
Perspectives on social work

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Has anyone here a/ been a social worker?

Also, has anyone got any perspectives on social workers they'd like to share? I.e. You had a social worker, who helped you a lot, or didn't help you much. Or, simply just opinions on the field in general.

Thanks in advance.


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It really does depend what job you're working. Experiences that I have heard about is that you're working for the government and have to jump through so many hoops all the time. Dealing with people that don't want to deal with you, dealing with people in crisis.

You have to have a real heart for it.

The ones that do really love what they're doing definitely help change lives, but you need the patience of Jobe for many of them. Thick skin too. Some people love the shit out of it. 

Like I said, it also really depends on what you're looking into. I'm assuming you're looking into being a social worker? But what do you want to do specifically?


At the end of the day if you're looking to be a social worker you always have to look at exactly what you're doing in the day-to-day actions and ask yourself if you enjoy experiencing THAT. 

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I worked at a group home for people with severe mental and physical disabilities for 3-ish months.  

It was ok for me.  One woman had been doing it for like 20 years, most were younger though.  Some had diplomas in social work, others nursing, still others like myself just signed up and got it with no specific education or background.  

It was a lot of just taking care of basic, pragmatic things, with some other things like just chilling with them, de-escalating conflicts, having fun, etc..  Like a caretaker basically.  

I didn't enjoy it too much.  I think I wanted to do my own thing too much lol.  Maybe not enough freedom for me. It was like basically being a mom or dad or camp counsellor; cleaning, doing meals, washing, helping with self-care (meds, brushing teeth, cutting nails, etc.), providing some entertainment when they wanted it.  Nothing too fancy dancy fosho.  

But the people were nice enough. And I did, do, care about the people as well.  Just maybe not my ideal setting for work. 

But, like @ZenSwift said, some people love it.  

Edited by Matt23

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