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Cool insight about feeling

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So I was just resting on my bed for a while feeling different areas of my body, and I realized something cool:

Feeling = Accepting = Experiencing as it is

Up until now when I was doing body meditations I was focusing on trying to feel body parts. I tried intensifying the feeling, expect to feel the area warmer, with more energy when focused upon. I tried to make sure I feel it strongly, like I was focusing on an area in order to feel a sensation I was expecting to feel.

This makes me neurotic. Feeling my hands doesn't mean I need to feel hot energy surrounding my hands. It simply means for the current experience of the hands, to be accepted, to experience it without judging, without wishing it to be any different (as I usually do).

It makes me question whether this whole meditation game is ultimately all about accepting. Like body meditation = accepting (experiencing) the body, thought meditation = accepting (experiencing) thoughts, emotion meditation = accepting (experiencing) emotions.

I will try not to think about it too much. Basically to experience all these facets the way they appear

I'm starting to get what you said, @EmptyVase, in actuality rather than your long paragraphs lol, you could condense it so easily (as you also said yourself) 

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@fopylo You can become aware of the part of the mind that is efforting and doing during your meditation sessions. That can be a block to your practice because you think you're meditating etc but the additional sense of effort will undermine your progress.

You can learn to tune into the vibration/energy of acceptance and so you will intuitively know when you are accepting as opposed to when you are in resistance

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