
Why did God create devils?

9 posts in this topic

This is probably not a very new or enlightened question, and I am not sure if I can articulate it like how it came up in my mind, but I got to thinking:

Today I was trying my best to feel grateful and calm, but I got a bad case of road rage that got so bad that I had to pull over and break a few of my things and bloddy my knuckles before calming down. I remember cursing society, cursing humanity, and swearing bloody vengeance.

Then right after that, I met some incredibly, seemingly decent people who really helped me with something that I was struggling with, and it made me feel grateful for being alive and actually desire to support and better society to keep it safe and civilized for people like that, and feel guilty for my omnicidal thoughts.

Then I told a white lie almost automatically to try and avoid having to pay a fine, but felt immensely guilty and wretched for it.

Then a little voice somewhat referring back to Alan Watts saying something about everyone being a bit of a rascal, and it made me think, "Why do I feel guilty for having bad moments of being a bad person when everyone else is the same way? Why do I ask God for forgiveness if He already knows my true nature and if He designed me and other people that way?"

Then I asked, "Why did God make human beings devils? Or are we just calling ourselves devils because we don't live up to some ideal of God in our mind?"

"Where does the ideal come from?"

"Most humans beings are fully capable of and often are amazing people in one moment, and an absolute wretch in another. Why can't I accept that and reconcile the two in my mind?"

"Why is it insufficient to just be one or the other, and why does that bug me?"

Edited by CodyXarex

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For his entertainment an amusement.

I read Jed McKenna's ''Spiritual enlightenment, the damnedest thing'', and he puts it well. 

The Earth remained untouched for thousands of years without any ego. Now that there is ego, in the few hundreds of years that it has existed, the Earth is a lot more entertaining, all for the amusement of Brahmin. 


أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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Love feels good because it IS Good. Good can't be a quality we assign to ourselves because there is no self separate from anything else. Nonduality, no good/bad, no self/other. You are experiencing the discord of judgmental thoughts about self and other and future. If I fear paying a fine in the future, I don't listen to that fear now, it's aversion. So I lie out of that avoidance. Then because I still won't feel what I'm feeling, I think I'm bad for doing this and feel guilt and regret. That guilt and regret feels bad because I, Self Love, never look back on myself and feel lacking. I only ever look forward. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@CodyXarex So that god can trick itself into thinking it needs to be a "devil" itself. 

What is present in direct experience IS the ideal of God. Those who are in denial of this ideal (and thus see devils) naturally think they have to behave "devilish" 

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For the same reason it created everything else .. out of Love for its existence.

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If god forced you to be good he wouldn’t be good 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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On 3/12/2022 at 4:56 AM, CodyXarex said:

This is probably not a very new or enlightened question, and I am not sure if I can articulate it like how it came up in my mind, but I got to thinking:

Today I was trying my best to feel grateful and calm, but I got a bad case of road rage that got so bad that I had to pull over and break a few of my things and bloddy my knuckles before calming down. I remember cursing society, cursing humanity, and swearing bloody vengeance.

Then right after that, I met some incredibly, seemingly decent people who really helped me with something that I was struggling with, and it made me feel grateful for being alive and actually desire to support and better society to keep it safe and civilized for people like that, and feel guilty for my omnicidal thoughts.

Then I told a white lie almost automatically to try and avoid having to pay a fine, but felt immensely guilty and wretched for it.

Then a little voice somewhat referring back to Alan Watts saying something about everyone being a bit of a rascal, and it made me think, "Why do I feel guilty for having bad moments of being a bad person when everyone else is the same way? Why do I ask God for forgiveness if He already knows my true nature and if He designed me and other people that way?"

Then I asked, "Why did God make human beings devils? Or are we just calling ourselves devils because we don't live up to some ideal of God in our mind?"

"Where does the ideal come from?"

"Most humans beings are fully capable of and often are amazing people in one moment, and an absolute wretch in another. Why can't I accept that and reconcile the two in my mind?"

"Why is it insufficient to just be one or the other, and why does that bug me?"

God gave beings free will. Some beings chose to become evil. A certain subset of those beings that chose to be evil chose to become devils. And that's how devils came into existence.

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individual existence is evil in itself. since to exist it must exclude what is not it. even the trees of a forest compete for light, and the one left below does not prosper. To be born a human, one sperm must succeed and the others must die. and from here begins the egoism. God creates evil in order to create division, since without evil, everything would be an undifferentiated soup. the problem is in humans. animals have their exact dose of evil. the predator kills, the deer fight to mate, etc. but in the human there is an enormous range of possible evil, until you reach the limits of almost total selfishness, and complete unhappiness. total happiness is unity. total unhappiness is complete separation, because it is the absence of happiness. he who is separated is unhappy and spreads unhappiness to the extent of his separation. Is a devil, that is no more than a separate individual, and the engine of his evil is the fear of ceasing to exist 

but on the other hand, evil makes the individual strong insofar as it preserves his individuality. the absence of evil blurs individuality, and creates a feeling of helplessness in the individual. that's why enlightenment is difficult. it is not enough understanding. first you have to conquer the world

Edited by Breakingthewall

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