Life is a Constant Challenge

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It seems to me that Life in general is a never ending challenge. 

You always have problems to solve. The list of problems showing up in your life is endless. (money problems, health issues, emotional issues, political problems, accidents, tragedies, etc) 

I had this delusion when I was younger that if I get X amount of money or have this girl then all my problems will be solved. 

I have come to accept that suffering is an inevitable part of life. You will always face anxiety, fear and other difficult emotions. Life most of the time won't go the way your ego desires. 

There is no escaping this. Nor should you seek to eliminate all suffering. You can definitely improve your situation but you will never escape the inherent suffering of life. 

I think nowadays many people have this delusion that one day everything will be perfect. I think God wants Life to be challenging and hard so we can grow more from it. 


Edited by SQAAD

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I'm afraid you misunderstand the point of the challenge, Lighter.

4 hours ago, SQAAD said:

You always have problems to solve. The list of problems showing up in your life is endless. (money problems, health issues, emotional issues, political problems, accidents, tragedies, etc) 

And this is simply because you still have a lot to be conscious of. 


4 hours ago, SQAAD said:

have come to accept that suffering is an inevitable part of life. You will always face anxiety, fear and other difficult emotions. Life most of the time won't go the way your ego desires. 

My friend, in this life are only two moments in which you're most alive: one is a moment of mild to wild pleasure; the other is a moment of mild to wild pain. It is certainly only in these two moments when you're highly highly conscious of what it truly is to be alive. In between these two moments is what I call meditation.

With that being said, suffering is merely one quality out of three qualities of what is called “experience”. Each is self-induced. Suffering is not inevitable, it is qualiated by the mind.

4 hours ago, SQAAD said:

There is no escaping this. Nor should you seek to eliminate all suffering. You can definitely improve your situation but you will never escape the inherent suffering of life.

Then you have made Suffering your God, my friend.


4 hours ago, SQAAD said:

I think nowadays many people have this delusion that one day everything will be perfect. I think God wants Life to be challenging and hard so we can grow more from it.

God, in the creation of life, has only ever said, “Let there be light.” Thus, the purpose of life has only ever been enlightenment.

The challenge is not to endure any kind of suffering, nor is it to outgrow form of any kind, that is to say we may be human for as long as we wish to be human, for all is the expression of Creator, none better than the other. No, the only challenge in life is to work our will, for Work is Law. It is Law because it reflects truth - truth of who you are, who you are willing to be. One only ever is or does what s/he is ever willing to be or do. This is the gift and law of freewill.

Edited by A Fellow Lighter

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Can you imagine having to wash your laundry in a river and working all day just for one potato and some rice.

Actually this sounds kind of relaxing....xD



“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@A Fellow Lighter @A Fellow Lighter

23 hours ago, A Fellow Lighter said:

I'm afraid you misunderstand the point of the challenge, Lighter.

And this is simply because you still have a lot to be conscious of. 


My friend, in this life are only two moments in which you're most alive: one is a moment of mild to wild pleasure; the other is a moment of mild to wild pain. It is certainly only in these two moments when you're highly highly conscious of what it truly is to be alive. In between these two moments is what I call meditation.

With that being said, suffering is merely one quality out of three qualities of what is called “experience”. Each is self-induced. Suffering is not inevitable, it is qualiated by the mind.

Then you have made Suffering your God, my friend.


God, in the creation of life, has only ever said, “Let there be light.” Thus, the purpose of life has only ever been enlightenment.

The challenge is not to endure any kind of suffering, nor is it to outgrow form of any kind, that is to say we may be human for as long as we wish to be human, for all is the expression of Creator, none better than the other. No, the only challenge in life is to work our will, for Work is Law. It is Law because it reflects truth - truth of who you are, who you are willing . One only ever is or does what s/he is ever willing to be or do. This is the gift and law of freewill.

There is no such thing as free will for individuals. There is only God's will. 

And If life wasn't challenging it would be completely pointless. 

There are obstacles to overcome whether you like it or not. And suffering is a great friend. It's an intelligent signal from God to guide us to Higher Consciousness. 

All the great mystics, suffered a Lot. 

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Challenge builds character .. unless you are doing things to create dysfunction in your life (self-harm).

Reframing / re-contextualization is key.

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If you're not talking about physical suffering, then it's all a matter of perspective.

Focus on solving the issues that are bothering you and make yourself feel at ease.

"Where attention goes energy flows"

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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On 2022-03-13 at 4:39 PM, SQAAD said:

It seems to me that Life in general is a never ending challenge. 

You always have problems to solve. The list of problems showing up in your life is endless. (money problems, health issues, emotional issues, political problems, accidents, tragedies, etc) 

Yeah, life can certainly be a rollercoaster ride. ?

On 2022-03-13 at 4:39 PM, SQAAD said:

I had this delusion when I was younger that if I get X amount of money or have this girl then all my problems will be solved. 

I have come to accept that suffering is an inevitable part of life. You will always face anxiety, fear and other difficult emotions. Life most of the time won't go the way your ego desires. 

So you don't believe that these feelings can be dissolved? I can recommend practice letting go. It's a great way to get rid of energy blockages if you dont want to live with fear and anxiety etc.


On 2022-03-13 at 4:39 PM, SQAAD said:

There is no escaping this. Nor should you seek to eliminate all suffering. You can definitely improve your situation but you will never escape the inherent suffering of life. 

I think nowadays many people have this delusion that one day everything will be perfect. I think God wants Life to be challenging and hard so we can grow more from it. 


I think life always will have its up and downs but the feelings enhance them. So no it will never be perfect in that sense. But God doesn't make it hard. We do. ?

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I think that bad karma (a karma of suffering) only perpetuates as long as you don't act uppon your higgest desires. And really that's the challenge, to align with your bliss, because pain will arise anyways; your bad karma. But you stay true with your integrity no matter what because you know that is what you wanted to do.

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Maybe in our current realm, in this corner of Infinity. But there are also infintely many heavenly realms out there.

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This is horrible thinking. Not because you’re wrong per se, but the way that thought has been used here is guaranteed to create more suffering by holding this perspective. A key part of the only meditation that the Buddha ever taught which is recorded, Ānāpānasati — mindfulness of breathing, includes introducing positive thoughts. When this is done skillfully after some practice, you can arrive at dukkha nirodha or otherwise known as the cessation of suffering/dissatisfaction. This is a skill that you can build, and depending on your prior consciousness work, it may only take a month or two to become functionally proficient at it. There’s a reason why Buddhist teachings say there is an end to suffering rather than pain. Suffering is mentally created, and it is an amplification of the conditions of existence you deem to be dissatisfactory. In the same way that thought can amplify pain, it can also reduce it. Turning one’s attention and thoughts to authentically positive aspects of your life is how you reduce or eliminate suffering. 

There are some Buddhists that believe Nibbana is a sudden and permanent change that persists. There are others who believe it comes simply by developing the skill to become satisfied. Ultimately, both of these things are part of the equation. There are permanent changes in perception which can occur that make suffering less and less likely, but the skill to remove suffering yourself is always a good skill to have. 

Here is a teacher who instructs people in this skill:


What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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