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K Ghoul

YouTube blocks Russian state-funded media channels globally

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“This channel is not available in your country” - YouTube no longer allows access to Russian news.

“OAKLAND, Calif., March 11 (Reuters) - YouTube is immediately blocking access around the world to channels associated with Russian state-funded media, it said on Friday, citing a policy barring content that denies, minimizes or trivializes well-documented violent events.“

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This is not how I envision freedom of speech to look like. Whatever they might say, at least the platform should exist. Everyone and almost every channel engages in bias, propaganda and disinformation of some kind, why single out Russia only? It's important to understand that the Russian people or public are different from Putin. Russians should not be hated or isolated for the decisions of Putin. Can we say that CNN is always bias free or does not engage in spreading false information at all? 

Read the comments under this video. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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And then we have this. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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3 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

And then we have this. 


Oh yes, Russia is also blocking Instagram, as of Monday - they’re giving the Insta users enough time to transfer all photos of their asses to a different platform :) This was announced in response to Facebook allowing death calls for Russian military 

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1 hour ago, K Ghoul said:

Oh yes, Russia is also blocking Instagram, as of Monday - they’re giving the Insta users enough time to transfer all photos of their asses to a different platform :) This was announced in response to Facebook allowing death calls for Russian military 

Current trend. 


10 years from now.... 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I was wondering why they hadn't already done so.

The RT channel has a lot of pro-Russian, pro-Putin propaganda videos.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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MSNBC, CNN have a lot of pro-American, pro-Biden propaganda videos xD

Is the Biden admin paying the US media to do positive coverage of Ukraine, like how they gave news companies $1B in total through the "COVID-19 Public Education Campaign" to encourage the kind of coverage of COVID-19 they wanted? Would that be close enough to be considered state-sponsored media? I guess we'll find out eventually.

They've already done it to mislead the American public about how bad inflation really is too:

Quote from the article: "The media treats Biden as badly as — or worse than — Trump" Come the fuck on. His handlers won't even allow the dude to answer questions from the media after press conferences, or when they do, it's pre-selected softball questions xD

Your non-propaganda, totally not all orchestrated behind the scenes, US news in action:


Edited by Yarco

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   Let the info wars and ideological warfare begin. One country blocks another country's media outlet, well the other country blocks theirs, which counter intuitively makes it harder to understand the other side.

Edited by Danioover9000

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This is war, and there is currently an asymmetry between the West and the East which gives the East (Russia and China) a significant advantage in information warfare. China and Russia control information flow within their own borders, therefore outside influence is significantly limited. On the other hand the West has very little control over information flow, allowing other state actors to project significant influence. The limitations on freedom are always set by the level of consciousness of the most underdeveloped individuals within any system. If all actors were highly conscious, restrictions on freedom would not be necessary. Because this is not the case, limitations on freedom are the most sensible and least destructive path.


Remember, Russia and China already are at war with us. They already block every information that deem undesirable, and attempt to corrupt our systems through disinformation campaigns, which has so far worked very well. They are not communicating with us, they are manipulating us.


In this case, pragmatics trump ideals. In my view the damage done by uncontrolled information flow is significant, and a far, far greater problem than covid and the current wars. The epistemic ground of a significant portion of entire generations of people have been irreversably damaged, what I mean by that is that there is no possible way to pull them out of their epistemic holes (conspiracy theories and so forth). The consequences of this are unpredictable and in my view could result in the greatest challenges humanity will face in the 21st century. The faith in institutions is being undermined and it is to the detriment of society and the future of mankind.

In a similar manner, countries like China and Russia are playing with fire at this moment, abusing their ability to control their population, which at some point could lead to unintended consequences. Once you tell people over and over a lie, at some point when you decide the lie does not serve your own self interests anymore, it might be too late for you to correct it. At that point, you will have created something that is out of your control.


The forces at play here are significant, and the idea that freedom will lead to Truth might simply be a false assumption. It might very well be the case that all that freedom in this landscape leads to is a regression into self-bias. If you give a biased person the freedom to choose their information, they will choose the information that serves them, not the information that is truthful.

Look at how many people make this entire conflict about the US and the West. People do this because it serves their ideology. When they see Ukranians suffer, all they see is an opportunity to reinforce and project their own self-interests onto the world.


Freedom of information to the unconscious is like freedom of food to a 8 year old child. If you give that freedom to your child, it will not grow up to be a healthy individual. What we are currently doing with society is absurdly irresponsible and unconscious, and I think future generations will clearly see our blind spots. "How could they have possibly thought this was a good idea?", they will say. "These poor animals, they just didn't know any better."


We as a collective have not decided to take agency and responsibility for the future of mankind. We all just do our thing, and we think if everyone just does their thing, that society will be good. "If you leave me alone I will leave you alone!", that is the current limitation of our society, it defines the current stage of development. Self-interest as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. We have not yet grown up and realized that we are all responsible for the trajectory of all life on this earth.


That you are responsible for this, and that what you do with your life will have a direct impact on every individual that will exist a million years from now. Mankind is barely future oriented, we do not find purpose in building a better future for everyone, we find most purpose in fleeting pleasures.

Edited by Scholar

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40 minutes ago, Scholar said:

This is war, and there is currently an asymmetry between the West and the East which gives the East (Russia and China) a significant advantage in information warfare. China and Russia control information flow within their own borders, therefore outside influence is significantly limited. On the other hand the West has very little control over information flow, allowing other state actors to project significant influence. The limitations on freedom are always set by the level of consciousness of the most underdeveloped individuals within any system. If all actors were highly conscious, restrictions on freedom would not be necessary. Because this is not the case, limitations on freedom are the most sensible and least destructive path.


Remember, Russia and China already are at war with us. They already block every information that deem undesirable, and attempt to corrupt our systems through disinformation campaigns, which has so far worked very well. They are not communicating with us, they are manipulating us.


In this case, pragmatics trump ideals. In my view the damage done by uncontrolled information flow is significant, and a far, far greater problem than covid and the current wars. The epistemic ground of a significant portion of entire generations of people have been irreversably damaged, what I mean by that is that there is no possible way to pull them out of their epistemic holes (conspiracy theories and so forth). The consequences of this are unpredictable and in my view could result in the greatest challenges humanity will face in the 21st century. The faith in institutions is being undermined and it is to the detriment of society and the future of mankind.

In a similar manner, countries like China and Russia are playing with fire at this moment, abusing their ability to control their population, which at some point could lead to unintended consequences. Once you tell people over and over a lie, at some point when you decide the lie does not serve your own self interests anymore, it might be too late for you to correct it. At that point, you will have created something that is out of your control.


The forces at play here are significant, and the idea that freedom will lead to Truth might simply be a false assumption. It might very well be the case that all that freedom in this landscape leads to is a regression into self-bias. If you give a biased person the freedom to choose their information, they will choose the information that serves them, not the information that is truthful.

Look at how many people make this entire conflict about the US and the West. People do this because it serves their ideology. When they see Ukranians suffer, all they see is an opportunity to reinforce and project their own self-interests onto the world.


Freedom of information to the unconscious is like freedom of food to a 8 year old child. If you give that freedom to your child, it will not grow up to be a healthy individual. What we are currently doing with society is absurdly irresponsible and unconscious, and I think future generations will clearly see our blind spots. "How could they have possibly thought this was a good idea?", they will say. "These poor animals, they just didn't know any better."


We as a collective have not decided to take agency and responsibility for the future of mankind. We all just do our thing, and we think if everyone just does their thing, that society will be good. "If you leave me alone I will leave you alone!", that is the current limitation of our society, it defines the current stage of development. Self-interest as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. We have not yet grown up and realized that we are all responsible for the trajectory of all life on this earth.


That you are responsible for this, and that what you do with your life will have a direct impact on every individual that will exist a million years from now. Mankind is barely future oriented, we do not find purpose in building a better future for everyone, we find most purpose in fleeting pleasures.

That was well explained. Thanks. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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If Youtube has blocked them, then doesn't that prove that there may've been some truth in what was said in the russians channels which was dangerous for Ukraine, US and the West?

And if that had been all pure lie, why would Youtube even bother to block them? Wouldn't it be easy for people to debunk all that by themselves?


Edited by rnd

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The problem that I have with them turning off monetization with all Russian accounts (saw this on the news) is that a lot of opposition voices and thinkers are affected by this which is unfortunate. There is good content coming out of Russia that is anti war and targets the Russian population. These people who are making content that isn’t supportive of an autocratic invasion and trying to expand the minds of the population are now being punished as well. 

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