
No freewill

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If I have no freewill, does that mean EVERY single mistake/ poor decision I've ever made has been made on purpose to lead me somewhere? That means I shouldn't be so hard on myself at all, as I didn't consciously make those decisions, some higher part of me did?

Where is God taking me? To awakening I presume? What about inbetween?  It seems like life is against me.

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I've missed these free will questions.

God wants to awaken to itself, that is the game its playing. The joke is that you're already God with complete free will. But be careful, because the ego wants to believe it is God; avoiding delusion is hard.

57% paranoid

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This freedom is never subject to the ideas you impose on it, though will only act trough the limits of such things which you do not posses a power to take away.

It is impossible for you to have had it in your ideas of a past, though necessary towards the possibility of a future.

Edited by Reciprocality

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Our reality is all about consequences and dealing with them.  Life happens, you deal with it.  That's how you learn.  You don't make bad decisions on purpose, but when you do you feel it and you learn. You're not being lead anywhere.  You're just getting better at not causing problems for yourself.  

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Is it really not that obvious?

We have Freewill. This is why, no matter how you try to look at it (deterministic pov, or whatever), you can't help but always find yourself feeling responsible for your actions. Your very intuition tells you you have Freewill.

On a more general note though, life is an activity, not merely existence. So ask yourself, whose will do people act upon? Whose will do you act upon?

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How could there be free will if there is no one? Decisions are functions of conditioning and preferences, not free will. Don't mistake who you are with your character, which is comprised of body and conditioned self-mind. From the "vantage point" of Nothing, which is what you really are, all the conditions of your character are invented. So conditioning and character can change either by adopting different ones or by dropping the existing ones. 

God isn't taking you anywhere. You are already where you are, which is nowhere. Don't be hard on your self, we all make "mistakes". That is life. I suggest to drop the victim mentality, it is a futile and childish emotional disposition towards life. 

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On 18/03/2022 at 6:10 PM, Craigxt22 said:

Free will.

I got it.


Love and Life


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