
How do I get a bigger chest

15 posts in this topic

I'm technically an adult now and I feel as though it would suit me to have an adult body as well. What is the best way of going about this?

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Easy man. I promise, do weight lifting and you will see results. I suggest Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe:

3 days a week (Example : Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

A day : Squat 3x5, Standing Military Press 3x5, Deadlift 1x5, Pull up 3x till failure

B day: Squat 3x5, Bench Press 3x5, Power Clean 5x3.

Week 1: A B A

week 2 : B A B

week 3: A B A

week 4: B A B


I got amazing results from this program.

You can also do calisthenics, red delta project on YouTube has good videos. 


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10 hours ago, machinegun said:

male pectoral muscles

You could do what @SgtPepper said. Or if you don't want to start in the gym, or don't want to go there yet, you can start with doing different variations of pushups. In my opinion, pushups can be really good for building chest muscle.

If you are doing pushups, focus on doing a lot of sets and reps as well. If you can only do 15 pushups in one go, then do at least 3-4 sets with 10 reps. You can get really good at doing pushups, i think in a relatively short amount of time. Once you get at the 40-50 rep range, you can build up even more, or you can do it with some additional weight, or you can confidently start goint to the gym, because now, you will have some foundation to build upon, and to play with some weights.

Don't get me wrong, you can start in the gym, but i mentioned calisthenics, because it is not really required to go to the gym. You can achieve some good results, just by doing calisthenics movement. At some point it could be beneficial to go to the gym though. It all depends on what goals you have, and what levels you want to achieve, and how you want your chest to look like.

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For proper pectoral development, it's not just about bench pressing but you need to make sure you'll target all the small muscles as well. Pectoralis Major and Pectoralis Minor are just a small piece of the puzzle but it is a good idea to target all the edges as well that hinge upon deltoids, obligues and the sternum. There are channels that go in-depth into the analysis and talk how to target it. I like Jeff Cavaliere's (athlean X) marker approach. His splits seem to be quite good. 

Also by targeting complementary muscle groups such as doing triceps, shoulders & chest in a single day or doing back & biceps in another and then legs & glutes ona separate day.  Some people seem to respond well to that sort of split. 

And once you know what to do it comes down to two things 

  1. consistency - hit the chest week after week after week to stimulate those growth processes
  2. sufficient microdamage - you need to damage those muscles enough each time to stimulate hypertrophy and stimulate microtear and repair. In each session you should tap into that pain and burning as much as possible and stay with that feeling for as long as you can tolerate it. Not as much that you will tear a muscle but not as little that you put the weights down the moment it starts to hurt. 

Of course there are elements like diets, rest, hydration as well on the top of everything else. But if the question is "how do I look like the guys on Instagram" the answer is "find a routine that works and then do it consistently for 10 years"

There is also a genetic component with how some people can develop certain muscle groups of course. Some men are by nature more broad-chested and have wider thighs and glutes and others find it more difficult to achieve that wideness but have it much easier to achieve great definition. 

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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

But if the question is "how do I look like the guys on Instagram" the answer is "find a routine that works and then do it consistently for 10 years"  steroids


I'm kidding a little bit, I'm sure some are natural. But frankly they stand so much to gain from using enhancing drugs that I can't imagine many wouldn't

I'm not sure I'd set instagram models as my target tbh

14 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

I suggest Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe:

I've been doing this for a year or so now and it is quite easy to maintain which is good. I also added in 3x5 barbel bicep curls which have actually legit made my arms look way more masculine instead of like twigs

I do it at home and with not that much weight so my results on certain lifts are limited a bit by that. I'm going to start ramping the weight up again soon to hopefully get some better results. I'm quite a skinny dude so I really have to eat a lot to put on muscle as well

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43 minutes ago, something_else said:

I'm not sure I'd set instagram models as my target tbh

This is a good point, there is so much distorting with using right angles, using great lighting, using filters, using photoshop etc. And yes, many instagram models are using steroids or things that are close to steroids. Thats in their best interest, to use a lot of tools to look a lot better on their pictures, especially if they have an additional business besides being an IG model(for example having a unique  protein powder brand , or creatine brand or owning a unique cloth brand.

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5 hours ago, zurew said:

This is a good point, there is so much distorting with using right angles, using great lighting, using filters

This pisses me off to no end. Whenever I look for transformation pics of skinny dudes into muscular dudes a whole fuck ton of them are just the same body under different lightning conditions or angles

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just chest? lolol imagine if

Edited by Jacob Morres

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On 3/13/2022 at 5:33 AM, machinegun said:

I'm technically an adult now and I feel as though it would suit me to have an adult body as well. What is the best way of going about this?

I'm currently working out and researching it quite a bit and to me so far it seems like the best way is doing both high reps and low reps. Some days I do higher reps (12-20) with lower weight and focus on mind muscle connection. And other days I do lower reps (3-8) with heavier weight and also focus on mind muscle connection, but it's more difficult with heavier weight to me because just doing the movement itself requires more focus when you're using heavier weight.

The reason a combination of low rep days and high rep days seems the best to me is that high reps will build more size on your muscle because it requires the muscles "fuel tank" to grow more if you will, which is what causes a substantial increase in muscle size. The low reps sessions increase your strength more, which is your muscles ability to create tension. An increase in strength will also improve your ability to maintain good muscle mind connection at heavier and heavier weights, the stronger you become so you can keep increasing your weight on your high rep sessions. So why train only for strength if you want chest size, throw in some high rep bench press. 3 sets 15 reps at low weight and then keep adding weight gradually each session and try to keep hitting 15 reps for 3 sets. If you can't hit 15 reps of your new weight, lower the weight for the last set and rep to 1-2 reps from failure. This drop set will keep your reps high for the high rep session even if you couldn't quite make high reps with your new weight to make sure you train the muscles endurance, fuel tank properly. Then the workout session following that you could go for lower reps, 5 or 6 reps for 3 sets and with a heavier weight than you're using at your high rep sessions.

Another tip I would say is make sure to hit your chest atleast 2 times per week. 2 times per week seems to easiest to maintain for me personally. Some people prefer 3 times per week and I think that can give a bit faster results but it's a bit trickier with the recovery and time management. Calisthenics is really useful because if you hit the gym with a whole body routine 2 days a week it's good to add some variation to the exercises you do, maybe by hitting some high rep sets of pushups on a day in between your usual workout days to add extra chest workout volume.  You don't really need to do 10 different chest exercises for your chest to grow, just make sure to progress both at low reps and high reps in the movement. Make sure to eat enough whole foods and protein. My friend has a 140 kilo bench press and he has a great chest and overall physique. He used to do 5x5 and other powerlifting style programs before but nowadays he incorporates more high reps and has been reaping the benefits.

I might be mistaken but my impression is that high reps is really undervalued. Same goes for isometrics but that's another story. As mentioned earlier in the thread reddeltaproject is a very good Youtube channel.

Edited by Asayake

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On top of a solid exercise routine, get enough red meat and eggs to build mass. Gotta have all the essential amino acids to build muscle to begin with. Avoid too many carbs because they give men the dreaded man boobs. I'm not a guy so I can't say much about how to exercise to get huge pecs lol. Good luck!!

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Hit Chest in the gym 2-3x a week. 

Eat a bit more. 



If you don't have access to a gym rn, do 100 push-ups, every day. If you can't do normal push-ups, lean against a wall or table and decrease the angle progressively. 

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54 minutes ago, Godhead said:

Hit Chest in the gym 2-3x a week. 

Eat a bit more. 



If you don't have access to a gym rn, do 100 push-ups, every day. If you can't do normal push-ups, lean against a wall or table and decrease the angle progressively. 

1x Bench Press 
1x Decline Bench Press
1x Incline Bench Press
1x Cable Chest Flys high to low
1x Cable Chest Flys low to high


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Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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