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The Importance Of Awareness, Again!

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I really like Leos video on awareness, and the way one conveyed the importance of it, in a a very articulate way with the help of ouspensky. It takes a intelligence to be able to really listen to something, but coming back to the awareness, back to the basics is very important, being aware isn't something we do its what we are. I am sure people would definitely benefit from having the reminder once more, that the only way you are not asleep anymore is by being aware of what is, you can read books about being aware all you want and there are some very valuable Pointing's to enlightenment, but with out awareness of what is, the self biased tendecys of the sentient experience, will continue, one can't come out of that which one is not aware of. People want more knowledge to stack on the trophy shelf, rather than detach from identification by being aware, that all there is, is awareness itself! 

Leo a question you had, in your 68 questions video about reality, one of the questions, was asking "what unifies the five senses?"

Awareness does. All duality is couched in that which is aware, 

Awareness is what reality is, its without form, a non physical reality.

The five senses work in Union with that which is.

The ego has always got more complex questions to ask, but is that not just avoiding experiencing it for oneself.

Everyone needs to be reminded of there ignorance, everyone, all of us, I bet that there is still ignorance in myself, and if everyone was truthful they would know that they are to, because the ego is very self deceptive even if there is a abiding state of awareness for them, there's still more to be had, still deeper to go, this is something that one can do, for as long as they can Intill death, just continue to learn, and become conscious of that which is, Truth with a capatible T, as leo puts it.

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