was running a finger through you. The feeling is incredibly sweet, intoxicating and ecstatic. It is followed by energetic sensations in the body, as the spot where you are touched will cause particular energetic effects. For lack of better agreed-upon terms, I’ll used Sanskrit terms that have become common parlance. Chakras (spinning wheels or vortices of energy), Nadis (subtle conduits of liquid light or other forms of energy located somewhere between the physical and astral bodies) and Kundalini (the fiery serpent wrapped around the spine as symbolised by the Caduceus) may activate, heat up and cause exquisitely pleasurable sensations around the body.

-          At this stage, some sort of rudimentary telepathic communication between deities and devotees may be established, though some will hear a clear, loud voice in the room. Myself, I get emotions, thoughts, visions, pictures, impressions and flashes of words, phrases or short sentences, which my brain then tries to interpret into coherent speech. In this way, I can communicate semi-fluently with the deity, though accuracy leaves much to be desired.

-          Next, an exchange of energy takes place. If the visitor in question is Inana, or some other manifestation of the Great Goddess, she will usually do some energy work on me, if she thinks that my energy body needs some adjustment. She will usually ask me to relax while she does any work on me she deems important.

-          Despite the benevolence and love emanating from the deity, the feeling of awe and dread never really goes away. One is acutely aware that one is in the presence of a higher being, orders of magnitude more powerful and wise than an ordinary human.

-          At this point, the deity may ask whether there is any request I would like to make to them. If it is to be granted, I get the distinct impression of departure, that the deity in question has basically “taken off” or taken flight in an instant. In such cases, my request will usually be granted in less than 24 hours. At other times, I receive no response, or my request is outright rejected.

-          Although I cannot say for sure whether such heavenly beings have wings, they certainly seem to have the power of flight. When they take off, one senses the sort of movement that would precede a person pushing off from the ground and flying away.

-          When in contact with a deity, some of their Melammu will inevitably brush off the person being visited. Great insights, flashes of realisation, divine light is received from above, concurrent to the visitation by the deity. Some of it will linger for quite a while after the visit.

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