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Think While Disidentifying?

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I'm trying to increase my awareness so I'm trying to observe and disidentify with everything I do, but I have a problem. When I think about unnessesery stuff I can just detach from the thought and I'm back in a observing state. But when it is useful to think and I'm actively doing it for a purpose I lose self-awareness and identify with my thoughts.

Sometimes I visualize a speaker that speaks my thoughts. It makes it easier to disidentify but when I do that it always seems like it's hard to actually come to conclusions and get somewhere with my thinking.

Do you know any tricks to disidentify from the thoughts and still actively think?

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The issue is that you are identifying with this "observing state". So in a sense (lack for better words) you are switching between imagination A and B.
I know the "self-aware" state feels a lot more "awake", this is in a sense due to you paying more attention to your body then to your mind.

Don't forget that identifying and imagining are amazing tools. And that without these tools we are not even able to make a (good tasting) sandwich.

Try not to think at all. If you do that a lot, it becomes more natural. And in a sense some thoughts become like background noise.
To not think so much, be more aware of where your "attention" goes. When its to much in your head space, bring it to your body.

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