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The Art Of Dying

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It is so important, that we find a burning desire for liberation, that there is a longing, a calling even, In the very depths of your being.

Its time we stop looking at it, as some great achievement, that only The Buddha, osho, sadguru and so many more attained, stop looking at them through a filtered perspective, like there celebrity's. Loads of fucking normal everyday joes, are waking up today! with technology being all pervasive in this generation, loads of enlightened people are able to point to something that they themselves, are conscious of.

This isn't for the esoteric Anymore, this is available to anyone now. This is what everything is, its all one thing, and duality happens within this non duality, its a self aware reality we are experiencing.

If we want to wake up, then we have to let everything go, empty our cup to make room for the new.  clinging to your knowledge, past, and the way you think things are will keep your ego spinning its wheels for years and it will be a waste of time.

Do what ever you have to do, if you need to take psychedelics, to have a ego death, then do it, drugs are here in this life for some reason. True liberation though is a experience of abiding in ego death, because, and I don't give a shit what your ego thinks, I am god and so are you, this is the deeper level of reality,  the deeper truth, god is more of an IT rather than a he or she. And when I say the word god, that is then seen through a Filtered perception of the past, Pay attention.

God is the entirety, off everything and reality's deepest layer is nothingness, thats what everything is. Including you, unless your somehow outside of everything, the ego sees even reality itself as separate from it, through a subject, object relationship. This is me, and this is reality, its not like that it is all one thing.

Don't make nothingness into a object ,because then we separate it from everything, its just the true nature of things isn't physical, and its only intill you experience that for yourself, will you really know, don't make it into a belief, if you haven't experienced reality as non physical, then just be open to that possibility, (empty cup) 

Don't make your life into a proccess of accumulating knowledge, instead stay alert and empty and learn about life instead, that's the only way your going to get the new, and getting the new is your experience telling you how things are rather than story's and concepts, holding onto sentences like "all is one" ect doesn't mean shit, its the experience you are looking for, you will only know what you are once you are it! That's when its the real deal.

Something Practical-

Let your nose lead your vision from now on, by having your eyelids half way open, you will find the perfect position were you are viewing everything through the guide of the tip of your nose, it just takes a little attention, but don't forcefully focus on it, do it in the most relaxed way, and you will start to fill a pressure in your third eye ( forehead). Stay empty and let the light of non duality come in, this is something I heard from osho, many masters have figured this out, martin ball has also mentioned about the symmetry Of the non dual state of awareness.

I can't tell you how to get there, because everyone is going to have a different story to tell, because variety is the spice of life and its much cooler for reality to experience itself in many different ways, (simultaneously)

So everyone's at a different place, but we all need to eventually, know ourselves at the same place, we are already there anyway, most are just not conscious of it yet, its not anyone's fault, its not a bad thing its just the way things are at the moment, its got to be taken into our own hands now though because we have this wonderful opportunity, us as human have the capacity to increase our consciousness, and wake up! So let's do it!

Anyone who has ever woken up to the unity of life, has never regret it.

We have a few persistent beliefs that really make a difference, in our experience like Believing we a object, that reality is physical, that The Voice in our heads is us (fundamentally) 

There's so much to learn and you will be your own greatest guru by being completely honest with yourself, and really observing your experience, and self.

We are all together.



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Nice, thank you.

What mystery, & what an adventure. 

The more I figure out, the more I see how huge a difference can be made here.

I never thought I would really create a chance to impact this world very much. Just little me.

Now there's a split in the fabric of reality, an understanding to be explored and so many methods and resourses for the curious and inspired (in-spirited). Along with the beautiful and all-encompassing mystery of my True Nature to unravel and return to recognizing and aligning with, I feel I have a purpose. 

I can make a difference. Here. Now. As I align with, and rediscover my True nature, I know that reality is mine to shape, and I have power that I don't even understand yet, but I now know that it is all unlimited potential. Once that sentence becomes more than just words, when you begin to know it in your heart, everything begins to open up. 

There's more love and creative potential available than.. ok, you ARE love and creative potential!

Find it again. Know your power. It expresses as joy and creation.

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Thankyou for sharing some words with us, :)

Life is a mystery, and if one is so inclined, there is so much depth, so much to inquire, endless amounts, 

As Einstein Said once, there's two ways you can experience life, and that is as if nothing is a miracle, and as if everything is a miracle.


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