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Solo Retreat Videos & Insights - Bonus The Moth Metaphor

  • Moth and Lamp Metaphor: Leo uses the visual of moths trying to reach a lamp through a window to depict the spiritual quest for enlightenment. He equates the futile bashing of the moths against the window to seekers' attempts to reach enlightenment through self-inquiry, emphasizing that most fail due to not understanding the process.
  • Limitations of the Mind: Leo discusses the inevitable encounter with the mental barrier that prevents understanding one's true self, pure awareness. Self-inquiry leads to this impasse, showing that the mind's tools-thought, reasoning, and experience-are insufficient to grasp what is beyond experience.
  • Leap to Enlightenment: He suggests that enlightenment requires a sudden, magical leap rather than effortful techniques or willpower. The realization is akin to teleporting inside, where pure awareness resides, implying that such an event is unpredictable and cannot be forced.
  • Unexpected Nature of Realization: Leo cautions against misinterpreting the precept of 'being the light already' as a harbinger that everyone is already enlightened. He clarifies that true enlightenment comes from an internal realization, which is uncommon.
  • Value of Persistence and Humility: He notes that while self-inquiry seems futile, similar to the moths' behavior, the act of persisting and experiencing the futility is essential. The journey is humbling, as it confronts seekers with their ignorance and helplessness, and only those who endure may eventually 'teleport' to enlightenment.
  • Continued Dedication: Leo advocates for steadfast commitment to self-inquiry, even when faced with the desire to quit. He instills trust in the process, suggesting that those who maintain their effort toward enlightenment will, in due time, experience the necessary discontinuous jump.


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Solo Retreat Videos & Insights - Day 9

  • Final Day of Retreat: Leo had a shorter meditation duration on day nine, diverting to capture scenic footage and realizing the last day of retreats often sees a drop in the intensity of practice due to the anticipation of resuming everyday life.
  • Jarring Contrast Between Retreat and Routine: Leo felt a striking contrast between the retreat's tranquility and the routine tasks of checking his phone and planning, which led to a profound lesson about the transient nature of life and the futility of seeking future happiness.
  • Mindfulness and Work Efficiency: After the retreat, Leo changed his approach to work, focusing on savoring the process rather than obsessing over efficiency, as he recognized that ultimate productivity pursuit is meaningless without appreciation for the present moment.
  • Solo Retreats Over Group Retreats: He emphasized the superior power of solo retreats for personal growth over group sessions with teachers, planning to incorporate more solo retreats into his schedule for deeper learning and self-development.
  • Self-Inquiry Advancements: Leo delved into meditation and self-inquiry techniques, gaining clarity on the pitfalls of conceptualizing the process of seeking answers to "who am I" and "what am I," setting the stage for more in-depth future discussions.
  • Integration of Mindfulness into Daily Retreat Activities: He learned the importance of integrating mindfulness into all activities, not just formal meditation sessions, to fully embrace the retreat experience.
  • Extended Meditation and Concentrated Growth: Reflecting on the retreat, Leo meditated more intensively than in any formal setting, recognizing the exponential growth possible through focused retreats compared to scattered daily practices.
  • Prioritizing Periodic Solo Retreats: Considering the effectiveness of uninterrupted retreat time, Leo contemplates meditating less daily and instead saving the time for more impactful periodic solo retreats.
  • Rethinking Work Pace and Creativity: He decides to reduce his work pace, shedding the mechanical approach for a more conscious and savored process, with an acceptance of achieving less to gain more fulfillment and creativity.
  • Conceptualization During Meditation: The retreat highlighted Leo's understanding that infinity and true nature cannot and should not be conceptualized-a key obstacle in the path toward self-realization.
  • Creativity Boost from Retreat: Leo observed a significant increase in creative insights during the retreat and plans to implement a similar solitary environment at home to foster creativity without the distractions of routine life.
  • Encounter with Suffering: He stressed the importance of mindfully confronting suffering to overcome personal development barriers, highlighting the retreat environment's ability to bring these issues to light without the opportunity for typical distractions or avoidance.
  • Revision of Daily Meditation: Leo contemplates reducing daily meditation to accumulate hours for longer solo retreats, hypothesizing that this would lead to more powerful outcomes due to the elimination of daily distractions and the concentrated momentum gained from extended retreats.
  • Work Ethic Transformation: He plans to alter his approach to work, focusing less on mechanical productivity and more on conscious, mindful engagement, accepting less output but deeper fulfillment, and understanding that work is not a destination but a present-moment experience.
  • Conceptualization versus True Nature: Leo reflects on the problem of trying to conceptualize the infinite aspects of his true nature, realizing that all concepts are finite and cannot encapsulate infinity. This understanding will shape his future teaching on how to mindfully approach self-inquiry without clinging to concepts formed by teachings or experiences.
  • Creativity Unleashed in Solitude: The retreat led Leo to a significant insight that creative power multiplies when not deliberately working or trying to be productive, reinforcing the idea that creativity flourishes in an undistracted, contemplative state and suggesting that periods of solitude can greatly benefit creative thinkers and artists in any field.
  • Facing Suffering for Personal Growth: Leo experienced profound personal growth by facing suffering head-on rather than avoiding it, understanding that suffering is an inevitable part of growth and transformation, leading to authentic shifts in being. He acknowledges the tendency to distract from suffering in everyday life and emphasizes the necessity of mindful endurance to achieve genuine development.


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Absolute Infinity Demo

  • Infinite consciousness metaphor: Leo employs a simple GoPro vlog to elaborate on the concept of absolute infinity using ordinary items like paper cutouts, aiming to conceptually explain reality's structure before urging personal experiential understanding.
  • Inherent forms in consciousness: Demonstrating with a paper kangaroo, Leo illustrates that all possible forms and their configurations are inherently present within the infinite 'paper' of consciousness, whether or not they are physically outlined or cut out.
  • Differentiation by human cognition: The metaphor extends to address how human minds interpret infinite consciousness by differentiating forms with particular logic and physics, which are not intrinsic to all of reality but are rather human-specific constructs.
  • Illusion of separate forms: Highlighting the illusion of separation, Leo communicates that what we perceive as our individual selves is just another form within the infinite consciousness, not fundamentally different from any other form.
  • Enlightenment as awareness: Leo describes enlightenment as realizing and becoming aware of our true nature as formless, undifferentiated consciousness, a challenging shift from the distraction of identifying with differentiated forms.
  • Metaphor expansion to infinite dimensions: The vlog invites viewers to expand their imagination beyond two-dimensional representations to an infinite-dimensional block, containing all potential existence, and influencing how forms perceive and interact with each other.
  • Existential revelation of self: The narrative culminates in revealing that our perceived self is also an expression of the same infinite consciousness, dismantling the boundaries between self, others, and the totality of existence.


Edited by MuadDib

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Understanding Better Than Academics

  • Experiment with vlog style: Leo is trying an informal vlog format to share his non-linear, rapid, and intuitive thought processes that are difficult to convey in structured videos.
  • Intuition versus logic: He describes his intuitive thinking as a vast neural net that allows for simultaneous processing of many ideas, unlike the clear and precise, but linear nature of logic.
  • Communication struggles: Leo admits to the communication challenge presented by his intuition-driven insights, expressing the difficulty in convincing others without a linear argument structure.
  • Content prioritization dilemma: With a limit of one video per week, Leo must prioritize which topics to include, leaving many insights unshared due to the constraint of releasing only about 50 videos a year.
  • Vision for Leo hints at the deep and far-reaching potential of his work with and the long-term commitment required from followers to realize the full benefits.
  • Long-term strategic thinking: He promotes long-term strategic thinking as part of being successful in life and overcoming short-term setbacks and lack of vision.
  • Expert knowledge through commitment: Leo promises viewers profound understanding surpassing top academics in various fields if they commit to watching his content and doing the work for several years.
  • Open-mindedness as a knowledge key: He emphasizes radical open-mindedness as the key to profound knowledge, which he claims is often underestimated and lacking in academia and general society.
  • Challenges of maintaining openness: Leo discusses the difficulty of remaining open-minded enough to fully embrace and comprehend reality, which requires a radical and unbiased approach.
  • Transformation via deep engagement: Stresses the life-changing potential of deeply engaging with radical ideas about reality, which can lead to a transformative shift in understanding and personal growth.
  • Resistance to change: He observes that many people resist change, preferring to defend existing belief systems, which inhibits the deep understanding he advocates for.
  • Limitations of the academic system: Leo talks about the cultural constraints within academia that indoctrinate PhDs and prevent them from adopting maverick or radically open-minded positions due to the need for approval and adherence to established paradigms.
  • Academic marginalization: He mentions how institutions isolate mavericks by relegating them to less influential areas, such as the philosophy of religion, effectively neutralizing the threat their ideas might pose to established norms.
  • Threatening nature of transformative ideas: Leo notes how deeply transformative ideas can be perceived as a threat to social structures, relationships, and institutions, resulting in resistance to change.
  • Academic career constraints: Highlights the career and livelihood dependence on not challenging the status quo within academia, which discourages radical openness and innovation.
  • Academic dependency and career limitations: Academics are deeply invested in their institutions and face significant pressure to conform, compromising their ability to think outside the box due to dependence on salary, reputation, and incentives like tenure.
  • Specialization and barrier to big-picture ideas: Universities force researchers to focus on narrow, specialized subfields, making them more akin to technicians. This hyper-specialization obstructs the pursuit of broad, interconnected ideas and understanding.
  • Corruption of truth in academia: Leo observed the university system's corruption firsthand, watching philosophers prioritizing institutional bureaucracy over the true pursuit of wisdom, leading him to abandon the path of becoming an academic philosopher.
  • Financial independence for uncorrupted truth: Leo emphasizes that his ability to share unadulterated insights on is underpinned by his financial independence from traditional employment, reputations, and external funding resources.
  • Creative freedom from non-conformity: Before, Leo's commitment to financial and creative independence allowed him to escape the corrupting influences that plague professionals in academia and other creative fields.
  • Balance of practical and metaphysical content: Leo curates content for that balances practical utility with his passion for metaphysical subjects, enabling him to maintain his creative independence and share his vision for understanding reality.
  • Promise of deep understanding: Leo believes that following his guidance on over the course of several years can lead to a profound understanding of reality that surpasses the knowledge of the most adept academics.
  • Deep curiosity for truth: Leo stresses the importance of seeking truth for its own sake, highlighting that all life decisions hinge on our understanding of reality. Without truth, we can't be confident in the validity of our actions or life choices.
  • Human capacity for understanding: Emphasizing humanity's unique ability to reflect and comprehend, Leo places high value on philosophy and science as means to explore the fundamental questions of existence.
  • Importance of open-mindedness: Leo criticizes the limitations of strict beliefs and encourages a genuine curiosity that leads to undertaking serious research across various fields of knowledge.
  • Life as a great privilege: Viewing the pursuit of understanding reality not as an obligation but as a privilege, Leo finds fulfillment in the intellectual exploration of life's fundamental aspects.
  • Interconnectedness of reality: Leo describes his admiration for the intricate interconnectedness of all elements in reality, leading to a deeper appreciation for existence and an experience of life akin to witnessing a masterpiece.
  • Enriching daily life through curiosity: He encourages finding unconditional love and satisfaction in both positive and negative aspects of life, leading to a more magical, childlike wonder in everyday experiences.
  • Crafting a holistic vision for one's life: Leo discusses the importance of taking the time to craft a meaningful life through planning, vision, and correcting past mistakes, asserting that it's never too late to reshape one's life path.
  • Value of long-term vision: Working towards a meaningful, long-term goal provides a sense of relief and purpose compared to the monotony of a typical nine-to-five job.
  • Liberation through correction: Acknowledging and correcting past mistakes is difficult but ultimately liberating, as it allows a person to work towards a larger, more conscious life vision.
  • Conscious life construction: Piece by piece, one can construct a conscious life by focusing on personal development, aligning with like-minded individuals who support growth, and minimizing distractions.
  • The importance of vision and trust: Keeping the vision of a profound understanding of life in mind is crucial, and trusting the process is essential-even though life decisions are inherently gambles.
  • Radical open-mindedness as a principle: True open-mindedness involves not taking a fixed position on any issue and trusting that this approach will lead to positive insights and understanding.
  • Pursuing truth as a noble endeavor: Centering life around the pursuit of truth, and being genuinely curious about it, is a rare approach that can yield interesting and strategic life developments.
  • Power of big-picture understanding: Obtaining a comprehensive understanding of life by connecting different areas of knowledge confers a unique confidence and strategic advantage.
  • Radical ownership of life: Taking full ownership of all aspects of life, including finances, information consumption, and personal growth, avoids societal corruption and empowers individual choices.
  • Trusting resonance in consciousness work: Trusting the intuition that resonates with profound, truthful, and high-consciousness content is key to aligning with transformative ideas.
  • Long-term self-actualization as an investment: Self-actualization is a process of connecting knowledge dots, which initially may not yield visible results but gradually leads to a deeper understanding of life.
  • Gratitude for life's miraculous nature: By continually working towards the vision of life's potential, one can tap into feelings of infinite intelligence, creativity, love, and gratitude for life's miraculous nature.
  • Visioning challenges and psychedelic shortcuts: Developing a clear vision of what is possible is difficult, and psychedelics may serve as a means to see the potential, though not as a substitute for the work required to actualize it.


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Changing Perspectives Destroys Reality

  • Experience of reality's subjectivity: Leo describes a profound personal experience where he perceived reality as entirely subjective, realizing that what is considered real is just a perspective-nothing more than a collective fiction, an illusion that doesn't inherently matter whether acknowledged or not.
  • Difficulties in conveying perspective relativity: Leo discusses the challenge in communicating the concept that reality is a subjective perspective to others who view their reality as concrete and tangible, highlighting a fundamental disconnect in understanding.
  • Clinging to perspectives: Leo emphasizes that minds tend to cling to their current perspectives and actively resist considering others, which he believes is due to the underlying relativity of reality; exploring too many diverse perspectives can cause one's stable sense of reality to dissolve.
  • Skeptical philosophy and search for truth: Leo reflects on his high school years when he embraced skepticism and committed to seeking truth without being swayed by religious or scientific dogmas, illustrating his long-standing quest for understanding diverse perspectives.
  • Concept of trying multiple worldviews: Leo presents the idea of adopting different religious and philosophical worldviews on a rotating basis as a method to deepen his search for truth, acknowledging the epistemological challenge of determining which authority to trust amid conflicting claims.
  • The game of perspectives and reality construction: Leo explains that the mind constructs reality by playing a game of perspective management, insisting that exploring a breadth of perspectives can cause an experiential realization that undermines the illusion of a stable reality.
  • Challenge of radical perspective shifting: He notes the nearly impossible task of asking someone deeply rooted in one perspective to genuinely adopt another for a short time, pointing to a covert understanding within the mind of each person that such an endeavor could irrevocably alter their worldview.
  • Resistance to perspective change: People resist changing perspectives due to the fear of losing their perceived reality. This resistance stems from the belief in an objective reality that underlies various worldviews, even when subscribing to different religious or scientific beliefs, such as Christianity or atheism.
  • Materialist vs. realist paradigms: There are two thought paradigms: the materialist paradigm assumes an objective reality behind varied perspectives, while the realist paradigm, which Leo advocates, posits that reality is solely the perspective itself, dismissing the existence of an objective reality behind it.
  • Ego and the fear of change: Switching from one firmly held perspective to another threatens the stability that the ego depends on for its identity, effectively changing one's reality and self. The fear of such change prevents people from deeply exploring other worldviews.
  • Clinging to perspectives and reality: The mind clings to fixed perspectives to maintain a stable reality. People fear the destabilization of their reality through exposure to radically different worldviews, which could deconstruct their understanding of existence and self.
  • Cultural relativity and deeper metaphysics: Cultural practices are recognized as relative, but people seldom recognize the deeper relativity affecting their metaphysical beliefs. This deeper level can radically differ from mainstream views and challenge one's entire concept of reality.
  • Xenophobia and its psychological roots: Xenophobia and dogmatism partly arise from avoiding psychologically challenging or traumatic situations. Exposure to diverse perspectives and cultures can dissolve xenophobic tendencies, but this often requires confronting discomfort and challenging long-held beliefs.
  • Justifications within perspectives: Perspectives are accompanied by justifications that make them appear as the only valid way to see the world; for example, individuals may rationalize avoiding unsettling situations like confronting poverty or violence in other cultures, as it challenges deeply held views and comfort zones.
  • Traumatic shift to radical perspectives: Transitioning to a perspective where oneself or reality doesn't exist can be traumatic, as it directly contradicts ingrained beliefs and the core identity, leading to profound discomfort and fear akin to being stranded in a hostile environment.
  • Embracing diverse perspectives: Leo advocates for the exploration of various perspectives to achieve true open-mindedness, believing that only through confronting radical viewpoints can one escape the constraints of their own perspective and gain a richer understanding of reality.
  • Pressure to conform to single perspectives: Leo observes that social institutions, teachers, and schools often pressure individuals to adopt their specific worldview-whether in spirituality, science, or education-compromising the exploration and understanding of alternate points of view.
  • Trade-offs of perspective approaches: Leo emphasizes that all perspectives, including his meta perspective, have pros and cons. His approach allows for a broader comprehension of reality and reduces the risk of becoming stuck in one perspective, but it may also lead to confusion and delay in achieving goals such as enlightenment.
  • Benefits of exploring multiple perspectives: Leo suggests that by examining many perspectives without clinging to any single one, the likelihood of becoming stuck is greatly reduced-fostering an adaptable and open-minded approach toward enlightenment and understanding reality.
  • Downsides of a singular approach: Committing to only one worldview or teacher could result in adopting a limited perspective or alignment with someone who might not truly guide you to enlightenment. He compares this to the risk of being overcharged for a TV due to not price-checking across multiple stores.
  • Richness of diverse experiences: Having encountered and synthesized a broad range of perspectives, Leo expresses a deeper appreciation of life's richness, encouraging others to similarly explore and appreciate diversity instead of succumbing to xenophobia or dogmatism.
  • Impermanence of perspectives and reality: Leo discusses the concept of no perspective being the ultimate perspective, equating it to a deep state of enlightenment where one realizes that both the self and reality are constructions of individual perspectives within the infinity of existence.
  • Cultural design against diversity: Society and culture often deter exploration of alternative perspectives. Leo encourages challenging this trend to gain a more complete and eclectic understanding of reality, akin to the way experiencing various cuisines enhances one's appreciation for food.
  • Embracing diversity aligns with the universe's essence: By embracing the universe's inherent diversity, we align with the nature of existence, which contradicts narrow, anti-diversity stances evident in xenophobia and narrow teachings that limit understanding.
  • Fear as the root of limited perspective: Leo identifies fear from past experiences as the underlying cause for resisting new experiences, such as trying different foods or embracing unfamiliar perspectives, emphasizing the importance of moving beyond this fear to truly engage with the diverse possibilities of life.
  • Ultimate exploration journey towards Nirvana: The exploration of perspectives can ultimately lead to the erasure of the self and the experience of Nirvana-a perspective devoid of concrete reality. Returning from this state with a broadened worldview allows one to appreciate both the finite and the infinite aspects of existence.


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Life Lessons From "Life Below Zero"

  • Authenticity of "Life Below Zero": The reality show is praised for its authentic portrayal of survival in the Alaskan wilderness, following different groups as they live independently, using a mix of traditional and modern methods to sustain themselves in extreme conditions.
  • Technological contrast: While Alaskan residents utilize contemporary tools like snowmobiles and chainsaws for survival, their lifestyle remains closely tied to nature, a sharp contrast to the urban lives of most viewers, who are insulated from such raw survival scenarios by modern conveniences.
  • Perceived versus actual survival: Leo points out that survival in Alaska appears fundamentally different from urban living, but at their core, both lifestyles are engaged in survival-urban living has just morphed into a less recognizable form of it.
  • Disconnect from nature's repercussions: The discussion emphasizes the psychological and societal ramifications of modern individuals becoming increasingly detached from nature, which fundamentally misaligns with human psychological evolution and exacerbates cultural disdain for traditional, nature-based lifestyles.
  • Universal push for survival: Ultimately, Leo argues that despite different living conditions and daily activities, all humans are universally motivated by survival, with the modern workplace being an adapted environment for this instinct.
  • Modern work's disconnect and dissatisfaction: The show is used to illustrate the stark reality of most modern jobs, where people are stuck in repetitive, disconnected roles with little passion or fulfillment, leading to widespread dissatisfaction, mental health issues, and dependency on temporary escapes.
  • Entrepreneurial heritage lamented: Leo laments the lost connection to humanity's entrepreneurial roots, shown by the autarchic lifestyle of Alaskans, contrasting with the modern employment structure that leaves many feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from meaningful work.
  • Entrepreneurial essence of human nature: Leo emphasizes that humans are inherently designed for entrepreneurship; this design aligns with our need to remain engaged with life. Modern societal structures, however, create a hierarchical system that is soul-draining, leading many to feel alienated and disconnected in their day-to-day roles.
  • Repetitive nature of all work: Despite differing environments, both the Alaskans' and cubicle workers' lives are cyclical and repetitive. Leo points out that the dissatisfaction isn't exclusive to cubicle workers; even those in Alaska perform daily survival tasks, yet they do not achieve self-actualization.
  • Human psyche and job satisfaction: Our ancestors evolved to be satisfied with tasks related to direct survival such as hunting or gathering, opposed to the modern cubicle work. Leo suggests that a stronger psychological fulfillment may arise from more traditional ways of living closer to nature, despite access to modern amenities.
  • Civilization's paradox: Leo argues that while technological progress has made aspects of life easier, it results in a less satisfied and more disconnected life from nature. This paradox has led to an increased need for guidance, exemplified by Leo's own life purpose course.
  • The illusion of location-based fulfillment: A change of location, such as moving to Alaska, will not necessarily resolve the psychological aspects of self-actualization. True growth, Leo argues, comes from engaging in consciousness work, such as self-inquiry and meditation, regardless of one's environment.
  • Spirituality transcending survival: Leo delineates the difference between survival-which both modern and primitive lifestyles share-and spirituality. Spirituality surpasses the basic need for survival, leading to a fulfilled life beyond the basic structure of repetitive tasks, something that people in both settings might lack.
  • Ineffectiveness of environment change for self-actualization: Changing one's environment, such as moving to Alaska, will not solve underlying personal problems, because these issues are internal rather than external.
  • Understanding survival and spiritual growth: It's crucial to distinguish between activities done for survival and those for spiritual development. While physical survival can involve engaging with nature, spirituality requires conscious effort and transcends basic survival.
  • Video games and psychological needs: Modern video games often simulate hunting and gathering, which connects to our ancestral behavior and satisfies deep psychological needs unmet by mundane work environments like cubicles.
  • Broadening perspective through "Life Below Zero": Watching the show can enlighten viewers about societal dysfunctions, human instinct, and the psychological importance of survival, prompting deeper reflection on personal and community life.
  • Recognizing universal psychological drivers: By connecting the concepts of self-actualization to real-world observations, one can gain a comprehensive understanding of human behavior and motivations, which transcends superficial characteristics like ethnicity or nationality.
  • Exploring alternative lifestyles for fulfillment: Research and consideration of different lifestyles showcased in documentaries can inspire individuals to break free from conventional paths and discover livelihoods that align more closely with personal values and desires for nature-connected living.


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Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos

  • Retreat introduction and setting: Leo begins his solo meditation retreat, situated in Mountain View, Hawaii, in a cozy cabin amidst a 20-acre jungle property. Despite the drizzling rain, he is enthusiastic to share his setup and environment.
  • Preparation and accommodation: The retreat was planned for eight days, but the first day was spent preparing and acclimating to the island. The cabin is off-grid, powered by solar panels and supplied with water from a rain catchment system.
  • Sustainability and nourishment: Leo's kitchen is stocked with ample provisions for the retreat, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, eggs, and grains that amount to an eight-day supply. A total of seven gallons of water has been reserved for the duration.
  • Meditation plans and adjustments: Leo plans for intensive meditation on the cabin's balcony, utilizing makeshift seating, but is also prepared to move indoors due to the cold temperatures. He has outlined a varied meditative schedule of techniques and practices.
  • Daily routine and mental discipline: Beyond formal meditation sessions, Leo applies mindfulness to daily tasks, with planned meals to reduce decision-making. Physical isolation contributes to a focused, uninterrupted retreat experience.
  • Solo retreat benefits: Leo advocates for the benefits of solo meditation retreats, highlighting the freedom of location choice, cost-effectiveness, and the deeper work on consciousness achievable in solitude.
  • Personal commitment to meditation: The investment of time and money into these retreats underscores Leo's dedication to his consciousness work. Acknowledging the challenges, he remains committed to maintaining a disciplined meditation practice.
  • Retreat frequency recommendation: Four solo retreats a year is Leo's recommended frequency for continuous personal growth. He advises scheduling in advance due to the popularity of destinations like Hawaii.
  • Content creation to share insights: Leo intends to document daily insights via video recordings, aiming to share takeaways post-retreat. These personal observations may serve as guidance for others on their meditation journeys.


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Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos - Day 1

  • Inconsistency in meditation practice: Leo experienced difficulty with focus and selecting a meditation technique to stick with, which led to feelings of laziness and underachievement based on his prior expectations from years of practice.
  • Dealing with drowsiness: Frequent drowsiness impacted Leo's ability to maintain lengthy meditation sessions. He chose to focus on meditating when feeling most awake rather than adhering to a strict sleep schedule, attributing sleepiness to potential jet lag.
  • Developing momentum with labeling: By forcing himself to practice labeling, despite an initial reluctance, Leo began to build momentum in this technique, which he hopes to carry into the following days of the retreat.
  • Acclimatization to retreat settings: Adjusting to the new surroundings of the retreat, including the colder-than-expected nights, was a learning experience for Leo. He emphasized the need to adapt quickly to different environments when on retreats.
  • Choosing between multiple techniques: Leo expressed a conundrum regarding the abundance of meditation techniques he knows, causing indecision and distraction. He contemplates sticking to one technique but doubts his ability to commit to only one throughout the retreat.
  • The goal of heightened awareness: The retreat's purpose is to fine-tune Leo's sensitivity to minute sensations and details around him. By increasing mindfulness, he aims to move deeper into questions of self and reality from a place of enhanced perceptual acuity rather than intellectual thought.
  • Enlightenment through deliberate practice: Leo reiterates his goal of enlightenment, acknowledging that although there is an element of chance to awakening, committed and intentional practice significantly increases the chances of transformative experiences, contrary to the passive approach advised by some.
  • Preparation versus luck analogy: He compares the pursuit of enlightenment to preparing for a successful fishing trip: effort and preparation can significantly increase the likelihood of success, but the actual moment of enlightenment, much like catching a fish, involves a stroke of luck.

Fidelius Charm

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Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos - Day 2

  • Morning refreshment and revelation: Woke up feeling refreshed with a sense of deep, meaningful dreams indicating spiritual purification commonly experienced during retreats.
  • Resistance to disciplined practice: Faced ongoing resistance throughout the morning with a lack of motivation for self-inquiry, feeling a sense of rustiness and questioning the effort invested when past retreats have sometimes yielded no tangible results.
  • Contrast between psychedelic experience and manual effort: Reflects on the ease of achieving enlightenment states with psychedelics compared to the manual effort required in non-psychedelic retreats, noting a conflicting sense of motivation and demotivation.
  • Environmental challenges and internal struggles: Encountered interruptions from frequent helicopter tour noises and the lure of Hawaii's attractions, which fueled the desire to abandon the process and surrender to distractions.
  • Dynamic nature of retreats: Notes the unpredictable ebb and flow of emotional and mental states during retreats, with the potential for rapid shifts and the importance of avoiding escape and staying committed to the process.
  • Time pressures on shorter retreats: Expresses feeling rushed due to the shorter seven-day retreat format, recognizing the preference for a 10-day retreat to alleviate the rush and fully engage in the process without distraction.
  • Shift into surrender and nature's embrace: As external interruptions waned and rain set in, found tranquility in nature, which facilitated deeper focus, concentration, and mindfulness, cultivating a more effective meditation practice towards evening.
  • Adjusting to a less structured approach: Stopped meticulously tracking meditation sessions, adopting a more intuitive approach to maintaining mindfulness, indicating a shift from structured tracking to a holistic, continuous practice.
  • Deepening self-inquiry: Leo had an insightful moment of self-inquiry, looking at his hands and reflecting on the absence of a 'self' behind perception, bringing forward experiences from psychedelic sessions to his sober state, and feeling the closeness of a 'no-self' realization.
  • Integrating mindfulness opportunistically: Instead of a strict meditation schedule, Leo embraced spontaneous moments of insight, such as the kitchen episode, showing an intuitive approach and willingness to dive into self-inquiry whenever opportunities arise, using methods like hand observation to stay grounded.
  • Preparation for continued effort: Acknowledging the possibility of fluctuating moods and the return of distractions like helicopters, Leo prepared himself for the challenges ahead, especially entering day three, typically when the retreat deepens.
  • The harsh reality of retreats: Leo dismantled the misconception that meditation retreats are akin to relaxing vacations, highlighting the gritty reality of confronting addictions, loneliness, and various annoyances, requiring significant discipline and effort.
  • A call for universal spiritual work: Emphasizing the importance of spiritual work for mastering life and finding true happiness, Leo pointed out that both the rich and the poor often neglect this essential practice due to distractions, responsibilities, or lack of awareness, advocating for everyone to engage in this transformative work regardless of their social status.


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Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos - Day 3

  • Self-inquiry meditation: Leo described an intense meditative experience involving self-inquiry focused on a fork, leading to a profound examination of perception and identity, where he distinguished between the physical form and the emptiness of the perceiver within.
  • Struggle with concentration: Leo expressed difficulty in maintaining deep concentration during meditation, which he views as a key factor in attaining enlightenment. He described his mind's tendency to 'jiggle' when attempting to focus, highlighting the need for a disciplined and still mind to penetrate the concept of emptiness.
  • Importance of observation: He emphasized the importance of pure observation in meditation, recommending an approach free from analysis and internal commentary. Leo shared the challenge in overcoming the natural tendency of the mind to seek understanding and latch onto minor insights, which can distract from achieving a major breakthrough.
  • Distractions amidst meditation: Discussing the practical challenges faced during his retreat, Leo reported constant noise from helicopters flying overhead in the supposedly remote location in Hawaii. He acknowledged the disturbance but remained committed to his practice despite the annoyance.
  • Self-discipline versus temptations: Leo discussed the presence of potential distractions such as a laptop with entertainment options and a smartphone but affirmed his discipline in not succumbing to them. He reflected on past experiences of yielding to temptations and the subsequent negative feelings, recognizing the value of self-control.
  • 'Do Nothing' technique: He explored the 'Do Nothing' meditation technique, which advocates for releasing control over the mind and thought process, praising its effectiveness and the contrast to other more effort-intensive techniques.
  • Approach to multiple meditation techniques: Leo closed by advising on the approach to trying out different meditation techniques, acknowledging the upfront costs of time and the need for repeated practice to accurately assess their effectiveness. He warned against the pitfall of switching techniques too hastily and stressed the importance of perseverance.
  • Self-discipline in the face of temptation: Leo reflects on having a variety of distracting options available on his laptop and smartphone but remains disciplined, resisting the urge to engage with them. Experience from past retreats has taught him the negative consequences of succumbing to such temptations, paralleling it with the diminishing allure of junk food after overindulgence.
  • Advice for meditation retreat newcomers: For those who might struggle with the discipline required during meditation retreats, Leo advises against bringing potential distractions such as a smartphone or laptop. If necessary, he suggests removing enticing content or disconnecting from the internet to maintain focus.
  • Efficacy of the Do Nothing technique: The Do Nothing meditation technique's power lies in its ability to promote effortlessness. By releasing the urge to control or direct the mind, Leo finds this method to align with the intrinsic nature of meditation. He emphasizes the gentle discipline required to let go continually during practice.
  • Costs and benefits of technique experimentation: Engaging with various meditation techniques involves a trade-off between the time and energy invested in learning and practicing them against the flexibility and potential discovery of an effective approach. Leo acknowledges the risk of not persisting with one technique during challenging periods, highlighting the importance of commitment to experience true progress.


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Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos - Day 4

  • Realization of the perceiver: Leo had an insight that shifted his perspective; he recognized that our true identity is not the body, mind, or emotions, but the perceiver of all these aspects. He struggled with the abstract nature of the perceiver, which he describes as pure emptiness with no qualities, leading him to a deep contemplation about the essence of self and the inability to grasp it through conventional thinking.
  • Expanded awareness through meditation: During his retreat, Leo noticed an increased ability to be aware of his surroundings with a newfound quickness. Contrasting this with the usual lack of awareness needed to perform daily routines, he reminisced about a childlike attunement to life which he felt returning through increased meditation practice.
  • Fluctuating energy and mindfulness: Leo experienced a shift from a productive start to a diminishing clarity of mindfulness as the day progressed, feeling both physically and mentally tired. He recognized a drop in his ability to maintain consistent mindfulness later in the day, acknowledging both the progress made and the challenges faced.
  • Difficulty of enlightenment: Leo emphasized the immense challenge of enlightenment, noting that it requires extended, uninterrupted practice, which is daunting and often underestimated. He expressed frustration with enlightenment teachings that don't fully convey the emotional and time investment necessary for such profound spiritual work.
  • Intensity of dedicated practice: He stressed the stark contrast between casual, intermittent meditation and the deep commitment required for enlightenment, akin to the dedication of monks and yogis. Leo questioned the efficacy of short daily practices and advocated for long, continuous retreats to achieve higher states of consciousness.
  • The misunderstanding of effort in enlightenment: Leo reflected on the misleading portrayals of the path to enlightenment, criticizing the lack of transparency about the true emotional difficulty and extensive, persistent effort required to attain heightened spiritual states.
  • Perception of awakening as a cure: Leo observes that people often turn to spiritual awakening to solve their life problems, without realizing that the journey of enlightenment can bring about greater challenges, as one confronts their inner self and demons, which can be more intense than their initial troubles.
  • Personal struggle and enlightenment's worth: He reflects on the demanding nature of spiritual practice, noting how his previous life's manageable suffering pales in comparison to the emotional toil endured during his pursuit of enlightenment-a pursuit he views as a substantial investment in seeking something profound.
  • Commitment to spiritual practice: Leo discusses the extreme dedication required for radical shifts in consciousness, suggesting that without extraordinary talent or past life advantages, reaching such profound levels of enlightenment is nearly impossible for the ordinary person, emphasizing the significance of psychedelics as an avenue to understand the depth of spirituality.
  • Appreciation for psychedelics in spiritual work: Despite the temporary nature of their effects, psychedelics are praised for their ability to rapidly reveal profound states of consciousness that would take immense effort and time to achieve through meditation alone.
  • Challenges in mastering spirituality: Leo considers spirituality to be the most challenging mastery, likening it to understanding the fabric of the cosmos, an endeavor that demands great commitment as one is asking to comprehend the origins of all reality.
  • Gratitude for chemical advancements: He expresses gratitude for living in an era where substances like 5-MeO-DMT are accessible, facilitating experiences of infinite consciousness that were largely unknown a century ago, stressing the balance between valuing manual spiritual work and the insights offered via psychedelics.
  • Respect for traditional Zen practices without psychedelics: Leo acknowledges the achievements of Zen masters who accomplish spiritual progress through years of disciplined manual practice without psychedelics and muses on his own experiences and insights regarding the awakening process and spiritual purification.


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Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos - Day 5

  • Exhaustion and doubt during retreat: Leo discusses the mental exhaustion and frustration experienced on the fifth day of the retreat, feeling less conscious despite rigorous meditation, leading to moments of doubt and the temptation to quit but ultimately staying the course.
  • Encountering varied meditation experiences: He had contrasting sessions, with some powerful moments of self-inquiry and a notable 'do nothing' session leading to a peaceful state, juxtaposing the struggle of using structured techniques versus the ease of surrendering control.
  • Reconciling meditation techniques: Leo reflects on the struggle between effortful and effortless meditation methods, contemplating the supposed goal of meditation as a process of enjoyment and quieting the mind rather than a masochistic pursuit, and how the right method may vary by personal disposition.
  • Contemplating disciplined vs. conceptual life: The tension between a disciplined, unthinking state and the enjoyment derived from conceptual, creative thought is discussed, with Leo questioning the desirability of completely shutting off his mind, even though it may not align with the Zen pursuit of 'no mind'.
  • Handling sexual cravings in solitude: Leo explores two strategies for dealing with sexual urges during retreats: the hardcore yogi approach of complete celibacy and the pragmatic approach of quickly addressing and moving past cravings. He recommends the latter for those not heavily afflicted by such desires for greater efficiency in returning focus to the retreat.
  • Transmutation and Retention of Sexual Energy: Leo discusses various methods to manage sexual urges, including transmuting sexual energy and retaining it for spiritual practices. However, he is uncertain about the necessity of total abstinence for achieving awakening experiences and acknowledges that personal factors like age and sexual constitution greatly influence one's experience and discipline.
  • Dealing with Persistent Sexual Cravings: Awareness of the persistence of sexual cravings despite spiritual advancements is highlighted. Leo advises developing coping strategies and not presuming that enlightenment or awakening experiences will eliminate these natural desires.
  • Setting and Adhering to Ground Rules: Emphasizes the importance of establishing ground rules for a retreat to avoid distractions and maintain discipline. Leo shares his own set of strict rules designed to foster an environment conducive to meditation and self-reflection.
  • Psychological Anticipation and Reality: Leo reflects on the dichotomy between pre-retreat excitement and the challenges that arise when actually on retreat. Understanding this can help prevent giving into desires to escape the discomforts that come with intensive meditation practice.
  • Recognizing and Managing One's Breaking Point: Leo stresses the importance of recognizing personal limits and allowing for relaxation before reaching a breaking point during a retreat. This knowledge helps avoid potential backsliding that might undo the progress made.
  • Persistence of the Ego in Maintaining Stability: A discussion on the ego's inherent drive to maintain stability and survival, and how this can both support life and simultaneously make significant, lasting changes in consciousness challenging to sustain without regression.
  • Expectation Management and Motivation: Leo talks about the pattern of having difficult days followed by a sense of release or 'second wind,' but also cautions against expecting repetition of easy days as it can lead to disappointment and a downward motivational spiral. He closes by emphasizing the continuous need to navigate one's inner challenges and maintain motivation throughout the retreat process.

Fidelius Charm

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Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos - Day 6

  • Day six struggles: Leo describes his worst day of the retreat, succumbing to addictions by surfing the internet for hours, resulting in a deterioration of his meditation practice and a resurgence of ordinary life thoughts, deviating from his enlightenment journey.
  • Failing the process: Leo expresses that failing at meditation is a deeply humbling experience which highlights the difficulties of facing one's inner demons, attachments, and the void of existence. He sees failure as a natural part of the growth process that can nurture compassion for human suffering and the collective challenges we face.
  • Inner demons and personal obstacles: Leo confronts his own attachments, including his addictions to the internet, business, and conceptual thinking. He posits that facing and acknowledging these attachments is an important step in the journey towards enlightenment.
  • Glimpse into the human psyche: Through grappling with his own struggles, Leo gains an intimate understanding of the powerful nature of the human psyche. He believes personal failures can provide insight into societal issues like addiction and violence, reinforcing the importance of facing and working through one's personal issues.
  • Compassion through personal suffering: Leo's experience leads him to develop deeper compassion, as he relates personal suffering to broader societal problems. He suggests that to alleviate the collective suffering, one must first address individual pain and the difficulty of self-improvement.
  • Surrender as a core aspect of enlightenment: Discussing the process of enlightenment, Leo emphasizes the necessity of surrendering one's entire existence and attachments, recognizing the void's pure emptiness, and releasing one's perceived identity to truly gain existential insights.
  • Enlightenment's radical implications: The path to enlightenment is misconstrued by many; it requires not only order in one's life but the willingness to surrender every aspect of existence, a radical concept often missing from superficial understanding. Enlightenment is more than a state-it's a surrendering process that dissolves even the most deeply-held personal elements.
  • Misconceptions about enlightenment: Many who pursue enlightenment have not truly grasped its radical implications, such as the non-existence of a physical body and the deconstruction of long-held scientific and philosophical beliefs. Enlightenment is vastly more profound than just achieving a mystical state, requiring the surrender of all attachments and the recognition of life as an illusion or a dream.
  • Enlightenment vs. cultural paradigms: Enlightenment challenges the foundations of Western intellectual tradition and materialistic perspectives, proposing that there is no ultimate control over life, no time, no space, and that reality as we know it is a grand illusion.
  • Depth of understanding in spiritual pursuit: The journey of enlightenment necessitates deep, direct experience, and merely conceptual understanding-or listening to spiritual teachings-is not sufficient. The realization that life is akin to a dream only truly sinks in after years of dedicated practice and cannot be apprehended by intellectual reasoning alone.
  • Challenges of being a visionary: Visionaries are those who have the intuitive capacity to see beyond conventional wisdom, connecting disjointed ideas into a cohesive understanding of deeper truths. While this ability is insightful, it may also isolate the visionary due to skepticism and misunderstanding from others who rely solely on linear, logical thinking.
  • Advanced insights and validation: Leo emphasizes the importance of not hastily dismissing insights that stem from extensive research, intuition, and direct experience. The process of discerning truth is intricate, continuous, and requires a balanced approach between trusting teachings and validating them through personal exploration and experiences.
  • Imperfection in spiritual teachers: Admonishing viewers to have realistic expectations of spiritual teachers, Leo asserts that seeking perfection in teachers is a misstep, and expecting them to be free from human faults could lead to disillusionment and susceptibility to misleading doctrines or cult-like followings.
  • Advantages of learning from a less mastered teacher: There is merit in learning from teachers who are openly navigating their spiritual journey, as their experiences can be more relatable and their struggles more illustrative for students who are at earlier stages in their own paths.
  • Balancing skepticism and open-mindedness: The path to enlightenment demands a delicate balance of skepticism and open-mindedness-a receptiveness to new ideas without surrendering critical thinking or clinging to outdated beliefs. Rejecting the idea that teachers must be infallible, Leo encourages a nuanced relationship with spiritual guidance that is both grounded and aspirational.
  • Realities of the spiritual path: Authentic growth comes with facing personal trials and weaknesses. Leo is committed to continuing meditation, observing his psychological patterns, and detecting how the mind habitually creates problems regardless of external changes.
  • Inherent problem creation of the mind: The mind has a tendency to manifest a consistent number of problems no matter the situation, highlighting the importance of addressing internal issues rather than merely changing physical circumstances.
  • Exploration and adaptation of techniques: Leo is evaluating his practice methods and planning to experiment with new techniques such as yoga, acknowledging that certain methods like self-inquiry may have lost their effectiveness for him.
  • Use of psychedelics in spiritual growth: While Leo has experimented with various psychedelics and is considering a return to five Meo DMT for potential permanent enlightenment, he also recognizes the risks and intensive nature of these substances.
  • Research aspect of Leo's spiritual journey: Leo's journey includes a research dimension, where he tests different methods and substances, contributing to a broader understanding of spiritual work and aiding others.
  • Upcoming retreat and integration: Despite setbacks, Leo finds value in his experiences and intends to learn from them for future retreats, emphasizing the necessity of compassion that arises from personal suffering on the path to enlightenment.


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Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos - Day 7

  • End of Retreat Reflection: Leo closes his Hawaii retreat, summarizing key insights from an incomplete yet humbling experience. He undertakes a candid assessment of his failures, realizing the significance of raising personal standards, confronting addictions, and understanding the perpetual learning journey in life.
  • Shift in Personal Standards: Reflecting on the evolution of his own expectations, Leo notes the continuous increase in his standards over five years, which has influenced his perception of success and failure. He discusses the paradox of ignorance as a helpful factor in starting projects and the danger of unrealistically high expectations hindering progress.
  • Tech Addiction Recognition: Leo recognizes his dependency on technology for unwinding and contemplates how his addictions fulfill certain functions in his life. He acknowledges the need for alternative methods to relax without relying on his phone or internet.
  • Desire for Nature and Reevaluation of Living: The retreat stirs a desire in Leo to be more connected with nature and contemplate where and how he wants to live. This leads to the realization of being nature-deprived in a digital world and a yearning to integrate more natural surroundings into his daily existence.
  • Living Consciously: The retreat catalyzes a deep contemplation about the direction of life beyond the pursuit of enlightenment. Leo ponders what realizations entail for one's lifestyle choices and how important it is to regularly consider life's bigger questions outside of the context of enlightenment-focusing on living consciously and shaping a meaningful impact on the world.
  • Meaning in the Enigmatic Dream of Life: Leo argues that the understanding that life is an 'infinite hallucination' should not lead to nihilism but instead empowers individuals to interpret their experiences consciously and decide how to construct a life post-awakening. He emphasizes using awakenings as a foundation to build a life that aligns with authentic motivation to contribute positively to the world, rather than being trapped in a quest-fueled treadmill.
  • Life as an Infinite Sandbox: Conceiving of life as an intricate, boundless sandbox game, Leo notes the liberty to create and shape one's reality, highlighting the importance of freedom over societal precepts. This perspective encourages active engagement with life's vast possibilities and creative potential.
  • Living fully through enlightenment: Enlightenment is seen as a tool for freeing oneself from resistances, fears, and addictions, enabling a life of full engagement and selfless living. The retreat offered insights into the work still needed on personal limitations and revealed the potential of human beings to lead a rich, creative life when not impeded by fears and societal conditioning.
  • Human potential and the exploration of self: Humans as unique vehicles of consciousness, with the body serving as a means for the infinite to explore its own vast possibilities. This perspective emphasizes the significance of human experience and potential, highlighting the detrimental effects of allowing fears and societal programming to stifle one's life.
  • The transformative power of retreats: Retreats are shown as instrumental in realizing and maintaining healthy consciousness by creating an opportunity for isolation and contemplation. Leo advocates for the importance of changing environments to reset psychologically and gain new perspectives on one's life, suggesting even modest means for retreats can be effective.
  • Autonomy in solo retreats and inner work: Solo retreats promote self-reliance, discipline, and planning, contrasting with the structured nature of group retreats. Leo argues that true spiritual work is done in solitude, where one must face inner demons without external aid, enhancing one's spiritual growth and independence.
  • Contemplating future retreat structures: Leo is considering different approaches for his upcoming retreats, including the use of psychedelics, personal development work, or focusing solely on meditation. He emphasizes experimenting with various methods to offer more effective tools for growth and is aware that not everyone may be ready or interested in enlightenment-specific practices.
  • Leveraging retreats for personal development: He advocates for the use of retreats to work intensively on psychology, shadow work, and life purpose, suggesting even those young and free of heavy obligations should seize the opportunity to engage in these transformative experiences to master life more effectively.
  • Digital existence vs. physical world engagement: Reflecting on his retreat experiences, Leo identifies a personal need to spend less time in the digital realm and more time outdoors, engaging with nature physically-attributing psychological and creative benefits to this reconnection.
  • Escaping the busyness trap: The retreat has led Leo to realize that increasing busyness does not lead to happiness. He suggests that slowing down is key to fulfilling life, especially when pressures mount, and that creatively valuable work comes from periods of isolation and deep contemplation, not from relentless activity.
  • Shift towards selflessness and ego reduction: Leo aims to remove ego-driven actions from his life's equation to focus more on selflessness. He recognizes the negative impact of ego on work and interpersonal relationships and the importance of authentic, ego-free communication.
  • Rat race vs. meaningful creative work: Acknowledging the shallowness of busy work, Leo envisions eliminating such work to focus more on creativity and innovation. He wants to align his life with more meaningful endeavors that transform society rather than remain caught in the rat race.
  • Need for significant life questions and lifestyle changes: The retreat has prompted Leo to consider how one's life structure might be reorganized to allow for a more creative and fulfilling existence, contemplating the importance of pursuing deeper, more valuable work and living more aligned with truth and consciousness.
  • Ego-driven life mechanisms: Leo examines his daily interactions and questions the ego-driven mechanisms behind most of his decisions. He illustrates how relationships and work may inadvertently cater to personal needs, fears, and weaknesses, contributing to an unsatisfying loop of temporary fulfillment.
  • Shifting away from egoic needs: Leo plans to redirect his focus toward selflessness, removing the ego from actions and interactions. He describes a vision of living free from personal needs, fully present and content with consciousness itself, which offers a more fulfilling existence.
  • Authenticity and compassion challenges: Leo acknowledges the need to work on authenticity, fighting cockiness and arrogance, especially around those new to personal development. He reflects on the shift required to aid others from a compassionate, non-egotistical stance.
  • Unconditional love and defensiveness: A new area of focus for Leo is learning about unconditional love and applying it powerfully in life. He also seeks to be less defensive and security-driven, broadening his openness and capacity to give and receive love freely.
  • Importance of incremental personal growth: Leo voices the importance of gradual improvement over time, pointing out that even small percentage increases in growth can accumulate to significant change, steering life toward betterment and higher consciousness.
  • Urgency of scheduling personal retreats: He emphasizes the necessity of planning personal retreats well in advance, pushing past excuses, and committing to these growth opportunities. Leo argues that retreating from daily life, even for brief periods, can provide fresh perspectives and profound clarity on one's life direction.


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Sitting Posture For Yoga & Meditation

  • Simplified posture for practice: The recommended posture is accessible for over 95% of people, avoiding complicated positions such as full or half lotus.
  • Proper attire and environment: Remove socks and wear comfortable clothing; the room should be at a comfortable temperature to maintain focus and avoid distractions.
  • Use of cushion for support: A stiff foam cushion, around 2-3 inches thick, helps to elevate the hips and create stability without collapsing under body weight.
  • Heel-perineum alignment for men: Position the heel gently against the perineum, adjusting for comfort, particularly for males by lifting the genitals over the heel to avoid pressure.
  • Spinal posture visualization: Envision a string pulling the top of the head upwards to promote a straight, aligned spine conducive to kriya practice.
  • Avoiding advanced lotus positions: Dismisses advanced postures like full lotus as non-essential and potentially detrimental for knee health, emphasizing upper body techniques.
  • Techniques for initial discomfort and circulation: Encourages perseverance through initial discomfort, suggesting alternating leg positions and using pillows for support to alleviate circulation issues.
  • Grounded and dignified posture: Recommends a grounded posture that conveys a sense of nobility without rigidity, ensuring the spine is not slouched.
  • Chair option for sitting: Offers chair sitting as an alternative for those unable to sit on the floor, stating that over 90% should manage the floor posture but acknowledging exceptions for special conditions.


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Don't Half-Ass Yoga

  • Essential points on practicing kriya yoga: Leo Gura highlights that practicing kriya yoga, as with other yoga forms, must be done correctly to avoid common mistakes. He suggests using a specific book that acts as a manual for kriya yoga, which can be found via his book list. To practice yoga properly, one must do it on an empty stomach and maintain a proper diet to optimize energy, cognitive function, and overall system balance. Practices should not be done soon after eating, and performing advanced techniques on a full stomach can be dangerous. The right timing for yoga practice should consider a sufficiently empty stomach, ideally waiting four hours after a meal. It's crucial to be meticulous and disciplined in following yoga routines as designed by spiritual masters who are akin to geniuses in their field. Mixing different schools of yoga or modifying techniques without understanding can lead to confusion, ineffectiveness, and even danger due to the transformative power of these practices. Therefore, it is advised to commit to a single yogic path and follow it rigorously.
  • Appreciation of yogic mastery: It is crucial to recognize the high level of consciousness achieved by yoga masters, akin to the difference between a human and an ant. Just as we trust the expertise of professionals such as car engineers or surgeons, we must trust the yogic system and follow kriya yoga instructions rigorously without attempting to innovate or mix with other techniques.
  • Commitment to regular practice: To see the benefits of kriya yoga, it's necessary to practice every day, ideally for at least a year, before assessing the results. The process involves building up a stack of techniques, gradually adding new ones, and requires commitment and not just casual dabbling.
  • Mindfulness during practice: Performing yoga techniques demands full attention and mindfulness. Any distraction or intellectual skepticism must be set aside to fully immerse in and benefit from the practice. The techniques should be executed with the same focus and seriousness as if one's life depended on it.
  • Mindful execution of techniques: When performing yoga techniques, one must deeply focus and mindfully engage with every action, breathing pattern, and visualized element. Distractions and skepticism should be set aside to fully immerse in the practice.
  • Significance of silent sitting: The final minutes of a kriya routine, spent in silence, are crucial. This period of stillness is not for passive rest, but for culminating the practice's efforts into a deep, contemplative, one-pointed awareness that prepares one for profound awakening experiences.
  • Understanding metaphysics and openness: Yoga practices often come with metaphysical and quasi-religious explanations. Skeptics or strict materialists might struggle with these concepts. Success in yoga requires an open mind and direct experience, rather than dogmatic adherence to any particular philosophy or scientific materialism.
  • Readiness for advanced practices: Kriya Yoga and similar high-level spiritual practices necessitate a certain readiness and maturity beyond what conventional self-help offers. These practices are not for casual interest but demand serious commitment and an appreciation for the subtleties of spirituality.
  • Adhering to chosen methods: It's important to stick to the prescribed techniques of a particular school or book without synthesizing variations from multiple sources. Trust in a single, consistent method is more effective than attempting to create a personalized combination of practices.
  • Commitment to a single yoga system: It is crucial to commit fully to one yoga system or a set of teachings and not attempt to synthesize techniques from different schools or sub-schools which could cause confusion and dilute the effectiveness of the practice. Like a cheetah choosing one antelope to hunt or lions identifying a distinct zebra, being decisive and focused in practice is vital.
  • Kriya Yoga for householders: Kriya Yoga is designed to be powerful and efficient, requiring only about an hour of practice each day, making it suitable for those with household responsibilities. Unlike some meditation practices that may demand extensive retreats and hours, Kriya Yoga is tailored to fit into a busy lifestyle without sacrificing significant personal or professional obligations.
  • Prioritization and vision: Individuals need to have the right priorities and vision in life, understanding that setting aside time for yoga practice is more beneficial than the pursuit of materialistic pleasures. Leo criticizes the notion of being too busy as a reflection of immaturity and lack of understanding of life's deeper purpose.
  • There is no 'best' yoga practice: The concept of the 'best' spiritual technique or yoga school is a distraction; what truly matters is what resonates with each individual based on their personality, lifestyle, and spiritual readiness. Different people may connect with different practices at different times in their lives, and experimentation with full commitment is encouraged to discover what works best for oneself.
  • Diversified approach to spirituality: Leo advocates for a diversified approach to spiritual practice, incorporating tools like visualization, self-inquiry, mindfulness, and even psychedelics, rather than strictly adhering to a single path or guru. He acknowledges that this may not align with everyone's beliefs but emphasizes that it's his personal path and may work for others who resonate with his teaching style.
  • Timing and consistency in practice: Leo advises against doing kriya yoga when tired or close to bedtime, as the techniques energize the body. Instead, choose a time when alert and with an empty stomach-morning being ideal but afternoon and evening also working. Emphasizing regular daily practice, he suggests committing to at least a year to properly evaluate its transformative effects, highlighting that consistency is key, not sporadic engagement.
  • Importance of commitment and vision: Leo stresses the necessity of serious commitment to yoga practice, likening it to mastering an instrument. One must approach it with a strong willingness to learn and a clear vision of why they are undertaking the practice. He warns against merely dabbling in yoga as it might lead to frustration and suggests that a disciplined and rigorous approach will eventually make mastering the techniques achievable.
  • Mindfulness and discipline in execution: The techniques must be performed with mindfulness, full attention, and without distractions. Intellectualizing or skepticism during practice detracts from the experience. Mindful execution of every component, such as breath and focus on chakras, is imperative for effective practice. Leo emphasizes the critical role of the silent sitting period at the end of the routine, urging practitioners not to underestimate its significance in the awakening process.
  • Embracing metaphysical elements with openness: Addressing the metaphysical aspects of kriya yoga, Leo recommends adopting an open-minded stance towards the non-scientific explanations and language found in the texts. He suggests focusing on direct experience rather than getting hung up on unconventional concepts that may initially seem unbelievable.
  • Readiness for advanced practice: He acknowledges that kriya yoga entails advanced practices that require aspirants to be in a certain stage of development and readiness, beyond mere curiosity or the pursuit of materialistic goals. To successfully embark on and persist in such advanced practices, one must have already achieved a significant level of personal growth and self-understanding.
  • Adherence to prescribed techniques: Leo emphasizes the importance of sticking to the standard kriya yoga techniques as described in the recommended book. While slight variations can be found across different sub-schools or teachings of kriya yoga, he warns against attempting to synthesize these and suggests trust in and adherence to one primary source to prevent confusion and ensure focused, effective practice.
  • Single-school focus: Just as a predator singles out one prey in a hunt, practitioners should remain committed to one school of kriya yoga or one yoga practice without mixing techniques from various sources. This focused approach is likened to the distinction between zebras in a herd-standing out clearly with one approach rather than blending multiple methods together.
  • Kriya Yoga for daily life: Kriya yoga is tailored for householders, designed to be integrated into regular life without requiring the extensive time commitment associated with some other meditation practices. Leo asserts that sincere daily practice for a reasonable duration can lead to significant spiritual results, and one doesn't need to engage in long retreats or spend numerous hours each day in meditation.
  • Personal responsibility in practice: Leo highlights individual responsibility in managing one's time and prioritizing spiritual practice. He criticizes excuses of busyness and misplaced priorities, suggesting that anyone can find time for serious spiritual practice if they understand its importance and value over other materialistic pursuits.
  • Experimentation and personal resonance: The 'best' practice is subjective and can vary from person to person. Leo encourages experimentation and finding what resonates personally, acknowledging that one might need to switch techniques or teachers as their path evolves. He reiterates that there is no universal 'best,' as it all depends on individual needs and readiness at a given time.
  • Diverse spiritual toolkit: Leo describes his own broad-based approach to spirituality, which includes tools like visualization, self-inquiry, breath meditation, and psychedelics alongside kriya yoga. He acknowledges this eclectic method may not suit everyone, suggesting that different individuals may find their spiritual success through various means, either by focusing on one or diversifying their practice.


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Conclusion: Mindfucked In Hawaii

  • Hawaiian retreat with a twist: Leo Gura shared his deep and profound meditation retreat experience in Hawaii, where he supplemented his practice with five Meo DMT, leading to a series of psychedelic trips that took him to unprecedented levels of consciousness.
  • Experimenting with five Meo DMT: By incorporating daily doses of five Meo DMT into his meditation retreat, Leo found himself delving into depths of awakening and consciousness, surpassing all his previous spiritual experiences and highlighting the often underestimated profundity of the awakening process.
  • Deepening with each dose: Each successive psychedelic trip brought about deeper insights and experiences, causing Leo to hold off on recording his thoughts and instead continue to explore further, culminating in an experience he describes as "absolute nothingness."
  • Profound realizations: In this state of absolute nothingness, Leo's consciousness expanded infinitely, feeling omnipresent and realizing that nothing has ever truly happened-the reality we perceive as life is, in fact, just pure nothingness.
  • The paradox of expression: Leo struggles with the limitation of words like "infinity," "nothingness," "God," and "enlightenment" to convey the depth and dimensionality of his experiences. Even if others have had similar insights, their understanding may not capture the magnitude of what he encountered.
  • Non-duality and the Absolute: Leo explains the concept of non-duality, where all distinctions collapse, revealing that the apparent reality is identical to nothingness. He describes this insight as the deepest understanding of reality and himself-one that aligns with Zen's concept of "mu m mu mu."
  • Infinity and nothingness: Leo discusses the duality of the Absolute, where infinity and nothingness, while seeming opposites, are actually identical. He reflects on the profound nature of everything being infinite and the shift to understanding the oneness of all.
  • Absolute nothingness and perception: The realization of absolute nothingness transcends the awakening experience of 'no self'. Perception breaks down as the idea of a self perceiving the world is seen as an illusion; all forms exist without the necessity of being perceived by a 'self'. This deeper understanding reveals forms existing in nothingness, negating the division between the inner and outer worlds, resulting in the awareness of just being.
  • Illusion of time: Time is reinterpreted as a mental construct rather than a flowing reality. In this view, every moment exists simultaneously, akin to slices of bread merged into a single loaf, and life is seen as an interconnected ball of yarn. This realization articulates that all past, present, and future moments exist in an eternal superposition, demonstrating the eternal nature of existence which includes both stillness and dynamism.
  • Infinity of objects and scale invariance: Every object, down to a simple piece of paper, is infinite in its existence. The universe operates on a principle of scale invariance, allowing for infinite zooming in and out of any space with infinite detail. An infinite chain of causation is recognized in every object, such as a penny, which has innumerable causes and factors contributing to its current state and position, reflecting the interconnectedness of all things.
  • Illusion of linear time: Leo reflects on the nature of existence where linear time is an illusion, and every moment exists eternally. The present, past, and future are not separate but part of an infinite superposition where each moment has always existed and continues to do so, animated and dynamic within eternity.
  • Infinity within infinity: Every object, such as a hand or penny, is infinitely complex within itself, reflecting the larger infinity of the universe. Leo delves into the concept of scale invariance, where one can zoom into any space infinitely, with each part of space having no end to its detail.
  • Infinite causation of objects: Leo explores the infinite chain of causation behind the existence of any object, using the example of a penny. This causation spans from personal history to cosmic origins, demonstrating the interconnectedness of all events and substances that lead to the present moment of any object's existence.
  • Overwhelming complexity of existence: The enormity of understanding every cause of an object's existence is beyond linear description, highlighting the limits of verbal communication. The realization of this complexity strikes with an insight so profound that it surpasses human emotion and defies comprehensive explanation.
  • Transcending the brain and mind: Leo acknowledges that the insight into the infinite interconnectedness of existence is beyond the capacities of the brain or any physical system. To comprehend this, one must relinquish linear and logical thinking, embracing a form of understanding that operates on an infinite scale.
  • Infinite understanding: Achieving a level of consciousness that provides an infinite and non-linear understanding of reality, distinct from the rational or intuitive mind known in conventional consciousness, ultimately resulting in a profound silence due to its inexpressibility.
  • Life and death as identical: At high levels of non-duality, Leo recognized life and death as the same-non-existence within the eternal 'ball of yarn' hallucination of life. Physical death holds a great illusion; in truth, life, death, and self are conceptual and dissolve at higher consciousness levels.
  • Personal journey and five Meo DMT: The use of five Meo DMT had a significant influence on Leo's meditative practices, believing it greatly accelerates the awakening process beyond what traditional methods could achieve in decades. He feels equipped to guide others on non-duality, realizing the complexity in experiencing and communicating consciousness levels that few have accessed in human history.
  • Complexity in spiritual expressions: Leo acknowledges the diverse ways in which individual minds interpret the absolute, emphasized by a multitude of traditions and languages. This variety contributes to the complexity and potential confusion within spiritual communities, as each person shapes their understanding based on their unique perspective and focuses on different facets of the same underlying truth.
  • Communication and direct experience: He notes a communication gap in spirituality, which makes it challenging to translate nonlinear insights into linear language accessible to the rational mind. Leo asserts that direct experiences are crucial for genuine understanding, as the most profound spiritual insights resist conventional expression.
  • Psychedelics as unparalleled teachers: Leo extols psychedelics such as five Meo, LSD, and mushrooms as the most effective spiritual teachers, providing direct and personalized experiences that surpass what any verbal teachings can offer. Psychedelics act as guides, revealing precisely what one needs to see and understand.
  • Depth of spiritual work: He encourages reflection on the depth required to achieve enlightenment, which may exceed initial expectations. Leo invites listeners to trust their intuition rather than adhere to rigid practices, potentially hastening spiritual progress by exploring customized paths.
  • Personal journey and vision: Sharing his own experiences, Leo emphasizes the power of a personal vision for enlightenment. He suggests that living in alignment with your vision, even before its full realization, can propel you towards that reality, dismissing external criticism and embracing trust in one's transformative journey.
  • Future focus on structure and openness: Leo plans to divide his content between documenting his personal experiences on his blog and producing more structurally analytical videos for his channel. His goal is to help others while being careful not to impose limits on their potential for awakening based on his journey's timeframe or methods. He promotes an open and fluid approach to personal and spiritual growth, allowing for tailoring and adaptability to one's unique process.

Finite Incantatem

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Hawaii Retreat Intro

  • Overview of the retreat location and cost: Leo is at a new Airbnb location in a jungle on the Big Island of Hawaii, near Hilo. He describes the sunny weather and the natural surroundings, including wildlife. The accommodations cost is about $100 per night with an $800 flight from Las Vegas to Hawaii.
  • Description of living spaces: Leo tours the rented house, mentioning unused areas like a downstairs bar, and focuses on the second floor where he spends his time. This includes the kitchen, dining, balcony with a meditation bench, living room, and his preference for open windows due to the pleasant climate.
  • Food preparation for retreat: Leo details his assortment of food supplies for 10 days, including various fruits, vegetables, eggs, bacon, and rice, acknowledging some unhealthy choices due to local shopping limitations. He shows the food storage in his kitchen and emphasizes practicality over strict health during the retreat.
  • Leo's intention for a deeper retreat: He aims for a deeper retreat experience by adjusting his daily techniques, including EEG brain training, yoga, and the use of psychedelics such as five Meo. Leo plans to avoid nightly update videos for a more immersive retreat, with a summary video at the end.
  • Daily retreat practices: The routine involves daily brain training, yoga, mindfulness, and contemplation, followed by five Meo use each night. Leo also plans to incorporate shamanic breathing to work through emotional blockages and facilitate profound existential investigation.
  • Emphasis on process over distractions: Leo speaks about the double-edged nature of retreating in a beautiful location, resolving to remain focused on his practices despite the temptations of Hawaii's pleasant environment. He explains the importance of dedication and mindfulness throughout the retreat for personal growth.
  • Commitment to continuous practice: Leo is dedicated to staying within the house for nine days, engaging in hour-long meditation sessions throughout the day, aiming for 10 to 12 sessions each day, while maintaining mindfulness during all activities.
  • Deepening mindfulness through persistence: As the retreat progresses, Leo explains that the continual practice builds upon itself, leading to increased mindfulness and the potential for profound mystical experiences, samadhi, and awakening experiences.
  • Emphasizing the difficulty of retreats: He candidly discusses the intensity of the retreat, stressing it is not a vacation but hard work that's emotionally taxing and challenges his ego, dispelling any romantic notions viewers might have.
  • Real work versus passive learning: Leo differentiates between the deep work done on retreats and the less involved learning from self-help materials or online videos, urging viewers to experience a solo retreat to understand the true depth of suffering and transformation involved.
  • Facing personal challenges: The retreat brings to the surface inner demons, personal failings, cravings, and egoic resistances, which he acknowledges can provoke a strong desire to escape into distractions or seek comfort from others.
  • Staying focused amidst loneliness and temptation: Success in the retreat requires facing loneliness and fears head-on, avoiding the trap of distractions, and dealing with arising psychological baggage with mindfulness.
  • The grueling nature of the process: Leo describes the retreat as a test of patience and focus, with lengthy periods of meditation that can be tedious and boring, advising to take the process one step at a time and remain in the present moment.
  • Building momentum with practice: Acknowledging the need for extensive hours of technique practice to reach significant breakthroughs, Leo emphasizes the importance of perseverance and a beginner's mind in the pursuit of deeper realization and insight.


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Hawaii Late Night Insights

  • Striving for permanence in awakening: Leo is attempting to make his deep awakening experiences permanent during his solo retreat by focusing highly on the notion of nothingness during meditation.
  • The inverse of self and ego: He has come to understand that what he truly seeks-the nature of his existence-is the inverse of self and ego, essentially nothingness and infinity, suggesting a need for ego surrender for deeper insight.
  • Experience of existential envelopment: During intense meditation, Leo feels engulfed by nothingness, leading to a profound suffering analogous to physical symptoms of death, reinforcing his insight that genuine understanding requires self-surrender.
  • Acceptance of physical death: Leo advocates that true awakening demands not just psychological or ego death, but the acceptance of one's own physical death, encompassing the surrender of life's enjoyments and identity.
  • Criticizing the understatement of awakening's difficulty: He critiques many spiritual teachings for understating the rigors of awakening, clarifying that proper meditation leads to confronting a critical choice between succumbing to fears or surrendering to truth.
  • Buddha's revered image and death: Leo reflects on Buddha's revered status and how his moment of awakening, depicted in statues worldwide, signifies the death of the small self and the continuation of the body as a mere vessel for teaching post-awakening.
  • Materialist paradigm's limitation: The materialist, egoic, and dualistic paradigms struggle to comprehend the continuation of life without the self. This notion challenges the very core of understanding reality, as it does not align with the experience of the self being alive.
  • The Buddha's awakening: Described as a form of actual physical death, the Buddha's awakening is presented as an embodiment of surrender and the ultimate leap of faith. This surrender is revered and symbolized in statues around the world, representing the ultimate cost paid for enlightenment.
  • Fear of actual death during awakening: Leo confronts his fear that the awakening process might lead to his actual physical death. He recognizes this as a possible outcome and prepares to accept it, which represents a significant mental and emotional milestone in his journey towards enlightenment.
  • Understanding the sacrifice for awakening: Most people are unprepared for the level of sacrifice required for true awakening, which is described as the willingness to sacrifice physical life for truth. The process involves intense suffering and a paradox where the pursuit of eternal happiness ultimately requires one to face their physical mortality first.
  • Clarification on real death: Leo emphasizes that awakening does not involve literal physical harm but is about accepting real death in the sense of realizing one's non-existence from the beginning. 
  • Illusory nature of self: Despite the fear and sensation of a pounding heart during meditation, he recognized that the self he thought he was surrendering is an illusion, as he was essentially 'nothing' all along.
  • The challenge of conscious surrender: The difficulty lies in consciously deciding to let go and surrender to the process, which is complicated by the fear of death. Leo faced significant resistance from his ego, which caused inner suffering.
  • Love as a means to conquer fear: In the struggle to surrender, Leo discovered that invoking the feeling of infinite love can dissolve the fear, and the intention to act out of love for truth, humanity, and reality became his intended method to transcend fear.
  • Meditation session conclusion: Despite the build-up to a potential awakening and overcoming fear with love, the expected transformation did not occur. Leo's intensive meditation session ended without the anticipated breakthrough.
  • Validity of process insights: Leo explains that his insights are credible, even in the absence of a full awakening during the session, due to his cumulative experiences from smaller awakenings and deepened understanding over time.
  • Psychedelics as a preview to awakening: He argues that psychedelics are powerful tools for understanding the dying process related to ego death and can offer profound, real experiences that demonstrate the process without one's conscious effort to die.
  • Comparison between suicide and ego death: Ego death during meditation is compared to the arduous task of overcoming one's survival instincts-as difficult or even harder than the physical act of suicide due to the ego's deep-rooted resistance.
  • Repeated attempts and psychedelic support: Real awakening requires persistent effort and might involve many attempts. Psychedelic experiences, particularly 5-MeO-DMT, help diminish the fear of ego death by repeatedly crossing the threshold, making the process less intimidating over time.
  • Awakening as permanent death: The pursuit of awakening that the most revered sages have achieved equates to a permanent death of the ego, a key distinction from ordinary self-improvement or consciousness work, which Leo highlights with great emphasis.
  • Insight on the awakening process: Leo identifies his past lack of understanding about facing his own death; he now comprehends that awakening requires an acceptance akin to physically dying and takes a leap of faith inspired by infinite love.
  • The illusion of the little self: The transition from the ego, or little self, to the big self-the true infinite self-is seen as a form of death by the ego, which ultimately is an illusion. Crossing this barrier reveals that the fear and life associated with the ego were never real.
  • The persistent nature of the ego: Leo likens the ego to a relentless antagonist in a horror film or video game that requires continuous confrontations and defeats to fully extinguish, highlighting the non-linear and repetitive path to true awakening for many individuals.
  • Awakening as a multichapter journey: Contrary to many spiritual teachings that oversimplify the process, Leo emphasizes that the journey to awakening may span multiple 'chapters,' with each one requiring renewed effort and different approaches.
  • The gravity and exclusivity of awakening: The process is not for everyone; it is a serious, profound undertaking reserved for those wholly dedicated to discovering truth and undergoing a transformation akin to that experienced by historical spiritual figures like Buddha.
  • Channeling infinite love for transcendence: The key to overcoming the fear experienced at the brink of awakening is channeling infinite love, an emotion so potent that it can overwhelm and extinguish the ego. Leo suggests that psychedelics can facilitate the initial experience of this love, which can then be recalled at the crucial moment of surrender.
  • The hero's paradoxical journey: The journey to awakening is akin to the hero's journey, where the hero's perceived self-sacrifice is paradoxical because the 'hero' never truly existed-it was always an illusion. The recognition and experience of the infinite self is considered the pinnacle of non-duality and the most significant achievement.


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May 2018 Solo Retreat - Part 1

  • Preparation for awakening retreat: Leo Gura unveils the start of his 30-day isolation and intensive meditation journey aimed at achieving awakening, during which he will cease work and social interactions, limit necessary outings like grocery shopping, and focus solely on his spiritual practice.
  • Anticipation and energy for the journey: Feeling energized and having a strong desire to awaken, Leo describes his intent and the importance of strong commitment to the path of enlightenment. He underscores the need for surrender and selflessness, prioritizing awakening over all distractions and material attractions.
  • Embracing simplicity in practice: Anticipating a lack of rigid routine, he plans to engage in meditation by being hyper-aware of existence without analysis, focusing on the present, and fully experiencing consciousness. He emphasizes the simplicity of this technique yet acknowledges the profound depths it can explore.
  • The challenge of temptation: Acknowledging the difficulty of resisting distractions such as the internet and his phone during the retreat, Leo plans to overcome these temptations to maintain a meditative state and continue his progress on the path to enlightenment.
  • Surreal existence and meditation challenge: Leo urges viewers to become highly conscious of everyday objects such as their hand, embracing the mystery without letting the mind weave stories or analyses. He emphasizes the importance of presence and silence to eventually achieve awakening, comparing the journey to a form of suicide through consciousness-a slow, voluntary drowning of the ego in emptiness while resisting distractions from the ego's perpetual need for activity.
  • Metaphor of drowning: The process of meditation is likened to smothering a baby, your own life or ego, in silence until it drowns. Leo elaborates on the metaphor, indicating the difficulty and resistance faced during this transformative journey. He warns of the ego's fear and struggle as it is confronted with its own obliteration.
  • Hero's journey as internal transformation: Leo reflects on the hero's journey as not just an external battle seen in movies and mythology but as an internal, often intangible process of overcoming the ego. He discusses the discrepancy between the engaging narratives of pop culture heroes and the real, unglamorous work of spiritual awakening that requires intense personal struggle.
  • Redemption and surrender: Ego-driven life is contrasted with the redemptive path of surrendering to consciousness and selflessness. Leo speaks about using the "1%," the divine spark within us, to redeem the ego's life of distractions, emphasizing the role of love as a powerful tool in overcoming life's greatest fears and actualizing self-transcendence.
  • Lesser Jihad versus Greater Jihad: Engaging in activism for social, political, or environmental causes is referred to as "lesser jihad," focusing on external change. In contrast, the internal work of spiritual awakening, confronting personal fears, anger, and traumas, is termed "greater jihad," a solitary and arduous path without societal accolades.
  • Misconceptions about the Holy Grail: The physical representation of the Holy Grail, often depicted as a solid gold chalice, is a metaphor for immortality through consciousness and the essence of existence. This concept is hard for materialistic and dualistic minds to grasp, leading to underestimation of its true significance compared to tangible material wealth.
  • Commitment to spiritual practice: Leo emphasizes the absolute need for 100% commitment to the awakening process, highlighting the stark difference a mere 1% lack of commitment can make. He acknowledges the inevitability of boredom as a significant hurdle in such retreats and asserts that conquering it is essential for progress toward awakening.
  • The practice of surrender: Leo's "secret weapon" for the retreat is proactive surrendering-a continuous process of letting go of resistance, fear, fantasies, cravings, and the pleasure derived from thinking. This practice aims to dissolve the ego and embrace the present moment, leading towards a state of no mind.
  • Leap of faith towards surrender: Leo Gura emphasizes the act of surrendering to a higher power, referred to as God or ultimate reality, seeking to exchange the ego and its narrow existence for the infinite intelligence of consciousness. This surrender is a leap of faith, trusting in the wisdom far beyond the ego's capabilities.
  • Counterintuitive nature of surrender: Skeptics may dismiss surrendering as nonsensical or illogical, but Leo challenges this by stating that true wisdom recognizes surrendering one's entire existence, including ambitions and identity, as a path to gaining the infinite and becoming one with the cosmos.
  • Divine spark and love as tools against fear: Leo discusses using the divine spark within and the power of love to overcome fears and challenges during the retreat. He encourages tapping into love as an absolute, transformative force that can help counteract the deceits of the ego.
  • Journey beyond awakening: The ultimate aim of the spiritual path is not just awakening or enlightenment, but reaching states such as no mind and embodying unconditional love. This requires a deep surrender of judgments, hatreds, and the ego's selfishness to become aligned with the boundless loving nature of reality.
  • Preparation for awakening: Leo feels ready to embark on his awakening journey, with a sense of readiness stemming from glimpses of awakening through past experiences and an understanding gleaned from various teachings, research, and introspection.
  • Solo journey recognized: He acknowledges that regardless of the path or timing, one ultimately confronts death alone, and the genuine fulfillment of life can lead to dying in peace rather than fear or regret.
  • Purpose of awakening now: Leo refutes the notion of postponing awakening until death by highlighting the transformative potential of experiencing true enjoyment and love for life before physical death occurs, contrasting it with the suffering inherent in unawakened existence.
  • Personal reflection on death and life fulfillment: A memory from a high school health class informs Leo's long-held perspective on death-living a fulfilled life leads to a peaceful death. He later realizes that awakening provides an even deeper fulfillment than the textbook's message suggested, transcending traditional understandings of life and death.
  • Beyond the materialist paradigm: Leo concludes that actualizing the profound truths of existence-traditionally found in myths and spiritual teachings and largely misunderstood by society-transcends the grasp of materialist paradigms, but it is indeed achievable.


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