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Dreams VS "reality "

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Ultimately,there is no phenomenological difference between nightly dream and the waking reality.  You see cars both your dreams and your waking reality. The only difference might be that  the waking reality is more consistent than dreams. But we don't recognise the lack of consistency in our dreams until we wake up. But they are identical ontologically.  

Why do we even differentiate between the two?  That whole boundary is relative and imaginary. 

And I will leave you with Descartes' famous doubt :

how do you know you are not dreaming right fucking now? 

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Waking up from a dream can be quite cruel. I once had a dream where I basically lived an entire life very fast. I had a girl with whom I was deeply in love, a job I was very happy with, all in all a fairy tale, then comes morning and I wake up, realizing that it was all a dream. 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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1 hour ago, Max_V said:

Waking up from a dream can be quite cruel. I once had a dream where I basically lived an entire life very fast. I had a girl with whom I was deeply in love, a job I was very happy with, all in all a fairy tale, then comes morning and I wake up, realizing that it was all a dream. 

It's crazy Man.

Awakening is the realization that life is no different than a dream .although a persistent one;)

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Why do we even differentiate between the two?

Because we can.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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35 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Because we can.

Can you tell when you are dreaming that you are dreaming.? 

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Just now, Someone here said:

Can you tell when you are dreaming that you are dreaming.? 

No, but I can tell my friends about it after I wake up in the morning.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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2 hours ago, Max_V said:

Waking up from a dream can be quite cruel. I once had a dream where I basically lived an entire life very fast. I had a girl with whom I was deeply in love, a job I was very happy with, all in all a fairy tale, then comes morning and I wake up, realizing that it was all a dream. 

I've had one such dream, but it also had a Sci-Fi (Psy-Fi) twist to it.


On 2.6.2020 at 3:49 AM, Carl-Richard said:

4 years ago, back when I was addicted to weed, I went for a week without smoking. The result was the most intense dream I've ever had. I still remember everything to this day:

I was in a space ship circling a dark planet with earth-like conditions. Everything was going fine, but suddenly we started to have technical problems. Me and three other friends were in the ship and we had no idea what to do as we slowly breached the atmosphere while the ship started to shake violently and speed up.

As we were hurdling towards the surface while engulfed in a ball of fire, struggling to make a controlled landing while thinking we were all going to die, we somehow survived the crash. Now, for what felt like at least 300 years of being alive, we were stuck in a Hunger Games -esque situation where we had to fight for our life to survive, create tools, hunt animals while progressively building better types of shelter on this completely alien, dark and night-ridden planet.

After a while, our tools became very advanced, and we discovered new types of technology, effectively creating a new civilization with divine standards of living. As this new world flourished and I had the time to relax, I decided to sit down and just marvel at the beauty of it all, and then I was struck by this incredible insight:

Everything that had happened up to that point was just one part of an infinite series of simulated realities created by aliens for the purpose of making new types of technology by exploiting the creative potential of the human mind. As all this dawned on me, I woke up in my bed (still inside the dream), and I started scribbling down notes about what happened, even drawing the insides of the space ship that had crashed. Then I actually woke up for real, and all I could say to myself was: "....What... the... fuck...."

It was so intense that I actually struggled to accept that my waking life was my real life for a moment. I've never tried Salvia, but the feeling certainly reminded me of those types of descriptions (of having lived an entire lifetime in an alternate reality).

I just wanted to write this down somewhere after all this time :)

God damn my writing was shit 2 years ago, I had to fix a lot of mistakes xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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12 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

No, but I can tell my friends about it after I wake up in the morning.

Then how do you know that life itself is not one giant ass dream? 

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Then how do you know that life itself is not one giant ass dream? 

Never said it wasn't.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Here's the 100% truth: until you can do the things you do in your typical lucid dreaming, like walk on water and control the weather on command (you've heard the stories). Unless you can do them here, on this level of reality, then you've not woken up to this level of dream. And you won't wake up at this rate, simply because your work lacks power. 

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Then how do you know that life itself is not one giant ass dream? 

Thats exactly what Leos teachings are saying. You have been following for awhile now? Its also his first reply to many questions people ask him when you look through the threads.

Awakening makes you realize this current experience was a dream too. When you wake up from a normal dream, your Identity or awareness of your ego, comes online and you realize you were dreaming. When you do exactly that again from the waking state you realize you are God and the dreamed ego Identity falls away. Then your now able to be awake within the dream, another Lucid dream. Thats how Life functions as a dream. different states of consciousness (layers of dream) will apply a new set of rules for the dream to follow, like gravity, solidity of objects, people, consistency of particular content ect..

Edited by Kamo

Focus on the solution, not the problem

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

It's crazy Man.

Awakening is the realization that life is no different than a dream .although a persistent one;)

awakening is none of that, knowing that this is a dream, etc. that's a side effect. awakening is knowing what you are, and it is not something you can do with your mind. it is something that when it happens, you think: this. of course. what I have always been, what I had forgotten. and fills you totally. 

The problem is that for this to happen there is a huge and solid obstacle: you

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

awakening is none of that, knowing that this is a dream, etc. that's a side effect. awakening is knowing what you are, and it is not something you can do with your mind. it is something that when it happens, you think: this. of course. what I have always been, what I had forgotten. and fills you totally. 

The problem is that for this to happen there is a huge and solid obstacle: you

False .that's just the no self facet of awakening. It's an important realization but there is much deeper stuff to awaken to .

Are you conscious that you are God? 

are you conscious that you are the only thing that exists? 

Are you conscious that all others are a projection of your mind? 

If you are,then that's complete awakening. 

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Are you conscious that you are God? 

are you conscious that you are the only thing that exists? 

Are you conscious that all others are a projection of your mind? 

13 hours ago, Someone here said:


Depending. Right now, no. but after meditating for two hours and vaping a micro dose of 5 meo, I easily reach that state, glimpse of infinity. without 5 meo sometimes too. Regarding the others, there are nuances: from the point of view of infinity, the others, and myself are imagined, this becomes obvious. Only I exist, it is not a self like that of the person, but it is what I am so i could say without doubt: I am that. it is obvious that right now I am the timeless limitless void and that everything apparent that is happening is an illusion. the problem is when you go back to the person's point of view. it still seems that the others are a creation of the mind, but of the illusory individual, and this does not make sense since it is obvious that the others have their own apparent experience just like me.

I would say: my nature is the absolute void in which I recognize myself as eternal, alone and unlimited, and apparently a dream is happening (how, I don't know). This dream is the only one that exists, for me, as a dream, others are in my mind. but it is also the only one that exists for you, as a dream. at that moment I understand it, right now, not even close 

But again, in my opinion, awakening isn't about knowing those things, it is about to know, or be, feel, your true unlimited nature. empty the glass of ego and fill it with truth

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15 hours ago, Someone here said:

L The only difference might be that  the waking reality is more consistent than dreams.


The dream of an Infinite Mind is so spectacular that a reality outside of it is not required.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Breakingthewall look .awakening is simply the recognition that all of reality is a creation of your own mind .you as God designed evey human and every animal and every thing in this dream just for the sake of sharing love with others. But since there are no others and you are completely need to  imagine and construct apparent others and you actually believe they are real and even give them authority to decide for you what reality is .

The bottom line is that you are the only thing in existence. Everything is you  Everything is a manifestation of your mind .and that's the ultimate awakening. When you realize that beyond a shadow of a doubt .like I did.

I don't know what exactly do you mean by void and whatnot. But its not the higher awakening. You need to go deeper. 

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11 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

The dream of an Infinite Mind is so spectacular that a reality outside of it is not required.  


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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

awakening is simply the recognition that all of reality is a creation of your own mind

You are talking of your finite mind, confusing it with god. In a sense, it's true that you, someone here, are creating everything with your mind, but you ve started the house from the roof. First you should realized that you are a creation too. God is emptiness and you can't grasp it with the mind

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On 21/03/2022 at 11:49 PM, Breakingthewall said:

Depending. Right now, no. but after meditating for two hours and vaping a micro dose of 5 meo, I easily reach that state, glimpse of infinity. without 5 meo sometimes too. Regarding the others, there are nuances: from the point of view of infinity, the others, and myself are imagined, this becomes obvious. Only I exist, it is not a self like that of the person, but it is what I am so i could say without doubt: I am that. it is obvious that right now I am the timeless limitless void and that everything apparent that is happening is an illusion. the problem is when you go back to the person's point of view. it still seems that the others are a creation of the mind, but of the illusory individual, and this does not make sense since it is obvious that the others have their own apparent experience just like me.

I would say: my nature is the absolute void in which I recognize myself as eternal, alone and unlimited, and apparently a dream is happening (how, I don't know). This dream is the only one that exists, for me, as a dream, others are in my mind. but it is also the only one that exists for you, as a dream. at that moment I understand it, right now, not even close 

But again, in my opinion, awakening isn't about knowing those things, it is about to know, or be, feel, your true unlimited nature. empty the glass of ego and fill it with truth

Very well put. This is an accurate representation of Awakening and God.

The no-self recognition is literally the same thing as God Realization. All this deeper levels/highest levels etc. Is ego games.. how do you guys not see this? ? the moment you truly realize no self, you realize the fabrication of all self's. The finite self then takes on the belief "I am God" "you are all projections of my finite mind". This is false and a trap and not God Realization.

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On 21.3.2022 at 2:46 PM, Breakingthewall said:

You are talking of your finite mind, confusing it with god. In a sense, it's true that you, someone here, are creating everything with your mind, but you ve started the house from the roof. First you should realized that you are a creation too. God is emptiness and you can't grasp it with the mind

You should realize that there is no finite mind, there is only the infinite mind. Furthermore God can be directly understood with consiousness directly.

For some reason almost everybody forgets this after their peak experience.

What do you think it means to be God. It means you aren't a creation at all at any level whatsoever, but real actual 100% omnipotent God right now too.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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