
Three questions about Infinity

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Dear all,

I have three questions that I hope you will comment on:

1. If Infinity was the first that ever existed, how did it become aware of itself?

2. Did Infinity imagine itself before it came aware of itself and, if so, how would this be possible?

3. If my consciousness is a microcosm of Infinity, would it not be more accurate that "I am part of Infinity" instead of "I am Infinity"? (Like a drop of water being part of the ocean, I assume doing a 5-MeO trip is like the drop of water dissolving into the ocean.)

Love you all,


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5 minutes ago, Dulinho said:

1. If Infinity was the first that ever existed, how did it become aware of itself?

2. Did Infinity imagine itself before it came aware of itself and, if so, how would this be possible?

I don't have much to say, except to point out that both these questions assume the existence of real time. Infinity, if you want to call it that, is that which is prior to time and space and yet apparently gives rise to them.

The mind can't get it. It's miraculous, it makes no logical sense.

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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1 hour ago, Gili Trawangan said:

Infinity, if you want to call it that, is that which is prior to time and space and yet apparently gives rise to them.

The mind can't get it. It's miraculous, it makes no logical sense.

Prior to time and space? You mean the concepts of time and space?

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Infinity was/is not aware at first. In perfect, quality-less state. And then it wanted to know itself. Consciousness arose just as first imaginations were imagined. 


In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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11 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

Infinity was/is not aware at first. In perfect, quality-less state. And then it wanted to know itself. Consciousness arose just as first imaginations were imagined. 

But but but....if infinity is everything, how did IT want to know ITSELF?  Doesn't that very idea indicate a seed of separation?  As though IT was somehow separate from ITSELF?  

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CONTENT WARNING! If you are not stable person don't read what I replied, because it may cause existential crisis.

I will try to guide you to the answer. First become conscious of this moment right NOW. Understand that this is what we call present moment, infinity, god, nothingness, everything, etc. Where this exact moment came? Any logical answer that you get is not right, because anything you can imagine can't be the source for this moment, because this moment is prior to even have these "answers". For example this moment needs to exist in order you to think about yesterday, so that proves that this moment happened before yesterday. This moment can exist without thought of yesterday, but the thought of yesterday can't exist without this moment. ;)

If you say that infinity came first - which basically means that it has existed forever and it was unborn/uncreated - then you accept that it is possible to something exist without beginning or end. If that is possible thought for you then I ask - why couldn't this exact moment right NOW be that thing which was not created and will never end. Content of this moment can vary, but it stays as present moment always and has been present moment forever. Understanding everything till this point answers for you first 2 questions. Answer for the last question is, because this moment right NOW is everything that is happening right NOW and there is nothing outside of this moment and any thought you have about outside of this moment happens within this moment, then that answers why "you" are not drop in the ocean, but the whole ocean.

If someone else, but Dulinho reads that last paragraph then replace Dulinho with your own name.

Basically that also points out that you are all alone and no one, but "you" exists. NOW you may ask in your mind that okay, but don't you Kksd74628 have your own experience and the answer for this is yes, but there is one trick. I am you and you are me and that means that when you physically die then you will have new experience - because no experience is not possible, because it would need to be experienced and that makes it experience - and in that new experience you will live a life as lisa and at this point Dulinho is long time dead. Who said that you couldn't have new life at the same "time" that your previous life happened? After your death you may exist as Kksd74628 and at that point no one is "perceiving" from Dulinho's "pov". So it seems that many lifes are happening simultaneously, but they happen in a row and there is only one person who is having these infinity lifes and it is "you". Understanding what I just said will answer why "you" are the whole ocean.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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1 hour ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Prior to time and space? You mean the concepts of time and space?

I mean prior to time and space. Dimensionless. The absolute.

Edited by Gili Trawangan

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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6 hours ago, Dulinho said:

Dear all,

I have three questions that I hope you will comment on:

1. If Infinity was the first that ever existed, how did it become aware of itself?

There isn't a first. Infinity is imagining a first or a beginning.

Infinity is Eternal. It has no beginning or end.

YOU have existed FOREVER!

You are imagining a time when you were not aware of yourself. Your birth is imaginary. You just imagined it. ;)


2. Did Infinity imagine itself before it came aware of itself and, if so, how would this be possible?

Before and after are imaginary. YOU -- Infinity -- are imagining a before and an after right now.

You have always been aware of yourself. You are imagining some time where you have not been aware of yourself.


3. If my consciousness is a microcosm of Infinity, would it not be more accurate that "I am part of Infinity" instead of "I am Infinity"? (Like a drop of water being part of the ocean, I assume doing a 5-MeO trip is like the drop of water dissolving into the ocean.)

Your consciousness is not just a microcosm, you are God. Your consciousness is Absolute.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There isn't a first. Infinity is imagining a first or a beginning.

Infinity is Eternal. It has no beginning or end.

YOU have existed FOREVER!

You are imagining a time when you were not aware of yourself. Your birth is imaginary ;)

Before and after are imaginary. YOU -- Infinity -- are imagining a before and an after right now.

You have always been aware of yourself. You are imagining some time where you have not been aware of yourself.

Your consciousness is not just a microcosm, you are God. Your consciousness is Absolute.

What is your position of what happens after physical death, is it just infinite re-incarnation? Its not clear from your videos

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1. If Infinity was the first that ever existed, how did it become aware of itself?

“Infinity” is the first, middle, and last thing to ever exist, and it is simply what is experienced right now. There is literally nothing else than what is now. 

2. Did Infinity imagine itself before it came aware of itself and, if so, how would this be possible?

Infinity never imagined itself. Infinity never became aware. “Infinity” is experience as it is this very moment. And by the time you read this sentence, that very moment you first read “this very moment” in the previous sentence, the moment you thought occurred never did occur. This is the illusion of time and memory. 

3. If my consciousness is a microcosm of Infinity, would it not be more accurate that "I am part of Infinity" instead of "I am Infinity"? (Like a drop of water being part of the ocean, I assume doing a 5-MeO trip is like the drop of water dissolving into the ocean.)

There is no microcosm or macrocosm. At best, there’s simply a cosm, if you care to put a name to it which never works. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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21 hours ago, bambi said:

What is your position of what happens after physical death, is it just infinite re-incarnation? Its not clear from your videos

My position is that phyiscal death never happens. You are dreaming it. That's how profound your dream is.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

My position is that phyiscal death never happens. You are dreaming it. That's how profound your dream is.

I don't follow, as if you are saying what I think you are saying, there is no such thing as physicality either, your just changing contexts mid sentence? Sure from the absolute perspective of infinity nothing exists, but we can't even speak about it, so what use of jumping to that context during discourse? Im lost

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@bambi The context is you asked me about the nature of physical death. And I told you you are imagining it.

You are lost because the possibility that you are imagining death is so radical your mind isn't open enough to fathom how this could be possible. You honestly believe you will die.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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But if reality is literally made of imagination, then even if physical death is imagenery dies not make it less real.

When one eats a pizza, it is also imagenery, yet u still expiruence it.

Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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@CuriousityIsKey You've never actually eaten a pizza. You just imagined that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@bambi The context is you asked me about the nature of physical death. And I told you you are imagining it.

You are lost because the possibility that you are imagining death is so radical your mind isn't open enough to fathom how this could be possible. You honestly believe you will die.

No I get that everything is just imagination there's only mind, there's nothing complicated there. But to even talk to each other we have to make some sort of relative concessions... do you understand what I'm saying? To even refer to each other or write or talk at all, is to make some sort of relative concession, so to pull to the absolute perspective is nonsensical


Let me turn it around to try to help you understand; you could respond to 'you are imagining it' to absolutely everything, is there a response where this couldn't be used? But can you see how nonsensical and pointless this discourse would be? I could just make an auto respond to every post on this forum 'You are imaging this forum' --- lol it's weird


You also make a ton of assumptions about me, and I've seen this with others. What is the purpose of such abrasive, conceited discourse? What are you trying to achieve with this?

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2 minutes ago, bambi said:

No I get that everything is just imagination there's only mind, there's nothing complicated there. But to even talk to each other we have to make some sort of relative concessions... do you understand what I'm saying? To even refer to each other or write or talk at all, is to make some sort of relative concession, so to pull to the absolute perspective is nonsensical


Let me turn it around to try to help you understand; you could respond to 'you are imagining it' to absolutely everything, is there a response where this couldn't be used? But can you see how nonsensical and pointless this discourse would be? I could just make an auto respond to every post on this forum 'You are imaging this forum' --- lol it's weird


You also make a ton of assumptions about me, and I've seen this with others. What is the purpose of such abrasive, conceited discourse? What are you trying to achieve with this?


Even though there may be a point to such a blank statement. It is as you point out here, a self defeating logic where language basically becomes nonsensical or useless. We could basically wrap up this forum and call it a day, if everyone can understand or agree to that all is imaginary in the end, in which it also may be. My question would be, to what degree do we really know or maybe even believe that such final statement is true or not. And if the answear is 5-MEO, then  drugs would be the final conclution here. That would also be a good reason to either shut the forum down, or only discuss different chemical components and variations.

I'm not exactly opposed to blank statements, but they certainly work in a very limited way.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@CuriousityIsKey You've never actually eaten a pizza. You just imagined that.

That's what I say too, i know that the mechanism by which one expiriences the pizza is throug imagination, but the expirnce itself is still real, you still eating a pizza.

Thus saying that death does not exist beacuse one imgines it too, makes no sense. Because imgination is exactly how reality creates experiences.


If somebody was to steal all of your money from your bank account, is still an imagery procces, but it will be very real for you, because you need the money.

Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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Imagination/Reality has so much power that it made you a human, a Caucasian male, etc  and many things which you have no control over. try to change them, I mean.


Why do you think that imagination can't imagine you dead? 

Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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