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Succes Formula Social Anxiety

3 posts in this topic


I'm trying out a couple of new practices including total acceptance of every moment and thus self-acceptance and gratitude. I actually try to be grateful for every bad emotion and thought i experience at every moment. It's like loving and accepting every "negative" aspect of life. AND be grateful for it. This practice seems to help me big time. I don't really look at them as problems anymore.

The feelings in my body are so good. It's like certain emotional scars are being healed and some shit that has been trapped there for ages is coming loose. Especially at the back of my neck, throat, solar plexus/chest and my back.

So guys: start loving your anxiety. Don't try to get rid of it. Let go of all desire to get rid of it (VERY IMPORTANT!). By letting go your desires you detach from ideal scenario's... how things "should be".  It's a sick paradox and very counter intuitive. But let go. And not only for anxiety problems. For every negative emotion you experience. Be grateful for it. Try to love the fuck out of every negative emotion you experience. 

A daily meditation practice is crucial for you to be able to  "play" with these emotions. You need to train your EQ. Mindfulness is key  (check out Leo's videos about emotions and mindfulness meditation).

And off course the non-duality work will give you a crazy boost. Anxiety is nothing more than fear of rejection. The inner world (ego) fears rejection from the outer world (people etc.). As Allan Watts stated beautifully: try not to view life as a fight between Yin and Yang. Try to look at it as a beautiful dance between the two. Don't be an emotional junkie. You don't need your fix as badly as you think (feeling good, happy, being perfect etc.). Appreciate the "dark" side of reality. Love it. Embrace it. And drop that counter productive desire to overcome this problem.


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