
Simultaneous vs Asynchronous Experience

21 posts in this topic

Assuming you and I are the same being...

This means my experience must be your past or future experience. And only you are experiencing. So my experience is your experience and yours is mine.

What is your intuition on whether your experience and my experience are happening simultaneously or asynchronously?


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What do you mean?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I've been trying to figure this out for some time, and it leads me only to suffering. 

I strongly recommend you stop thinking about it conceptually,  whatever explanation you get, it won't be sufficient, and it will create confusion over time.

Trust me. I've been there.

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NOW it seems that you are about to get what is being told you and, if you would understand that you would also understand that there is no need to exist anything, but that which is "perceived". We are the same being and therefore right NOW you are the only one who is having the experience. Everyone else right NOW is like dream figure for you before you jump in to experience life from their percpective and at this point WokeBloke is dream figure, because no one is there, because it is here. And no one is here where I write this when you read this, because I am reading it where this message is being read.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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45 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:


 Everyone else right NOW is like dream figure for you before you jump in to experience life from their percpective 

When will this happen? And if you jump in their experience, can you as god decide to do something different?

For example I beat you right now and I see you running away. When I as God now choose to experience your pov after I as human die, can I then decide to fight back instead of running away? But then God should relive also the last life again, because now you made different move. This changes the life of the previous life. 


Edited by OBEler

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It will happen after your physical death so basically when the previous movie ends permanently. Nothing will have affect to different dreams, because anyways all possible "parallel universes" with different outcomes will happen so you don't need to relive the exact same movie, but with little difference. Basically anything you do right NOW has zero impact to anything, because the opposite will happen someday so right NOW just think want you want to do with your life and that's it.

You should also notice that everything happens by itself so actually you don't have control nor there is doer/perceiver anyways, but only the movie which is playing right NOW and it is the only thing that there is. Everything there is, is content of the movie and therefore there can't be subject or otherwise the subject would be the content itself, which would either change definition of subject or make it object. 

Who told you that "others" are real?

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4 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

What is your intuition on whether your experience and my experience are happening simultaneously or asynchronously?

It really depends on which perspective you want to take. No perspective is true though. A perspective is just one way of slicing reality.

On one level time doesn't exist, so any talk of simultaneity, or not, makes no sense. With no time, nothing is happening at all. But that perspective is too mindfucky to work with sensibly. Reincarnation or ideas of living the life of everyone eventually are out.

Another perspective is that consciousness cannot be counted. Stuff inside consciousness can be counted, because consciousness has the property of being divisible. But consciousness itself is unindividuated (a.k.a. non-dual), it doesn't belong to a me or to a you, we all belong to consciousness. Ideas of there being only one consciousness don't make sense either, because there is nothing beyond consciousness - counting requires comparison.

But the real consequence is that there can't be a me and a you, we are figments of some divine imagination: divisions within a timeless consciousness.

57% paranoid

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57 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:


It will happen after your physical death so basically when the previous movie ends permanently. Nothing will have affect to different dreams, because anyways all possible "parallel universes" with different outcomes will happen so you don't need to relive the exact same movie, but with little difference. Basically anything you do right NOW has zero impact to anything, because the opposite will happen someday so right NOW just think want you want to do with your life and that's it.

You should also notice that everything happens by itself so actually you don't have control nor there is doer/perceiver anyways, but only the movie which is playing right NOW and it is the only thing that there is. Everything there is, is content of the movie and therefore there can't be subject or otherwise the subject would be the content itself, which would either change definition of subject or make it object. 

There is no movie without a director.

Also movies are premade and then watched.

You are making your experience right now and so long as you live.

Edited by WokeBloke

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If you say that God doesn't need to be created the why would the movie that is happening right NOW then need to be created. Couldn't the God and the movie be same thing? Also why would movie need to create someone to watch the movie and why couldn't it kind of watch itself. So there is no need to anything else that the movie to exist and that is everything that there is. Ta - da :D

Who told you that "others" are real?

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+ what I see from your responses and how you behave at least towards me is kind of argumentative and if you for real wanted to know what is true then you shouldn't be arguing with everybody who is giving some type of explanation. It is not about who had the right answer to begin with, but who ends up having it eventually. So there is no problem that someone got it "before" you, because then you can be that person for someone else.

You seem to be the person who is telling everyone how the thing is "for real" going then why would you ask opinions from others if still you end up arguing every answer that is being told and you accept only those which you agree with to begin with. So the only thing you are seeking is validation for your own opinion and that is not point of this community or any deep conversation. Point is to go forward and understand something more : )

Remember that what I told you is not to hate, but just wanted you to know it, because I care about you, my lovely friend <3

Who told you that "others" are real?

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6 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:


+ what I see from your responses and how you behave at least towards me is kind of argumentative and if you for real wanted to know what is true then you shouldn't be arguing with everybody who is giving some type of explanation. It is not about who had the right answer to begin with, but who ends up having it eventually. So there is no problem that someone got it "before" you, because then you can be that person for someone else.

You seem to be the person who is telling everyone how the thing is "for real" going then why would you ask opinions from others if still you end up arguing every answer that is being told and you accept only those which you agree with to begin with. So the only thing you are seeking is validation for your own opinion and that is not point of this community or any deep conversation. Point is to go forward and understand something more : )

Remember that what I told you is not to hate, but just wanted you to know it, because I care about you, my lovely friend <3

All I know is movies don't make themselves. They require a director which is not the movie. You haven't given any convincing evidence that the experience is creating itself. 

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7 hours ago, Kksd74628 said:


If you say that God doesn't need to be created the why would the movie that is happening right NOW then need to be created.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

7 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

All I know is movies don't make themselves. They require a director which is not the movie.

Don't use some eartly logic that works within the dream that is happening right NOW. If the logic that it was not created works for God then why wouldn't it work for the "experience" right NOW? You can't argue against the logic, because it is exactly same you use in different context and in that it works for you. And I can't give any convincing evidence, because nothing in spirituality is possible to "proof" using language. Take psychedelics and contemplate, if you can't take that easy logic I am trying to offer.


Who told you that "others" are real?

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3 hours ago, Kksd74628 said:


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

Don't use some eartly logic that works within the dream that is happening right NOW. If the logic that it was not created works for God then why wouldn't it work for the "experience" right NOW? You can't argue against the logic, because it is exactly same you use in different context and in that it works for you. And I can't give any convincing evidence, because nothing in spirituality is possible to "proof" using language. Take psychedelics and contemplate, if you can't take that easy logic I am trying to offer.


Did your post type itself or does it require you to create it?

Or move your arm did the visual experience that was generated exist prior to your moving your arm or was it created? And if it was created then it wasn't uncreated. And if it was created then it requires a creator.

Edited by WokeBloke

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We weren't talking about the post, but whole movie that is happening right NOW when you read this message. That whole movie creates itself every moment and my only question was that why would movie need creator if god doesn't. Considering the amount of trips you have claimed that you have taken I am little bit confused about you being constantly stuck in this one thing. Answer to that question first and then we can move on, thanks : )

Who told you that "others" are real?

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54 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:


We weren't talking about the post, but whole movie that is happening right NOW when you read this message. That whole movie creates itself every moment and my only question was that why would movie need creator if god doesn't. Considering the amount of trips you have claimed that you have taken I am little bit confused about you being constantly stuck in this one thing. Answer to that question first and then we can move on, thanks : )

Prior to something being created it doesn't exist thus it wouldn't be there to create itself. You are essentially saying a nonexistent thing can bring itself into existence. Or the creation gave birth to itself. But to give birth to something you first must exist.

Edited by WokeBloke

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15 hours ago, OBEler said:

For example I beat you right now and I see you running away. When I as God now choose to experience your pov after I as human die, can I then decide to fight back instead of running away? But then God should relive also the last life again, because now you made different move. This changes the life of the previous life. 

This is exactly what I can't wrap my head around :)

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1 hour ago, WokeBloke said:

Prior to something being created it doesn't exist thus it wouldn't be there to create itself.

Then explain me how anything is "existing" right NOW :D 

Who told you that "others" are real?

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36 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:


Then explain me how anything is "existing" right NOW :D 

because existence/you is unborn/uncreated and you can create

Edited by WokeBloke

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17 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

because existence/you is unborn/uncreated and you can create

Then explain me why this same logic couldn't work straight with the movie/present moment/everything there is without the middleman existence/you? Why couldn't this moment be unborn/uncreated and need nothing else than there is? How do you respond to this thing and what is your explanation for this then?

Who told you that "others" are real?

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13 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:


Then explain me why this same logic couldn't work straight with the movie/present moment/everything there is without the middleman existence/you? Why couldn't this moment be unborn/uncreated and need nothing else than there is? How do you respond to this thing and what is your explanation for this then?

Because this experience (or what is happening) was created. When you are typing your response you are literally creating the experience. No experience is uncreated. 

Edited by WokeBloke

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