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Career advice / help?

1 post in this topic

Hi all,


I just want to run past you guys a mental problem I have – I’m a 40 year old man, and my life has gradually improved from 35 onwards. Before that, I was a bit of a failure of a person in many ways; didn’t do well in school, received poor advice from my parents; mistreated by various family members, school friends and even in jobs. Finally graduated from university in 2016 and have slowly moved up in the world with various small accomplishments.

Uni transformed me as a person; I developed the discipline of reading, studying and writing. I have become a very interesting person to talk to as I have very wide range of interests. I have a range of skills I’ve developed in my work place (Excel, organising and being very savvy with a computer). In addition, I went to the gym and gained 3 stone and now look much healthier and fitter (and get a lot more attention from women).

I have one problem – my current employment have big plans for me (so I believe). They have mentioned they want me to work in asset management and 4 of the company directors all started out in asset management and so it’s expected of me to also become a director later on. Because of how I’ve been treated in the past and my background, this prospect terrifies me. I know most people would think it’s a great opportunity and would love to have it, but I have a genuine fear I cannot do the job and will fail spectacularly (and be exposed as somebody who doesn’t know what he is doing).

I think the solution is to change my mindset about this – how can I have this confidence about my abilities? What can I do to effectively ‘forget’ the pre-35 me (if that makes sense?)

I seem to have succeeded at most things I’ve had a go at; I think I have the abilities to succeed at this too but my thoughts hinder me (and I think certain behaviours too).

Thanks for reading and hope to hear some words of advice.



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