Fred Fulton

Adi Da, Oil and Putin

7 posts in this topic


So here’s my take on The Problem, heavily influenced by this site. Really appreciate your thoughts on whether I have it right and then how to solve it.

The crisis we are heading towards in the next 30 years is going to be horrible. Climate will be a big pressure but it will also create a feedback loop of fear that will bring all our other problems to the fore. More walls will go up, more populist leaders will be voted in and the society we live comfortably in now could collapse, all over the world. 

The climate crisis is obviously caused by burning fossils fuels etc which is driven by our desire to consume which has itself become tied to our identity. Loss of that identity be it through being told to consume less or differently, not go on holiday, not do whatever - equates to death. The same fear is coursing through Putin’s veins and tragically (although it’s attached to the values we love) those in Ukraine as well.

This fear, related to identity, separation, other has existed as long as we have but now there’s this many billions of us, it’s creativity will be our downfall.

A spiritual leader called Adi Da speaks of the concept of prior unity, a universal conscious force, indivisible, acausal and absolute. All manifestation is arising from a prior and intrinsically indivisible unity. Not sure if he’s taken the same psychedelics as you Leo (I think he was one of those rare geniuses who just intuited it) but this seems to be getting to the same place as your work Leo.

This is pretty good news, if both the fundamental truth and the solution to The Problem are the same thing.

My difficulty, along with most of the other billions is that I am solidly trapped in my separate identity. I’ve done some work over the last few years that’s clearly made me see the fear I live in but I have barely budged it a few cms. I am about as  privileged as anyone on the planet can be  - with access to education, time, people I work with. 

So a few questions because I believe in 100% responsibility and if not us then who.

1. Is The Problem accurately described?

2. Is the solution understanding unity beyond a sense of self to such an extent that it removes the fears in 1.?

3. How can that be achieved for larger numbers of people so it catches like wildfire?

4. What would a society based on unity look like to give a vision for people to aspire to? What of self would be retained.

I turn to you all for your ideas and pointers because I have nowhere else to ask and I have searched pretty far in conventional wisdom.

I just hope we find the answers before they are made brutally clear to us all.




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Good post. Adi Da was definitely a perceptual genius.

17 hours ago, Fred Fulton said:

2. Is the solution understanding unity beyond a sense of self to such an extent that it removes the fears in 1.?

3. How can that be achieved for larger numbers of people so it catches like wildfire?

Two huge problems I see to achieving understanding of unity on a mass level, and they would be...

Much of our world (western) orientates around the watch, clock, and calendar. Instead of listening and being guided by our innate wisdom and knowing which is embedded within the brilliance of the body, the earth, and the cosmos, instead of referencing nature, we reference and look to artificial structures.

The natural is the pulse of the body / the earth and it's relations to the sky. The artificial is the watch / clock / calendar. This artificial, it boxes us into a false paradigm, that has us believing in the time and space experience as the real of real, when in reality this time and space experience it is imbedded within a much greater "real".

Our education educates on how to identify as the group and the process portion (input-process-output) it is totally denied. In fact our schools unknowingly encourage one to internalize and suppress. Education, compulsory K-12 for the public, it was never designed with the intent to educate. I mean, which schools teach memory technology (mnemonics) and synthesize it through out all your subjects and 13 years of school? 

A long term solution I see is in food. If a nation could build the infrastructure all across their country which made it possible to grow an abundance of food, this could lead to many positive outcomes which could assist us with realigning with the cosmos and this underlying prior unity.

Edited by Johnny Galt

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Thanks Johnny - I follow all that you say but never considered food as such a cornerstone. Do we not already have an abundance of food - just poorly distributed?Would that not just lead to more exploitation of the natural world? 

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You are mixing up absolute and relative matters.

Of course everything is a unity at the highest level, but that says little about climate change, war, oil, etc.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Is that not exactly the point - a shift from relative to absolute? We are scared individuals who consume or wage war to defend our identity. A loosening of that identity and a shift towards unity would solve these problems. I probably totally misunderstood as a newbie but is that not the basic reason for your Work?


p.s. Even if that is not the reason, your site is amazing and a reflection of your staggeringly brave work

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@Fred Fulton Yes and no. It's tricky. The point is to move beyond the relative and yet you still gotta wipe your dirty ass every day or it will stink.

The mistake is to say: "I am God, I have transcended, therefore I don't need to wipe my ass any more."

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Fred Fulton

15 hours ago, Fred Fulton said:

I follow all that you say but never considered food as such a cornerstone. Do we not already have an abundance of food - just poorly distributed?Would that not just lead to more exploitation of the natural world? 

Poorly distributed, yes. Another issue is the amount of our food which is heavily processed and filled with garbage for flavour and preservatives. So it's not just the amount but it's the quality.

Consider most of what is in a grocery store and how far it travelled to come to your city. I live on the west coast of Canada and there's no need for the amount of food shipped to us from other countries - we could certainly build more infrastructure to grow an abundance of vegetables and fruit and in turn more people would be eating "real food" which in turn would affect all dimensions of the human being. 

In regards to exploitation of the natural world, we live here and are in a symbiotic relations with the earth; I believe we play a greater role in it's evolutionary process, as it is integral to ours, and so if we focused more of growing food locally and consciously I believe over time we would transition from farming that destroys the echo system to one that works in alignment with earth - that would be a learning process for us all.

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