
Quotes of beautiful souls of this forum, which helped me deal with solipsism.

38 posts in this topic

As many of you know, i've had a very rough time with the latest trip/ awakening. 

I see it as, i've fallen into the "ego-trap" of solipsism, and now i understand "classic solipsism"  as " only my ego exists, everything else is imaginary". Which is of course huge misunderstanding. 

All my suffering in life, was nothing but a joke, compared to what i've been through lately. Seriously. I was a mentally stable person, but i totally underestimated what i was capable of going through.  Be careful what you're getting into.

I have big compassion for all people out there, who, just like me, fell, or will fall, into this hell abyss.

So, here are some quotes, of beautiful souls of this forum, which helped me so much, with going through this. It helped me reframe this topic.

I have no idea, what would i do without you guys.

i want to sincerely thank you, for all the help, all the support, here on forum, and on the PM's. There was much, much, more than in this topic, but i can't include everything.  Those are quotes, i've saved in my notepad, to read in the worst moments. 

THANK YOU GUYS. I really, really, love you all!

Hope, one day, it will help someone else. 

In enlightenment, you're dead. There's no you left. You have realized that you are nothing, and everything is nothing. And don't let people fool you when they hear someone say "there's no you" and then they immediately reply "yes, you do exist!! you are everything!!" Well I got news for you: yes, you are everything. But in many of these cases, that "everything" can very well be a projection of ego onto a "larger" self, which is the case in normal solipsism. It's a case of "inflation", where the ego simply latches on to the finite mind and then claims it & itself (it projects itself onto the whole of finite experience) to be God as in "finite consciousness is everything there is". No-Self is probably the central insight - and of course, No-self has many "aspects" to it, like Love, Infinity, Everything... If Infinity doesn't mean "No-Self", then it's not Infinity and not enlightenment. Infinity simply means "no boundaries". It doesn't (just) mean "all possible experiences at once" (there are no "all possible experiences", strictly speaking), which is what some poeple believe the word to mean. Consciousness (you) are infinite as in: you have no boundaries and no limits, in no dimension. That's where the whole omnipotence / omnipresence stuff comes from, and of course, it's true. Consciousness is omnipresent (or as Shunyamurti says: "omnicentral"). Same goes for Love; No-Self = Love So yeah. Solipsism is based on a self. And this self can assume vast dimensions and make claims like "I am God" without actually knowing God, but instead just projecting itself onto finite experience and thereby claiming that to be everything there is (I am everything, as this finite "bubble", this is all there is). It's a highly dualistic doctrine. Enlightenment = No-Self, which is the same as God - and if No-Self isn't emphasized by whoever claims to know God, I'd be very suspicious... No-Self = No boundaries (Infinity), no finite "bubble", no "figments of imagination", no "POV", none of that. Also, No-Self = no problem. So there's no "though pill to swallow". So long as there is, you're missing something... Missing something!!, not "got something wrong". You might got things right, but only partially, hence the feeling of "having to face the Truth". Which inevitably will be the case, almost nobody gets all of it in one fell swoop, so keep going until there's neither you nor problems left. You ARE the Truth, there's nothing for you to face.
@Tim R

guess this whole solipsism issue boils down to what you identify with: A) Relative domain/ego -> This can be a huge trap. Beliving that my separate self or POV is the only thing in existence and other people are just figments of my imagination. Actually a belief which has the power to drive you insane. B) Absolute/God -> Well, this is the truth. Can't really be conceptualized and highly paradoxical. Nahm summarized it perfectly by saying "We're all alone together".


You might not like it, but here we go again, because this is where confusion easily arises... "the only one that can awaken" is misleading... so is "you are God". I mean, who is the "you" that can be God? There isn't one... there is only God/Love/Reality. It's not a someone, a you or a me that it could be. It's not localized anywhere, it's not behind the eyes, it doesn't have a POV, it's nothing. This is the realization that is missing, if not from the direct experience of most who are on this forum, then at least from the communication that takes place here on a daily basis.

@Gili Trawangan


In fact, let me rant a little bit here. I would bet my left nut that there are more people here on the forum and in Leo's following who think they're awakened, but are actually delusional solipsists who believe their finite mind to be the whole of reality because their un-integrated spiritual ego has totally corrupted the mechanism by which they sought/seek Truth, namely what they perceived to be "direct experience", but which, because of the corruption, is not at all direct experience, but a perception of reality filtered and (mis-)interpreted through the finite ego-mind (I've talked about this extensively yeterday in Someone Here's post) that then proceeded to inflate itself and latch itself onto "experience".

@Tim R


If I think "I'm alone in the Universe". "My mom/wife/brother/whatever is not real". My emotions are immediately, directly saying "FUCK NO!" and I'm like "NO but I've BEEN TOLD BY THE WISE MASTER that I'm alone in the universe. I'm intelligent! I'm woke! I'm not a normie!" I'm not listening to my emotions. So I suffer. Suffer. Suffer. "I'm gonna get it! I'm gonna push through this wall!" Nope. You aren't. That wall just isn't there


This is the numbest, dumbest realization out there. Nothing changes. There already aren't other people. Put your hand on a surface. Without thinking is there two sensations, one of "my" hand and one of "the surface". Or is it in the direct feeling ONE borderless sensation. Likewise Love is just plain borderless. This has always been. Always will be. You don't go around denying the existence or validity of people. Maybe you see them for the first time, your heart bursts open and you can't stop crying about how fucking beautiful the previously fat bitchy post office lady suddenly is seen to be, but other than kinda thing day in day out everyday, no big deal! Jesus people. It's that fucking simple. Everybody love everybody! -Will Ferrell "Love one another" - Jesus There ya go.


Part of the problem is that solipsism is already defined. And as its been defined in the past by philosophers, its extremely misleading and NOT absolute truth. “Solipsism” in that way essentially means “my ego is all that exists”. Lol


There is no one to be all alone. The ego co-opts awakening and claims ownership of God. There isn't a 'you', Reality/God is beyond being a self or not a self. It's infinite, it can appear as a self or as many selves whilst never actually being anything. These are thoughts that are being believed, you're too caught up in this forum's narrative. Truth is love, peace and happiness. There isn't 'other', but what's being missed is that there isn't a 'self' either.

@Gili Trawangan

You have to be careful about how you are using your mind here. Notice that a lot of mental activity is going on -- thinking -- and this thinking is putting you into negative states. This is not awakening nor consciousness, this is the ego-mind at work. Your mind is trying to compensate for lack of consciousness and awakening by coming up with philosophical conclusions and stories about reality. A thought like "I don't exist" is NOT awakening, nor is it high consciousness. I recommend a few things: 1) Stop thinking about this stuff so much and instead do a meditation practice like mindfulness with labeling so that you bust out of your mental masturbation. You have to learn to step outside your thoughts and observe them. Thinking about thinking is not the same thing as stepping outside of thinking and observing it. Taking your thinking too seriously is the fundamental problem here. 2) Make a rule with yourself that no matter how much you suffer or what you think, you will never physically harm yourself. 3) Make sure you create a fulfilling life for yourself before you go deep into spiritual seeking. Ground your life in normal stuff like career, life purpose, fitness, healthy eating, socialization, sex, relationships, friendships, learning, etc. 4) If you're going into spirituality have a rigorous practice that you do, not just thinking about spirituality. Thinking about spirituality is NOT a spiritual practice.

@Leo Gura

Solipsism is based on a duality, namely that of self (or: "consicous") and other (or "unconscious"). Consciousness is not centralized/localized, it is not inside your head, it is not exclusive to you, it is not exclusive to other people, it is not something on can either have or not have, one can neither "be conscious" or on the other hand, "be unconscious". There is no "your POV". It's an illusion, i.e. it seems like there is one, but there actually isn't. Consciousness is omicentral, it's everywhere. You are not conscious, other people, animals, plants, rocks, mountains, whatever, they are not unconscious either. The universe is consciousness. The whole of it. And everything and everyone in it is consciousness, but it's not what you think it is. You think of consciousness as this bubble of appearances, that's not at all what consciousness in and of itself is.

@Tim R

I know, I know, it hurts... But it is an illusion, a misunderstanding. She is as much consciousness as you are. The only thing left for you to understand is that you, as an ego, as the centralized consciousness that you currently believe yourself to be, are an illusion - the same of course applies to other human beings. What some people, including me, mean when they say "others don't exist", is exactly that; namely, that people don't exist as these centers of awareness - however, we all do exist as a singular field of consciousness, and it's possible to become aware of this. And then, Solipsism is solved. Beause you finally see that 1) you don't exist as an ego 2) others don't exist as egos 3) we all are one consciousness Even to speak of a "we" is already saying too much, because it implies "many". But that's for another day. If a so called "insight" makes you more miserable than before, that is a very solid indicator for you that you got something wrong, you missed something. That my friend, is good fucking news.

@Tim R

Ukrainian people, you, us, others, Leo, are creations of consciousness. Consciousness is uncreated or in other words infinity - because its not a thing, just the 'space' and more, for anything to happen. The quality of that 'space' is actually what everything is made of too. So that is what You are. It's asking yourself "Who am I?" and then you answer conventionally "I am Forza21", but then you ask again "Who am I beneath Forza21?" and then your answer is no thought - pure Consciousness - thats what we as living things actually are. When Form/creation appears within consciousness, it becomes distinct from consciousness by other forms/creation. Consciousness doesn't create distinctions that is why there is no you or me. Although I will add, paradoxically, Consciousness does create distinctions through its creation. That is why there is a you and me talking on this forum. In summary, everything is still real + you know the Truth. The One in you, is greater than the out in the world. and that One in us all, is the same. Hopefully that makes sense.


As a matter of direct experience, there are no others. There is only the aggregation of sight, taste, touch, sound, smell, and mind. As a matter of becoming directly conscious of what one is, it is experienced that the consciousness "inside of me" must be the same consciousness "inside of another." Why? Because this consciousness is completely pure, complete without quality or form. When looking into another being's eyes and questioning what they are, we can come to directly realize this consciousness looking out of each other's eyes shares the exact same nature and therefore by necessity, must be the same consciousness. It is paradoxical and a mindfuck. When one directly experiences Absolute Unity, all is seen to be one. It's not that other's don't exist. And it's not that you exist. And it's not that I exist. It's not that you are me, or I am you, nor is it that you are God and I am God. It's that there is a movement of infinite unity, and interdependency. The activity in one's mind is at the end of an infinite, interconnected chain of causes and conditions giving rise to outcomes and effects. All movements of relative reality interpenetrate and connect with all other movements of relative reality, at all levels. The personality cannot be separated from this totality. So when it's seen that there is no such thing as 'the' "personality" or the self, that the self is just a purely spontaneous movement, when we TRULY experience our real nature, what we are on all levels of relativity and absolutely cannot be separate from anything or anyone else. This is Solipsism. But that word and its philosophical implications are a poor conceptual framework for the unity I speak of. When the ego mind intellectualizes this, all kinds of resistances, fears, and twisted interpretations arise. When consciousness awakens to its own nature, a reservoir of endless compassion begins to open. Why? Because the suffering of another is, to some degree, experienced as one's own suffering. The suffering we find within ourselves is the suffering underneath the mind activity of other. There is no separation. There is no duality. When we see the necessity of alleviating our own suffering in order to come into union with truth, we see the necessity in alleviating the suffering of others, and perhaps all beings. For it is impossible to truly end our own suffering and therefore truly awaken to our true nature as long as a single being remains lost in Samsara. At least, this seems to be where my experience is going.


This is exactly why teachers like Rupert Spira reject solipsism, because people misunderstand it. It's generally a really bad pointer. It's also so ridiculously ironic that people have lately started shitting on the lessons of Neo-Advaita, because it's exactly what is needed to not misunderstand absolute solipsism. You are not your body-mind. You are infinite consciousness imagining body-minds. Infinite consciousness is alone, because there is nothing outside of infinity.



Realizing how Creation is perfect, how Oneness is perfect, realizing that it is the best way it could be. Because it means that God is Whole, One and not seperated. You are literally all of Infinity, all of God right now, If you realize this on deeper levels you will realize the Perfectness and Love and Bliss and Beauty that Leo mentioned.


Also, You are Infinity, so every person that could ever exist within Infinity is right here. Every possible human, animal, alien and universe shapeshifted into your bubble, became the substance of your bubble, become you, is you.


You as God will keep dreaming and shapeshifting for ever, so from a relative perspective, all these other dreams, all these other forms exist too, and from that perspective you also aren't alone.


i also want to thank @Kksd74628 for all the love and support on priv
and @Inliytened1 for all the love and explantations, even though i'm not ready for it :D


Edited by Forza21

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Most of these quotes don’t understand what oneness means or what solipsism really means. There are no others. There are no other bubbles. That is solipsism. That is awakening.

All others and bubbles are a complete mental construction within the dream. The ego is nothing but the identification of being something separate from the bubble. The field of experience isn’t the ego, it is God. The ego is the separations you imagine.

Reality is literally a dream. The ego is the separation from “other” constructions in the dream.  There is only one “headless” field. There is only one dreamer.

These dream characters and their quotes still have a subtle sense of other. In which case means they have not gone all the way. Therefore, their quotes and insights are incomplete and not absolute truth. You won’t find absolute truth from a communication. You find it within yourself. Communication is how you remain asleep. Introspection is how you awaken.

Fear is a good indicator that you are approaching truth. If it makes your ego feel good, it is not the truth but a way to keep you asleep. Go beyond the fear. The ego fears solipsism. Start to wonder why. You will find your answer there.

Edit: By the way, there are no souls. Notice how you feel from this comment and start to wonder what you are really afraid of, specifically when it comes to solipsism.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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Some wise people hanging out on this forum ?

Glad to hear you’re feeling back on track.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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5 hours ago, Forza21 said:

I see it as, i've fallen into the "ego-trap" of solipsism, and now i understand "classic solipsism"  as " only my ego exists, everything else is imaginary". Which is of course huge misunderstanding. 

How do you know it was a trap? What if inference of and imagination of other minds is a trap? The only thing that you can know is that you exist. Everything else is inference, story, concept, and belief. That is solipsism. And it is true. Now, just figure out who the hell you are existentially. What can help is contemplating what “other” is and how “other” is constructed or created.

Other minds are created by your own mind. All bubbles and minds you imagine outside of your mind are inside your mind. Even your own mind is created by your own mind. How about that for a mindjob? ;) 

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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So you cherry picked.  Whatever.

I legit told you about souls; souls and solipsism don't go hand in hand.

Lame.  You.  Are.

Edited by Loba

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5 minutes ago, Loba said:

Lame.  You.  Are.

Hey now. Be kind to yourself. ??

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@r0ckyreed My new puppy is dying as I wait to get to the vet.

Tell God to be kinder to me.  The animal has feelings, it isn't fictitious.  

Solipsists are idiots.

Edited by Loba

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32 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

Most of these quotes don’t understand what oneness means or what solipsism really means.

Pick one?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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5 minutes ago, Loba said:

My new puppy is dying as I wait to get to the vet.

We are all dying. Some of us are truly living. I’m sorry for your loss. Hang in there.


5 minutes ago, Loba said:

Tell God to be kinder to me. 

God isn’t separate from you. You are God dreaming up a human experience. 


7 minutes ago, Loba said:

The animal has feelings, it isn't fictitious.  


What about your dream characters at night? Don’t they have feelings too? Surely they aren’t fictitious. If so, where do you draw the lines between this dream and your dreams last night? Wish you well on your path. 

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@r0ckyreed Thanks... my heart hurts.
She was just fine yesterday, playing and growing, and I have never had such a good, loving puppy before.
It's not fair she was born from a bad breeder, and her existence is valid.
Everyone's soul is valid.

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11 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Pick one?

Pretty much all of them except from @Gili Trawangan, @Leo Gura, and @GreenWoods

All the rest seem to misunderstand solipsism and oneness as separate. They are one.

Of course these are quotes, which are taken out of context and can be easily misinterpreted. That is why I stated that no communication is absolute truth. All communication is relative. True solipsism or true oneness is found through introspection, not communicating. Although, communication can help motivate and inspire people to self-reflect. So it is not all one-sided.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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4 minutes ago, Loba said:

@r0ckyreed Thanks... my heart hurts.
She was just fine yesterday, playing and growing, and I have never had such a good, loving puppy before.
It's not fair she was born from a bad breeder, and her existence is valid.
Everyone's soul is valid.

❤️?? You got this. Keep going. At least it sounds like you gave your dog the best life possible which to me is what matters the most. To me, it is not about how long we live, but how deep we have loved.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@r0ckyreed I loved her and cared for her like she was my little child.
I wish vets would let you in asap, but they're all booked.
I can't view the existence of other living things as not valid when I have felt and experienced souls and when I look into the eyes of another living thing and see that everyone and everything wants to live and to experience life as much as I do.  I can't accept what is said on this stupid f-ing forum - that other things and their experiences are not valid.  I'm not the only one.  Life itself has validity.  

God must have had immemorable children.  I don't think it was One, I think it was pregnant with life, with an untold amount of living, beautiful, perfect, deserving souls.

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41 minutes ago, Loba said:

So you cherry picked.  Whatever.

I legit told you about souls; souls and solipsism don't go hand in hand.

Lame.  You.  Are.

I don't understand bro?

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33 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

Pretty much all of them except from @Gili Trawangan, @Leo Gura, and @GreenWoods

All the rest seem to misunderstand solipsism and oneness as separate. They are one.

"You are not your body-mind. You are infinite consciousness imagining body-minds. Infinite consciousness is alone, because there is nothing outside of infinity." Find me the "subtle sense of other" in this quote.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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12 minutes ago, Loba said:

I can't accept what is said on this stupid f-ing forum - that other things and their experiences are not valid.  I'm not the only one.  Life itself has validity.  

God must have had immemorable children.  I don't think it was One, I think it was pregnant with life, with an untold amount of living, beautiful, perfect, deserving souls.

I encourage you not to accept anything on this forum. Some of the stuff on here can be really intense. If the content here on this forum is bothering you, I would encourage taking a break from some of the content and meet some of your other needs on the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

A lot of this stuff is for people who want to deconstruct their sense of reality. From what I am hearing, it sounds like at this stage in your life now, you are not ready for this intense work yet. And that is not a bad thing. Take a break and do things you enjoy doing, and forget about this truth-seeking bullshit.

Truth and philosophy/spirituality can be very dangerous and aren’t for everyone.

Hoping for your best,

Rocky ❤️??

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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35 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:
1 hour ago, r0ckyreed said:

Most of these quotes don’t understand what oneness means or what solipsism really means.

43 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Pick one?


Pretty much all of them except from @Gili Trawangan, @Leo Gura, and @GreenWoods

@r0ckyreed As far as I can tell each and every one of those quotes are saying the exact same thing. Solipsism/bubble is based on self/separation, whereas consciousness isn't. 

6 hours ago, Forza21 said:

There is no one to be all alone. The ego co-opts awakening and claims ownership of God. There isn't a 'you', Reality/God is beyond being a self or not a self. It's infinite, it can appear as a self or as many selves whilst never actually being anything. These are thoughts that are being believed, you're too caught up in this forum's narrative. Truth is love, peace and happiness. There isn't 'other', but what's being missed is that there isn't a 'self' either.

This pretty much sums all of it up. 


Solipsism is not awakening, not sorry to burst your bubble. Pun intended.

Awakening = no bubble

Awakening goes way, way beyond beliefs like Solipsism. 

No self, no other, no separation, non-finite!! So long as you perceive reality as this finite bubble (which is literally why you even chose that word in the first place), there's a bubble left for you to burst. This "bubble" is a belief, a fiction, a projection. 

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@r0ckyreed Thanks Rocky, you rock for taking the time to talk to me through this.
It means a lot to me that someone reached out and showed genuine care.
I legit don't know what to do, I have another three hours until the vet opens and I can take her in.
I had all these plans to make this dogs life fulfilling and she might not get that and it just feels wrong.
They're like little children, baby animals, no different from us, and she trusts me and even though I didn't do this, I feel like I betrayed her life somehow.

I've had a lot of spiritual experience, but nothing that leads to solipsism, only... like Leo says, diversity.  Just an insane amount of diversity.

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1 minute ago, Carl-Richard said:

"You are infinite consciousness imagining body-minds. Infinite consciousness is alone, because there is nothing outside of infinity." Find me the "subtle sense of other" in this quote.

You forgot the rest of your quote.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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